It's Friday again and another weekend looms as more BS flies around the leaders we elect to represent us, so let's see what will stick today.
In America another shitstorm is brewing over Trump's ideology as reports surface that Trump supposedly said of soldiers who lost their lives during war that they were losers and suckers which he has stated during a flight on air force one as fake. Yet at least five people who were present during the conversations back in 2018 and have quoted Trump as saying "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers" and branding US marines who lost their lives at the Battle of Belleau Wood in the First World War as "suckers". If true this is clearly a man who disrespects the office he holds especially as he was saved from serving in the Vietnam war by daddy Trump paying off a corrupt doctor who claimed Trump was unfit to serve, which he is clearly proving now as president. On the back of those reports of Trump's disrespect Biden said if true it just proved the two men have differing ideas of what being president is. Biden didn't verbally attack Trump like his opposition has done on many occasion with insults and calmly stated he believes in duty, honour and country the same as those lost souls who died fighting for their country did.
As for the ongoing protests within American cities they also showed a difference of character by the way they undertook their visits to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Trump visited businesses, law enforcement and promised money to help rebuild the businesses lost during the nights of protests and money for law enforcement to help them do their jobs, but never once acknowledge the residents of Kenosha and disrespected the Blake family by refusing to visit with them stating they wanted lawyers present. On the other side of the coin Biden visited with law enforcement, the people of Kenosha holding his meeting in a local church and the Blake family showing empathy and respect while promising funds to help remove poverty by bringing in a national minimum wage of $15 per hour. One candidate sat behind a desk like an interview the other sat at the front of a church treating it like an informal get together. The stark contrast of styles is chalk and cheese, business and family which shows the character of the men while one is standoffish, the other is approachable. One other difference is how Trump's campaign lies about things, for instance the current owner of a business that was destroyed during riots within Kenosha refused to be seen on camera with Trump because he didn't want to be used as a pawn. So Trump's campaign went ahead and brought in the previous owner whom the business was still named after and got him to make people think he was still the owner of the property as he condemned the destruction, so the narrative would fit in with the Trump propaganda machines fake sympathy and the family got their fifteen seconds of fame which is just so wrong on many levels. Trump claims media outlets produce fake news about him, yet here he is been seen to produce it himself.
Trump called for the immediate arrest of the man wanted for murder during one of the recent protests in Portland and he got his way again as armed officers shot and killed the man suspected of killing a 'Patriot Prayers militia' member who had entered Portland with one thing on his mind which was to attack the BLM protesters. The suspect was shot by police as he escaped on foot after police surrounded and shot in to the vehicle he was in. Reports state the suspect killed was a armed forces veteran who was giving his time to protect BLM supporters and believed he acted in self-defence when he shot and killed what he described as an enemy combatant he thought was about to stab a black colleague. The suspect was known to police due to several prior minor convictions and was carrying a fire arm which was discharged. The tipping point has been crossed for America where violence comes as second nature for too many civilians and the racial tensions been incited by the countries president was the straw that has broken the camels back bringing that violence to the streets as Trump supporting militia openly show their faces to attack rival groups like Antifa [who have nothing to do with the BLM movement] or innocent peaceful protesters. The problem is only going to get worse because if Trump wins the fascist, Neo Nazi movement wins and will take to the streets to disrupt any anti-Trump movements, but if Biden wins they will take to the streets to cause mayhem and disruption or may even try to start a civil war within the country. Either way America is set for a bloody future where American attacks American bringing skin colour and religion to the forefront once again just like the civil war of the 1860's or the civil rights movement of the 1960's. A Trump fascist leadership is the likely outcome if a second term is won with the civil rights of every American put at risk and should be avoided at all cost. Come on America you say you have the right to bare arms, but what about the right to a safe democracy rather than the fascist corrupt dictatorship been stylised under the Trump administration.
On that note I will once again see if their is any rantable material back in dear old Blighty. The biggest problem for me isn't whether we will exit these bleak times stronger than before it's whether we will emerge as one nation as the divides grow increasingly visible between the union. We no longer have one government for one nation, we now have four separate governments who cannot find a common ground. Johnson has not made decisions as a unified primeminister through the pandemic crisis and the latest issues of countries been placed on the no travel list is just one more in the long running independent decision making powers that are separate and unequivocally showing the differing mindset of our politicians. As the devolved governments take a differing stance on quarantine rules for holiday destinations than the centralised government you might as well say England is governed by Johnson, Scotland is governed by Strugeon, Wales is governed by Drakeford and Northern Ireland is governed by Foster, so who governs the United kingdom because in my eyes there is no longer one government. As a union we need to make the decision to work as one or not at all. You never hear of a coalition of union ministers do you? Johnson visits them one on one, what should happen is a quarterly get together where the ministers meet within each others jurisdiction. There are four nations that make up the whole United Kingdom and four heads of government, so is it not logical that once every three months they and their aids or seconds meet to have talks to unionise the four nations and a new political head is chosen who oversees these four ministers as a deciding vote on issues arising while also acting as a go between with the royal family and other countries leaders much like a de facto president or union minister. What we have at the minute is Johnson who is supposed to be the United Kingdoms leader, but is in fact just the first minister of England. It is just my opinion, what do I know.I am proud to be British and I am proud to say I am from England, but if the country is disbanded in to four nations I will move to Scotland in a heartbeat to escape the bureaucracy of the politicians that represent England especially those like Johnson and his cronies. The way people are treated in Scotland from an non-Scot point of view, way out classes the way we as people are treated by the centralised government who have dragged us kicking and screaming out of the common market to a point where there is no external oversight on decisions made by our governing body who have removed the rights of it's people claiming they will govern us much better without having their hands tied by the EU rules of law and trade. What we will have instead is a regime hellbent on oppression and fascist beliefs bringing back archaic laws and practices outlawed by the European courts. If Scotland chooses a referendum and votes to remove itself from the union to rejoin the common market I will gladly move north before sanctions are placed on cross border movements in search of a more civilised life. On that realisation I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!