Monday, 24 August 2020


So as we begin a new week, we ask ourselves the question, can it get any better? The simplest answer is no, not while we are governed by incompetence. let's see what's been going on.

In America the election race keeps on rolling as more people start to protest police brutality and blatant murder which is now been recorded for posterity. Natural disasters are breaking out nationwide with wildfires in California and tropical storms head towards southern states, not to mention the ongoing battle with COVID-19. So it seems Trump's administration are facing multiple battles on multiple fronts in a year where everything has accumulated to form a never ending deluge of criticism for the sitting president, The latest protests against police brutality comes after a so called law enforcement officer shot an unarmed black man in the back at point blank range whilst he was trying to get in to his car. The incident happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin shortly after 5 pm on Sunday as three officers were seen pointing their weapons at a man identified as Mr Blake as he walked around a parked SUV. As he opened the door and leaned into the car, one officer can be clearly seen grabbing at the mans shirt and then firing his gun at the man's back. Seven shots were fired as witnesses shouted and screamed. Following the incident protests erupted as hundreds of people marched on the police headquarters setting vehicles on fire while throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails as protesters shouted "We won't back down". The problems lie within a law enforcement mentality which allows high strung police officers to carry weapons and needs to be dealt with at the highest levels of power, but when you have a president who supports the use of lethal force against it's black, white or minority citizens there will never be any reforms with in the law enforcement community. What was wrong with the officer involved with the shooting brandishing non lethal weapons on the man like a stun gun which would have incapacitated the man instead of putting him in hospital fighting for his life.

As an outsider who sees local police in the UK dealing with such incidents with non lethal tactics it just astonishes me that America still use sidearms as a deterrent. In the space of a few months the world has witnessed the over the top brutal tactics used by law enforcement individuals when dealing with the American public and witnessed a president who would rather send in his own stormtroopers to try to quell his peoples protests which has proved to incite further violence by the very individuals who vowed an oath to protect and serve the public. What is more liberating is that these methods to contain a situation are no longer left unspoken or unseen as more and more civilians are recording the actions of the police to hold them accountable for their actions which means the issue should be getting better not worse, but again that is down to the people in charge higher up in office. Again I say the systemic catalyst of this underlying issue is America's past rearing its ugly head under the guise of politics and evangelical religion with a president who profits from his role and would rather see his country burn than act upon the open prejudices formed within the white privileged culture that has never been eradicated from the hearts of the descendants of the confederacy who have built up their following quietly over decades disguised as the Republican Party or as they prefer the Grand Old Party who's ideals have slowly been returned to that of the slave owners of the past who believed it was their God given right to be the overseers of the minorities.

This is quite aptly proven by Trumps own family within his nieces book which quotes Trumps eldest sister, a former federal judge stating her brother is a liar who "has no principles", These critical remarks made by Maryanne Trump Barry were recorded by her niece, Mary Trump during interviews for content on Trump for her book. Ms Barry also stated "His [meaning Trump] goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God, It's the phoniness and this cruelty." Mary Trump decided for her own protection to secretly recorded the conversations with her aunt as the content of the conversations hit on wide ranging divides in the fabricated relationship of the Trump family compared to what his family relations are actually like, as Ms Barry also commented on her brothers point of view over immigration when referring to a 2018 interview Trump gave saying he would put his sister in charge of the trials of immigrant children and the unverifiable facts over Trumps SAT scores that got him a place at the University of Pennsylvania. All in all you have a family at war with itself. 

Basically what is been openly dissected in print and also actions is the mask of truth that is hiding the man who would be America's next king. The year 2020 will be remembered in history for not only the worst pandemic in over one hundred years, but the year America went to war over a president whose tactics were more that of a dictator than a democratically elected leader proven that some democracies are less than democratic in there formation which allows for corruption under the disguise of law.

On that it's time to check out dear old Blighty. So the country is still up in the air over what is happening to combat the coronavirus attack with no light at the end of the tunnel and the government scrambles to implement successful lockdown easing strategies while their leader stays absent from his post. What is the main COVID-19 news on this summer Monday in August, well it is non existent, there are no more briefings, there are no more run downs on death tolls, there are no visible leader and the main focus is still on reopening schools. The message been put out there by the absent leader of our country is that It is "vitally important"  for children to go back to school, with the life chances of a generation at stake. As the autumn term begins in Northern Ireland, the prime minister has stated that the risk of contracting coronavirus at schools across the UK is "very small and it is far more damaging for a child's development and their health... to be away from school any longer". It doesn't matter whether the government or the chief medical officers have signed joint statements to reassure parents schools could mitigate risks during the pandemic. As the staggered reopening of schools happens across the UK parents and children are more anxious about their safety than ever, which is yet to be alleviated by those in authority. Even with all the safeguarding teachers have made in preparation for UK schools to open they still face an untested hypothesis that children will be safe, not to mention the physical and mental health risks from not being in the classroom for months they will have to contend with as children act up or worse. Again rather than face up to these hidden problems Johnson is pushing that the best way to tackle any mental health problems is to get kids back into school by September.

The basics of the present government is to reopen the country as fast as possible to counteract the economic shortfall from no trade and exports for the last five months as well as the lack of retail business which helps through income tax and value added tax payments. Instead of looking at the safety of the people they have continually assessing the country in respect of money lost as we slip in to recession due to the pandemic. The government is taking an accountants point of view over the bottom line rather than the humanists point of view of lives lost. There have been a constant number of humongous fails by the primeminister and his cabinet in recent weeks and months which openly shows the fallibility of the people we elect to do our bidding. These individuals seem to think they are untouchable when they make decisions for the people without giving the people a say in their own lives by dropping laws and policies on us without due electoral input and that is how we as a people have blindly let it happen rather than openly voicing our stance on certain topics which go against our own belief system. The outbreak of a global pandemic has created a vacuum of trust between politicians and voters who put them where they are. What politicians should remember when they commit these acts of privilege is that there is always the day of reckoning when their roles can be snatched away from them during an election, so they should be more aware that their actions will have repercussions, maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually the day will come when they ask the public to trust them and reelect them. On that day it should be no surprise when they lose their valuable place in politics and their extortionate incomes which they don't deserve. It may be three and a half years till our next general election, but they will face the public's wrath for their ineptitude someday. They should watch what is happening in America right now and adjust their responses accordingly if they don't want the same to happen here. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you Tomorrow!