In America, While the country mourns a great man's passing with congressman John Lewis's body laid in state for people to show their respects and full scale fascism rules in American cities, what is Trump's reaction to a simple question by a reporter to whether he will pay his respects to Mr Lewis, It was a categorical 'NO' then he moved on to another reporter who he told to remove their mask as he couldn't hear the question. So in the space of a minute he showed disrespect to a black Democrat's legacy showing his racist side and forced another reporter to go against the safety protocols of mask wearing in a crowd showing his ignorance to the pandemic, this is the man you chose as a 'PRESIDENT', words are just lost on a world that saw from the moment Trump won what would happen. Speaking of fascists, a story has emerged about an evangelical minister telling Trump's administration to stop mucking about and start using the hollow point bullets stockpiled to quell the protests, openly calling for protesters to be killed and this from a supposed man of 'GOD', so please tell me what type of religion is evangelism because all I see is corrupt men using the words of the 'BIBLE' to extort millions of dollars while condoning the use of violence and they have the nerve to call Muslim's nonreligious and violent. Next they will be calling for another 'HOLY' war on a scale far worse than the crusades led by noblemen of the twelfth century to free Jerusalem.
So while Trump disrespects and corrupt preachers call for violence, both opinions rule true as paramilitary troops from multiple agencies commit atrocities on American soil. More and more stories and footage comes to light to show the brutality of the occupying forces, like a fourteen year old girl being dragged off her bike then manhandled by grown men which is both sexual assault and child abuse. Another shows a women been detained by four men, one kneeling on her back as she cries ' Why me & I can't breath' before handcuffing and marching her off with a bloody nose. All this violence and abuse of power and what is Trump's answer, send more paramilitary troops in to an already out of hand situation. His administration has requested a further 50 US customs and border patrol officers be sent to Oregon on the back of the 100 sent last week. While this goes on the six Democratic Party mayors including Portland's mayor have urged the US Congress to block the Trump administration from sending federal law enforcement agents to their cities. In a letter, the mayors argue that the agents' presence, against the request of local authorities, is unlawful.This letter comes as US Attorney General William Barr is set to defend their deployment during his congressional testimony. Mr Barr is to say that the Department of Justice's decision to send security forces to the city of Portland, Oregon, was justified following attacks on federal buildings there. Does this mean buildings are more important than peoples lives? Portland has seen 61 consecutive days of protests, which escalated after federal officers arrived in the city due to the the unnecessary violence and the abduction of Portland citizens. The laws in America are very irrational as it allows fascists and militia's to openly bare arms, corrupt politicians to profit from insider trading, presidents to corrupt the rule of law for their own benefit, it holds one man to be above the law no matter the crimes he commits, It has a justice system that is easily corruptible, it allows politicians to Vito urgent political bills that could evict them from their cushy jobs and most of all it allows a madman to start a fascist regime without been removed from office immediately. Come on America start to realise the constitution your forefathers implemented is way out of date and needs to be changed, so men like Trump can not be allowed to serve as a leader in any capacity.
On that I think I should move on to dear old Blighty and see what idiocy has befallen us. So as confusion rises over different aspects of the lockdown easing protocols like holidays and there quarantine protocols, Johnson launches his 'GET BRITAIN THIN' campaign by dishing out £50 bike repair vouchers which will launch in England as part of plans to boost cycling and walking. As an initial 50,000 vouchers were to be made available online on a first-come, first-served basis as well as the prime minister announcing that bikes will be made available on the NHS as part of the strategy which Labour has criticised the government for saying the proposals were taking too long to come into effect. The plan is to include encouraging GP's in areas of England with poor health to prescribe cycling, with patients able to access bikes through their local surgery. So does this mean you can get a bike on prescription or is it just another way to fleece the British public. How do the government expect the people who fall in to the obese category to find the funds needed to purchase bikes when they can't afford to pay their extortionate utility bills or feed themselves, it's just more pie in the sky BS from a government floundering in their ability to eradicate the pandemic, bring Brexit to fruition or just scrap it all together and revive a economic downturn caused by both the pandemic lockdown and their mismanagement of the pandemic in the first place. I have said it before and I will say it again, the country was warned about electing such a buffoon as it's prime minister especially after it was witnessed what kind of leader he would be when he won the conservative leadership battle six months before declaring a general election which he knew would put off the reports he wanted to shelve without the public getting to hear about them. The government that wants to privatise the NHS id now expecting them to supply obese patients with bikes as a form of fat busting scheme. The government who on their watch has dragged us out of the common market without a stable trade deal in place is now trying to save face as the country goes to hell with nearly 46,000 deaths, over 300,000 confirmed cases, rising unemployment, declining economy and fresh calls for the union to be disbanded. Please tell me there is a way we can get rid of this government without having to wait until their four years is up, because I don't think the country can cope with this government till then. Anyway that's all from me for today.
Rant you tomorrow!