Wednesday 3 June 2020


Well folks we are at the half way point of a working week with lockdown well and truly been breached world wide as more countries join America in peaceful protests, so let's see if there is anything to rant about today.

In America as this country dominates headlines globally with tens of thousands of people demonstrating, mainly peacefully, across the United States for an eighth night following the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody. One of the biggest protests was joined by Floyd's relatives taking place in his hometown of Houston, Texas while in central Washington DC police once again fired tear gas at protesters late into the night with the military were clearly visible again on the streets of the capital and helicopters hovered above protesters marching towards the White House. These innocent multi racial demonstrators have taken to the streets not only to express their outrage at the treatment of Mr Floyd, but to condemn police brutality against black Americans more widely. This is not just happening in America as protests build all over Europe in solidarity with African Americans.

What scares me the most is the fact these so called governments of the people have the right to use their military might on their own people. In countries supposedly under democratic rule there should be a law preventing the use of the military against its own citizens unless democracy is been attacked. In America the fact that Trump has the right to deploy the military against his fellow Americans due to a ninetieth century law is absolutely ridiculous, For god sake this is a law written in 1807 to quell the Native American uprisings. Surely that law should be abolished as it is no longer relevant in a supposed democratically free country and replaced by the 1878 law which requires congressional authorisation for domestic military use, at the very least, if they can't be bothered to right a new law, but then again Trump has the supreme court in his pocket doesn't he. Another point that is been kept quiet is what are the thousands of minority police and soldiers doing to rectify the situation or are they just keeping their mouths shut so they aren't sacked or court marshalled.

That's enough about my views on America, I do support the peaceful protesters and condemn the looters and police breaking so many laws. while the looters are just criminals, activist and white supremacists taking advantage of the situation, there are also those individual police and national guard personnel who find it exhilarating to stretch their oath of protect and serve to beat down on innocent people just to get their kicks.

So anyway let's have a look at how dear old Blighty is doing. Boris Johnson's is keeping his head down allowing his cabinet minister's to do briefings as he is accused of "mismanagement" over the easing of virus restrictions which could risks a second wave of infections by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer who urged the PM to "get a grip" and restore public confidence in the prime-ministers' handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which got a reply stating that No 10 was proceeding with caution to secure a safe recovery. This statement comes as the government is to outline further details of its quarantine plans later, like the easing of a closed borders policy to allow people to enter the UK as long as they adhere to a self-isolate protocol for 14 days after arrival which has been refuted by Portugal's foreign minister who told the BBC that his government is talking to Home Office officials about a so-called "air bridge" agreement so that tourists returning from his country can avoid the restrictions.

Again and again the government is been caught in lie after lie over how people should conduct themselves whilst we are still in the midst of a pandemic which yesterday took over three hundred innocent lives again. We are being controlled by a government and primeminister who are ill equipped to do their jobs and cower in the shadows unable to make decisions. At least in the past prime ministers under scrutiny still showed their faces to answer for their decisions, you never saw Churchill hide away from the public or the Nazi's and Thatcher never hid from the miners or the Argies (I still hated her as prime minister, but she had more balls than Johnson ever will). What I am saying is we the people (not me, I didn't vote for Johnson) voted this wavy haired fop in to office knowing he was inept rather than vote for an indecisive Labour leader, but now we seem to have someone who could do a better job in Sir Keir Starmer, so as people let's call for a vote of no confidence in our present government requesting a new general election ASAP to replace this inadequate leadership we have.

Rant you tomorrow!