Wednesday, 7 October 2020


It’s the middle of the working week for some and it’s another day in hell for everyone else. The world teeters on a precipice of a crumbling crevice called humanity while politicians push their nations over the edge hoping to save themselves and ignore those lowly commoners who are piling up below. Anyway let’s see what ‘Shitshow’ is outraging the world this Autumnal Wednesday morning.

So Trump left hospital on Monday evening and played to an imaginary crowd on the Truman balcony before telling the nation there was nothing to be worried about as he was better and now immune to COVID-19, all while the infected bodies around him grew exponentially. COVID-19 is spreading further amongst those around Trump, with White House adviser Stephen Miller and a top military official the latest to say they are infected. Several military leaders are also quarantining after Coast Guard official Admiral Charles Ray tested positive. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has said Mr Trump should not debate him if he is still infected. Speaking about their scheduled second encounter in Miami, Florida, on 15 October, he said he would be guided by medical experts.

The biggest glory hunting gesture of the past few days has to be the propaganda machine which within hours of Trump’s arrival back at the Whitehouse produced a promotional video of Trump addressing the nation which was tweeted to his Twitter supporters telling them “Don't be afraid of it. You're going to beat it”. This was Trump’s advice to the public if they were worried about catching coronavirus, but, as many have pointed out, this was a man with a helicopter, a large medical team and experimental drug treatments at his disposal. How does the picture change for Americans with Covid-19 who do not reside at the White House? It is hard to pinpoint the "average American" amid such a diverse country and such a complicated health system, but here are some of the areas where the president received special treatment and a look at how this compares to the experiences of the wider population. Trump as president receives free health care, a mode of transport to medivac him to hospital and a highly educated team of physicians while the average American pays through the nose for insurance, depends on themselves to get to hospital and are treated usually by student doctors. But most of all what you have to remember about the American health system is that it is governed by money and only money. The people controlling who gets help is the hospital boards who will not accept a patient if they do not have insurance or cannot pay the extortionate prices for treatment. So when Trump says the country is dealing with the crisis, what he is actually saying is ‘If you have insurance or have a shit load of money, then you will get the finest treatment money can buy’, but if you are poor, a minority or immigrant then you will surely die.

Let us not forget those millions of Americans struggling to survive financially during the pandemic with little or no help. Let us not forget the thousands of small business going in to liquidation daily due to pandemic and then let us look at what the Senators on the hill are doing to help those millions of their fellow Americans. The answer is ‘NOTHING’ as the Republican held Senate refuses to negotiate with the Democrats over the COVID-19 relief bill which the drugged up narcissistic president has now told Senate majority leader McConnell to table until after the election putting not only the voters livelihoods at risk, but the thousands of businesses reliant on the income produced from those voters. He has instead decided a more important task is for the Senate to spend its very expensive time pushing Trump’s Supreme Court nominee through before November 3rd, so that the prolife, pro-gun, religious faction has control of the Supreme Court. What you are now seeing is a president looking down the barrel of a shotgun who knows he is likely to lose the election, but doing his damnedest to disrupt America for years to come. Also if he is hyped up on drugs and steroids doesn’t that put in to question his credibility to govern the country, especially as so many staffers, aides and members of the armed services committee, as well as a number of Senators fall foul of the coronavirus being spread throughout the governing halls of power putting the safety of the country at risk. America ask yourself this, do you really want another four years with a man who thinks of himself even before his family let alone the American public.

On that note I will leave the American shores and check out the midweek shitstorm brewing in dear old Blighty. So the number of new cases testing positive for COVID-19 is rising and what does Johnson talk about at the Tory party virtual conference, well he decides to paint a picture of utopia which under his leadership will never happen. In his forty minute speech he touched on a fantasy driven ideology which saw the nation reliant on wind power to supply the electricity needed, promised 48 new hospitals, a fix to Social care which he didn’t explain how he would do it and that there would be so many teachers there would be one-to-one tuition for anyone who needed it. Johnson tried his damnedest to appear upbeat about his fictional future while throwing lie after lie to a virtual audience who couldn’t big up his ego. Johnson, like Trump, only knows he really exists when there are other people kissing his arse and cheering at his every word.

This is a primeminister who talked about a period of suspended animation from which we would awake into a “new Jerusalem”, just as the post-war Churchill cabinet pledged in 1945, but of course, Johnson conveniently forgot to mention that it was a national coalition that planned the rebuilding of a broken country and a Labour government that implemented it as he continued on about his own Utopian fantasy land with fantasy economics portraying himself as national saviour while everyone else sees a narcissistic fantasist who was forgetting all about the last eight months which has changed the countries views about him due to the tens of thousands that have died, the hundreds of thousands that have become ill, the millions that are feeling frightened and insecure about their jobs. This was a speech given by a man whose eyes used to sparkle from the acclaim, but which are now mere dead hollows, could it be possible that not even Johnson believes in Johnson anymore. The scepticism is contagious. This was the wrong speech at the wrong time. Seldom can someone have so badly misjudged the mood of an empty room. What Johnson should have been speaking about was how he and his cabinet were going to fix right now, not how they would change the future. Because the future is now, not ten years from now! We need changes implemented immediately to counteract the tanking economy, the rising number of coronavirus cases and deaths, and the rising unemployment. Johnson faces a monumental task for which he is ill-equipped to deal with.

Meanwhile somewhere in the heart of Scotland their First Minister is debating over new restrictions that will be aimed at slowing a surge in coronavirus cases. Nicola Sturgeon has stressed the new rules will not signal a return to full lockdown, even for a short period of time. With the speculation running rampant that travel restrictions could be imposed in areas with higher levels of the virus while some pubs, restaurants and other venues could see tighter controls or even temporary closure nothing has officially been decided yet. About 730 new cases are being recorded every day in Scotland on average compared with 285 a fortnight ago with the number of people dying or being admitted to hospital also increasing. In the whole of the UK, a further 14,542 cases were confirmed on Tuesday, a figure that has trebled in a fortnight.

Time and time again we as the underrepresented public have to adhere the laws formulated by the people we elect into power, but time and time again the wrong person is given the monumental task of doing what is right for the many and ultimately decides to do what is best for the few. I can’t write about other nations around the globe, but it can clearly be seen that both the UK and the US have men in power who are incapable of doing what is right. All I see when I read about what is happening is two separate individuals who want to be worshipped by the morons who hang on their every word and every action treating them as ‘Gods’ instead of the morally corrupt narcissistic men they truly are. Something needs to be done about them fast before both Johnson and Trump tip their respective nations in to a spiralling portal of hell from which extinction will emerge along with a dystopian fascist ideology. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!