Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Well as the sun rises on another Tuesday in lockdown, let's see what I can rant about.

In America, If the crap shoot Trump called his Re-election campaign comeback in Tulsa wasn't enough of a let down for him, the news that ten people within his staff, eight staffers and two secret service have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last forty eight hours since attending the rally is shocking and what's worse, Trump plans to still go ahead with his next rally in a church in Phoenix that holds three thousand people. Also he is willing to put more lives at risk as he flaunts the mandatory wearing of masks set out by Phoenix authorities by not making it mandatory within his populous at the rally. Trump in what amounts to a relaunch of a relaunch, Trump will travel to Arizona, a battleground state, (which has seen quite a rapid rise in coronavirus cases) to embrace his most comfortable signature issue with an event marking the 200th mile of his wall on the US-Mexico border which is actually only been construction to in fact replaced existing barriers, not build a new wall. 

In other news on the back of his planned visit to kiss his wall, he has issued a proclamation extending and expanding immigration restrictions to limit the entry of new foreign workers. The order states certain categories of foreign worker visa like those  given to foreign faculty hired at universities and employees hired by tech firm will no longer be issued until the end of the year. The Trump administration characterized the decision as a plan to stave off the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and to prioritize American jobs. All I see is a president hell bent on isolating America from the rest of the world, so that his country can become an all white, all racist abomination. How can a man who is himself a descendant of immigrants play the America first card especially as the actual natives of the country are kept downtrodden and harassed for their blood ties to past when the country was first settled by the white man. America's history is one of prejudice which this man plays on and should no longer be allowed to - Show your compassion and get rid of him, wipe him from the history books of the future.

Anyway as my blood boils up towards a volcanic eruption, let's take a look at what's going on in dear old Blighty. The news is all talk about how the government is about to reduce the two meter rule and allow cinemas, museums and galleries to re-open giving the economy an upturn, but we will need to wait to hear the restrictions. Along with the re-opening of the hospitality industry, the two point two million people who have been self-isolating in England during the pandemic will no longer need to shield from the first of August. From the sixth of July, they will be able to meet up outdoors, in a group, with up to five others and form 'support bubbles' with other households. All the above is good progress, but we still don't hear the government or Johnson taking any responsibility for the state of the pandemic death toll or the future of economic stability. If the government had acted on the predictive algorithms they surely use, the country would be in a better state right now and we as a people wouldn't be living in as an oppressed society with governmental bureaucratic BS. I am sure it will end someday, but how much more privacy will be lost as more and more controls are introduced on the general population. 

Rant you tomorrow!