Thursday, 9 July 2020


Well as we start another new day in our new dystopia of life, let's take a look at what is been talked about shall we.

As usual to America first, so as the run into Novembers election heats up with mudslinging from both sides the verdict on the elusive Trump tax returns is due to be made in the US Supreme Court deciding whether Trump's tax returns and other financial records can be examined by Congress and prosecutors, a ruling with potentially huge political consequences. Since his campaign in two thousand and sixteen Trump has refused to share documents concerning his fortune and business and his lawyers argue he enjoys total immunity while in office, but I was under the impression he had to supply these documents before he was even allowed to accept the office of president of the united states, so how can he have immunity when this stems back to before he was president and in this day and age can a political leader have immunity. The ruling will test that claim and has implications on how far US lawmakers can scrutinise the president, but even a ruling in Congress's favour would not necessarily make Mr Trump's tax returns public before his bid for re-election in November making Trump, who made his money as a property developer, the first president since Richard Nixon in the seventies not to have made his tax returns public and you saw what happened to Nixon with the Watergate scandal. Trump keeps calling the investigation into his tax affairs a "witch hunt" and sees the congressional case as a device to harass him politically. All I see is a corrupt business man scared of his illegal and corrupt dealings been made public which would give the authorities a Rico case against the Trump organisation especially Trump himself.

In other news, more than three million people in the US have now tested positive for COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University with over 131,000 deaths been reported, and on Tuesday the US broke its record for most new cases reported in one day, but despite the rise, the Whitehouse wants to press forward on some reopening's, including schools. The US Vice-President Mike Pence, who leads the Whitehouse Coronavirus task force, argued rules should not be "too tough" and cases were flattening out, while Trump stated on Tuesday that America was "in a good place" regarding the pandemic even after over 60,000 new cases were reported shattering the previous highest tally of 55,220 new cases on 2 July. How can a country as a whole still trust these two men with all the corruption and lies they have told over the last four years, as an outsider I can't believe people can be so blinded with stupidity. On that note let's take a look at dear old Blighty.

Well, it seems that as the UK deaths rise again and economy tanks all the government can do is say sorry rather than pulling there finger out and doing there jobs. This as the chancellor Rishi Sunakhas said he was "sorry" for not helping "everyone in exactly the way they would have wanted", as he announced  the government was "throwing everything" at stemming job losses with a thirty billion pound stimulus package, but he would not be able to protect "every single job" as the UK enters a "severe recession". On the other side of the coin labour has called for a more targeted approach to saving jobs, saying the government will "waste billions at a time when others are crying out for support". What I see is a government in free fall trying to hide exactly how desperate and inept they really are, without a clue of how to move forward.

In other news while Johnson is supposed to be taking control of the countries efforts to eradicate the pandemic and revitalise a dipping economy, instead he has been sticking his nose in to something that is not within his brief as prime minister by having a say in the plans to build a new one and a half million pound motorway which is to ease traffic congestion in south Wales, but he has been told by the welsh government he has no say on the motorway as it is a devolved issue after promising he would build a proper M4 bypass stating he would do the things the welsh government has failed to do trying to over rule the Welsh first minister who scrapped a relief road plan, planned to circumvent Newport which is often clogged at rush hour due to a climate emergency. So yet again Johnson is trying his bully boy tactics to undermine the duly elected head of a devolved nation once again, but finding swift opposition as both the Welsh and Scottish first ministers refuse to pull their punches when it comes to governing properly, something sadly missing in our current prime minister who chooses to time and time again find a scapegoat to throw under the bus for his own incompetence and ineptitude as a leader, picking fights which have nothing to do with him. I keep saying it, but everyone was warned about this guy back in December 2019 or maybe earlier about his one minded pursuit of crowning himself a would be king. Something needs to be done, a call of no confidence in the present government maybe, ushering in a coalition government is what is needed in these trying times made up of the first ministers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland including the heads of all the opposition party leaders until a true and non-corrupted fair election can be run after we defeat the current health and economic crisis we find ourselves in right now. On that it's goodbye for today.

Rant you tomorrow!