I find the world a disturbing place today. I remember the years of protests witnessed here in the UK during the eighties over mine closures, but the riots, yes riots, not protests that have been witnessed in several countries is what makes the world a disturbing place. We are living in time where lives are been lost due to a deadly pandemic which politicians are losing the battle against daily. When I look at the news headlines and see how inept the people we have given the power to really are. It simply shows us they are not capable of doing the job we elected them to do and that brings disgust to the forefront. Instead of their focus been on helping those effected by the riots and the pandemic they are simply rolling with the punches and not fighting back adequately enough to save lives and govern professionally.
In America you see legislators within the Senate fighting over a should we, shouldn’t we argument on whether the worst president in American history deserves conviction for incitement of a failed insurrection while their new leader tries his best to turn the tide of despair felt by Americans over unnecessary deaths and financial hardship. The country is fixed on the Trump impeachment trials which should be a foregone conclusion if it wasn’t for the Republican Senators who are playing games and disrupting the rule of law for their own benefits. The likes of Hawley, Cruz and lee are fighting to acquit on the simplicity that if Trump is convicted then they could follow suit for their part in the build up to the January 6th insurrection failure. Six people’s lives where cut short that day who needn’t have died. One police officer was killed by an insurrectionist while two others took their own life because of what happened. Many other officers bear the scars of that day both mentally and physically for simply doing their sworn duty to protect and serve. The prosecution have spent hours replaying the events of that infamous day with some graphic images of the violence committed against the American seat of power and the law enforcement personnel protecting those moronic Republican Senators who are too scared of Trump to do the right thing for the country they claim to be patriots of. What the world sees is white men and women who believe in a fascist state controlled by them instead of a democracy for all. The question that should be shouted out loudly is, how can a fair trial be accomplished? When people like Graham, Hawley, Cruz and Lee are amongst those who have to vote yay or nay to convict Trump of incitement of insurrection especially when they are responsible for the same crimes.
To let a man like trump getaway with what he has done is a gross misconduct of both ethics and democracy. Those 44 Senators who refuse to convict should be removed from office for been complicit after the fact especially those rabble raises seen to be using the situation to better themselves and their standing within the party. No politician or leader should be allowed to condone or incite violence to benefit themselves. America is supposed to be a democracy, a country of individuals who vote constitutionally to elect the people they wish to serve their needs, but at this moment in time all that the world sees is a body of people subverting the laws of the land by claiming ignorance to the facts. Senators within the Republican party are vying to acquit Trump because of their ineptitude in allowing such a man become President in the first place followed by their constant overlooking of Trump’s activities whilst in office. All in all 44% of the Senate are doing the American public an injustice by siding with Trump and should be held accountable for their actions in the future because the only fair outcome of the ongoing impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is guilty and the sentence should be a total sanction of his ability to hold any political office in the future which should also be extended to his family. The Trump dynasty and legacy needs to be thoroughly cleansed from the countries future and held in history as an example of a non-democratic leadership with an emphasis on racism, sexism, xenophobia and corruptness for future generation where it should be taught in schools as part of the syllabus on democracy and a leader should act.
On that note I will change shores to dear old Blighty to find out what new ineptitude our own government has enacted to date. So as the country suffers in prolonged jeopardy our politicians sit on their behinds concocting ill-conceived plans that are unable to be implemented correctly and are reversed immediately. It is us the downtrodden public that are forced in to isolation while the people responsible for the rules are left to go about their lives unaffected by the said rules or the financial burdens lockdown creates. How can money hungry liars who have used this pandemic to launder tax pounds in to the pockets of their friends and themselves. We plod along unsure of right or wrong, lockdown or not lockdown while the likes of Johnson and his lackey’s fill their bank accounts off the deaths of the innocent.
In what reality does this pandemic just fade away like politicians have tried to promote. Each government tried to play down the pandemic in the beginning which caused the spread to quicken worldwide and nationally. What we as people want is truth and honesty, not ‘BS’ and lies which is what they spread in the beginning. Now they paint angel wings on everything they do trying recover from their past mistakes which are long and lengthy. This pandemic has put a spotlight on the incompetence of the elected officials globally and only a handful have been proven to be professional whilst accomplished in their performance.
Here in the UK we have a Primeminister and cabinet constantly lying or misdirecting truths to deflect from not only blatant lies, but fabricated inaccuracies that are factually wrong about both the pandemic and the Brexit treaty. We are in the hands of politicians that condone corruption, but at the same time criticise the public for protesting against their ineptitude. We have a Home Secretary that attacks the rights of the minorities that she is part of, instead of been a cheerleader for the cause of equality within this nation. We have a Chancellor of the Exchequer that is a millionaire, so cannot even understand the needs of the poor and we have Primeminister who is out of touch with reality, so when he portrays empathy or grief it is known he is faking it. How can we allow such fake characters to be in charge of our nation? How can we simply just keep giving them the benefit of the doubt? It is time the voice of the people was heard and understood. It is time for the government to stand a side and allow some new blood to lead this nation to a healthy and safe future.
America has spoken removing Trump and his corrupt administration, it is time the UK followed suit because as a nation we are clearly under attack from within the political halls of power by a fascist group of politicians who wish to change the face of democracy just like the American Senate who condones racism and unlawful actions to go unpunished. I feel I have ranted about something today that the peoples of every nation sees, but feel unable to stand up against and until we the people use our democratic vote to expel these fascists, then we have no one to blame except ourselves. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!