In the world today we see unnecessary death, violence and political corruption, we see more natural disasters and more authoritarian abuse of power, yet we are more oppressed and downtrodden than any decade in the last eighty years due to the people we ourselves elect to power who’s ambition and hunger for wealth has corrupted the fragrant of society our fathers, mothers and our ancestral lines fought against in two world wars. We are allowing the elements that were the catalyst for those wars infiltrate our society once more.
In America we see a man hell bent on furthering his own agenda’s of a superior race sitting in the highest office of that land corrupt and demolish a pledge the forefathers of America signed in to existence nearly 250 years ago, a man who believes in the same principles as the worst fascist in history who came to power to implement genocide of the blacks and the Jews. In the past forty eight hours this man has showed contempt for people who speak out against him and urge change by publicly insulting them, he has publicly stated if he does not win in November he will not accept his defeat, openly claiming the due process of ballots was rigged and will do everything in his power to disrupt the transition of power. In his own words Trump when asked by a reporter on Wednesday evening if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power “win, lose or draw” to Democrat Joe Biden who he currently trails in national opinion polls with 40 days to go until the election stated “I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster”. When the same journalist countered by stating people are rioting, Trump interjected like he always does by stating “Get rid of the ballots, and you'll have a very, you'll have a very peaceful, there won't be a transfer, frankly, there'll be a continuation”. So the basics of those few words outlines Trump’s intention to not leave the Whitehouse in January when he loses the election. It shows the mentality of the man who believes the world owes him and how deranged he has become, putting the world at risk.
In response when asked Joe Biden whilst speaking to reporters in Delaware, stated Trump's comments on the transition of power were "irrational" and a spokesperson for his campaign stated they were prepared for any "shenanigans" from the president adding that "the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House". On the topic of the riots Biden has himself been accused by conservatives of stoking unrest over the election by stating in August when asked replying "Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is re-elected?" and was urged by Hilary Clinton to this time around not to concede defeat "under any circumstances" in a close race on election night raising the scenario that Republicans would try "messing up absentee balloting" and mobilise an army of lawyers to contest the result. If you thought previous elections were contentious, you haven’t seen nothing yet. If you don’t want a long drawn out court battle putting the country in to a quagmire of BS, then the only answer is to make a clean sweep of blue nationwide to show Republicans they can’t hold American lives hostage.
Yet after Trumps comments about a peaceful transition of power the US Republican leaders came out and stated there would be an "orderly" transfer of power should Donald Trump lose November's election. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell said there would be a peaceful handover in January as there had been every four years since 1792, while Democratic senators label Mr Trump a grave threat to American democracy. This statement coming from the man who wants to install a new supreme justice before the November election reneging on his own words four years ago for no such decision be made during an election year. It can clearly be seen the Republicans are trying their best to push through as many changes as possible before the election because they are running scared due to the fact that many ardent Republican voters are pledging support for Biden which was witnessed when Trump visited the court on Thursday morning to pay his respects to the late justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg where he was greeted with boos and chants of "Vote him out" by the crowd outside the Supreme Court. You have to love freedom of speech which by the way Trump is clearly trying to remove and will if he succeeds in November.
On that it’s time to swap to dear old Blighty and check out what corruption is befalling us under our inept primeminister. So the government announces its revised, revised furlough scheme now called ‘Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)’ which it states will help small businesses and employees by subsidising the pay of employees who are working fewer than normal hours due to lower demand, will apply to staff who can work at least a third of their usual hours, employers will pay staff for the hours they work while for the hours employees can't work, the government and the employer will each cover one third of the lost pay with a grant capped at £697.92 per month. On the other side of the coin the Resolution Foundation has warned that the chancellor's new jobs support scheme risks a major living standard squeeze for six million households. The think tank stated it would not live up to its promise and would only slow, not stop, further job losses with the coming rise in unemployment causing a major living standards squeeze for families this winter.
Resolution Foundation chief executive Torsten Bell predicted that more than six million households could face an income loss of £1,000 from next April at a time when unemployment could still be at its highest level in a generation, also stating that a single adult homeowner earning £20,000-a-year would face an income reduction of around 19% if they worked a third of their previous hours on the jobs support scheme, compared with a 70% drop were they to lose their job completely and move onto Universal Credit which again proves how inadequate Universal Credit really is to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves jobless in this day and age as the cost of living increases while unemployment benefit decreases. The major drawback to JSS is that employees will only receive the benefit if their employers choose to use it, as the new scheme is far less generous to businesses which gives the employer little or no incentive to use the scheme and choose to cut jobs in preference as those industries already hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic face further uncertainty after missing out on help in the chancellor's new emergency jobs scheme.
Again and again we hear about what the government is going to do for those on furlough or working less hours to help with shortfall in wages, but nothing is been said about the millions already unemployed who struggle week in week out on the pittance known as Universal Credit while also been expected to search for work in an ever decreasing economy where companies will look at those most recently unemployed more favourably than those who have been unemployed for over a year or more. On top of that hurdle comes the next which is that everyone unemployed is expected to work thirty five hours a week searching for work. This means that an unemployed single person over twenty five years of age gets £9500 per annum (with no tax or national insurance to pay) to live on while doing thirty five hours a week searching for work which works out at £5.27 per hour, while a single person over twenty five who works thirty five hours a week for an employer on a minimum wage of £8.72 per hour earns £14500 per annum (after tax and national insurance). What we’re seeing is that the government states employers cannot pay a person less than the minimum wage without facing consequences, yet the government finds it okay to pay someone unemployed £5000 less per annum creating a poverty divide within the nation and never faces any consequences. Surely it would be fairer to increase the basic unemployment rate say for example to £6.50 per hour which in turn would give that person an annual income of around £11800 which could be offset by taxing the wealthiest 20% of people at a much higher rate. Just a simple opinion from someone who feels the rich are unjustly taxed and are given more breaks than the 60% who work for a pittance putting in excessive hours to earn a living while the last 20% suffer on the pittance paid as Universal Credit.
There is no equality in this nation or the world as politicians supplement the richest people’s income by providing them with the biggest breaks after receiving backhander donations to their party or a bogus charity they receive an extortionate income from as a silent stockholder, because we all know certain charities classed as non-profits are actually shady piggy banks for the corrupt politicians and their advisers. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!