This blog is in no way meant to offend it's my own way of expressing my own and no one else's opinion about the world today.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Good morning Tuesday, woke up to day (I can't Remember the number) of Lock down, did the now regular morning routine and then checked in with twitter for hopefully good news only to find a new hashtag trending (#policestate) which was rather concerning reading about the various tactics various police forces are using to control breaches of curfew violation, because that's what were facing a Nazi style regime where the police forces are the SS and the political leaders are Hitler.
Don't get me wrong I honestly support the police in most of what they do, but there are certain ones who are power hungry and enjoy pushing the limits of the law to entertain themselves. In one country they are physically beating people for being outside there home, in an other they are requesting neighbours snitch on each other for going out while in Andorra they are entertaining children by dancing in the streets. In the UK certain forces are using technology to spy on remote areas to check on lock down breaches while others randomly stop cars to question the drivers validity for being out of the house.
This is all happening after a couple of weeks, what's it going to be like if this pandemic goes in to months or god forbid longer. Will we see the army patrolling the streets of the UK like they did in Northern Ireland in the Nineteenth and twentieth century or will it turn into a sight from a second world war movie with internment camps and documentation giving you the right to be out on the street or worse create an underground movement to fight oppression.
Well that's my morning rant over, let's get on with my daily routine of mindlessly procrastinating and web surfing. Good news Wednesday tomorrow.
Rant you tomorrow!
Monday, 30 March 2020
Well, its the start of another new week of isolation with no clear outlook for it to end. The government is now talking about it lasting well into the summer and we only just entered spring, what a total f*** up of a situation.
I am an unemployed writer and poet who for the past seven years has spent his time caring for an elderly parent with dementia. When my father passed away in June of last year I was told I had to survive on seven hundred pounds a month including paying my rent out of that and spend 35 hours a week searching for work.
Then we are hit by a global pandemic where everyone except essential workforce's are told to stay home and social distance. So what do I do, sit on my ass and do nothing or keep searching for a fictitious job when there is no one at work to select, interview and hire me. God only knows as the job centres are closed and the only way of contacting is through online communication or sitting on the phone.
Another thing I have been thinking about which might piss people off, which I will take any criticism for, is this government wage intervention law which allocates up to two and a half thousand pound a month to those workers forced to stay at home, where is the equal rights for all in that. Shouldn't it be two and a half thousand pound a month for everyone no matter worker or jobless. Alternatively shouldn't the workers made to stay home be paid the equivalent to the unemployed, seventy three pounds a week for single people or what ever the married allowance is. Surely in times like these every person is equal not just in health care needs, but in financial needs also.
I am searching daily for work and I am grateful I can claim benefits, but it just pisses me off that as usual the people deemed superfluous to those so called leaders of the civilised world are forgotten about. I know there are people worse off than me like homeless, pensioners without family, mental health suffers and most of all those poor souls who have contracted, are fighting to survive or have died due to governmental ineptitude to predict and control the spread of this pandemic.
If you read this, first of all if I offend good, use that offence to think about others out there who may be worse off than you and try to help them.
Rant you tomorrow!
Sunday, 29 March 2020
So, it's Sunday and I lost an hours sleep due to forgetting to put the clocks forward, but I suppose I could always catch up on that lost sleep as I am still stuck at home all alone.
Posted another poem ranting at politicians which I seem to be doing at lot of at the moment considering I normally couldn't give a shit about them. I just find it so damn condescending of them to dictate how we should live our lives when this problem was clearly on it's way months before it actually happened and all they did was sit on there over-payed asses. Johnson was all about Brexit while Trump was all about himself.
I can't speak for the rest of the world leaders as I said normally I couldn't give a shit. Only reason I know anything about either Johnson or Trump is because one is f****** up my country and the other is basically f****** up the world.
They say the lock down will last longer as the death toll keeps rising which isn't surprising considering the NHS is struggling to get supplies. The only good thing I can see is that at least we in the UK have a free health service meaning we are all treated equal up to a point while in America if you ain't insured your dead.
Okay signing off for today unless I feel another rant overtake me. Oh and for the religious out there keep on praying.Happy Sunday guys!
Rant you Tomorrow!
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Well here's to another day of lock-down where I get to stare at four white walls, a blank word document, search job sites for a job and wonder what the hell do I write a poem about today.
The only thing going through my head though is how can I get more sales of my book of poetry. Do I invest some of the money I don't have in amazon and twitter ads or do I hope for a miracle that all of a sudden my book becomes something people get interested in.
I am starting to get followers on twitter, but they are fellow writers who have the same problems as myself, making a living and it's good to connect with them on an intellectual level.
I know in my heart I have accomplished a goal to publish a book on a topic I hold dear, just some days it feels like a lost cause where fantasy, fiction and make believe hold more fascination for this world of ours. So In my own way I can't complain!
Rant you tomorrow!
Friday, 27 March 2020
Back in February I self-published my first ever book, it was a poems based on the thoughts and frustrations I had while caring for my father with dementia. What I didn't realise was writing, editing and publishing was the easy part, getting people to read or even buy a copy was going to be the hardest task of a debut poet.
For starters I am also unemployed due to giving up nearly seven years of my life to a caring role twenty four seven, three hundred & sixty five days a year. So I don't have the finances to skilfully advertise the book using amazon or twitter ads among many. My only way is to push my poetry on a daily basis on twitter using hashtags to various communities or promotions. Doing this has gained me nearly twenty followers in the space of a week, but still the sales of the e book or paperback don't come, not even some kindle unlimited reads.
I am starting to wonder if I chose the right format, topic or even whether I am cut out to call myself a poet. Was the self published avenue the way to go or should I have started sending it to publishers first for feedback.
These are the thoughts running through my head right now!
Rant you tomorrow!
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