Welcome to the last day of the week where partying begins, or not as restrictions and lockdowns rule our daily days and nights. Let’s see what has happened since we last checked in.
Well America as it was projected, predicted and proved Biden won Georgia, but Trump will still not concede. The big orange baby has a pet lip on and is having tantrum after tantrum while the world sniggers, not behind his back, but to his face. The anointed one has fallen, yet seventy million morons just can’t see it. Trump has lost the election, now he is losing the lawsuits his team has brought and it is surmised that his next step is to try and influence the Electoral College to intervene on his behalf. America is a democracy been controlled by undemocratic politicians who put self before country and use underhanded techniques to try and defraud the populous of the nation.
Such a point was proven by the undemocratic rhetoric Trumps personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani preached during a press conference in which he was labelled a “hot mess” following a wild “path to victory” Speech he gave yesterday in which he outlined a national conspiracy to defraud Donald Trump of the presidency, all while his hair dye dripped down the former New York mayor’s face, setting the internet alight with ridicule. Giuliani is a disgrace to not just America, but to the profession he is supposed to honour. I’ve heard about corrupt lawyers working for crime families, but I never thought it would happen within the institution known as the Office of the President. This man should be investigated by the FBI and have his law certification revoked if not for the fact he is corrupt, but for the fact it appears dementia is affecting him as well as Trump.
While Trump sits sulking in the oval office, Biden is taking virtual meetings with governors, including Democrats and Republicans, about the coronavirus crisis to hash out a battle plan to stop the nationwide spread of the virus which has now taken quarter of a million American lives. Biden even without the backing of the GSA has started the transition by reaching out to the necessary people who are on the ground in each state to discuss how best to implement the fight against COVID-19, so less lives are lost in the long run until the vaccine distribution is started. This is what a president looks like and how one acts. The man at the top works on behalf of all the people, not just the top one percenters like the Trump administration has done for four years. Trump has took a growing economy and tanked it. Trump has divided a once glorious nation with racist, xenophobic and sexist rhetoric. Trump has allowed the fascist elements of the country to take root in every day society. Trump has superimposed Christian religious rhetoric upon a country which is made up of a diverse multi-cultural and multi-denominational society. Trump has allowed the pro-life religious nuts to take root in politics and try to dictate how a woman should act. But worst of all Trump has allowed corruption and profiteering to go unchallenged by putting a corrupt Attorney General in charge of the countries judicial investigating body while packing the Supreme Court with bought justices who have been found unworthy of the position they hold. This is what history will write about the American presidency of 2017 to 2021. History will show how fascism, brutality, corruption, xenophobia, misogyny and lying became the presidential blasphemy for one of the highest offices held throughout the world.
On that note I will hop back to dear old Blighty to see what our own fascist leader has been up to and how Britain is fairing under restrictive, repressive rules which appear as one rule for one and one rule for the others, meaning commoners should abide by the rules while politicians and the wealthy ignore the rules. Talking of a rules it appears that Johnson cabinet is still above the rule of parliamentary etiquette as he pardons his Secretary of State for the Home Department. A report just released found Ms Patel guilty of behaviour that amounted to what can be best described as bullying and Johnson is yet to make it clear whether she [Priti Patel] will be losing her position on the cabinet. So that is number five on the list of cabinet MP’s and aides who should have lost their jobs whom Johnson has sided with and backed. This is surmounting to be a very ethical dilemma which should be purged out right away. But instead of Patel’s resignation or removal from office the very person who investigated the accusations of bullying and promptly agreed Patel had done wrong is the one who resigns. The government's standards adviser on the ministerial code Sir Alex Allan has resigned after the PM backed Home Secretary Priti Patel over a bullying inquiry. What is clear from yet another debacle of political corruptness with in this present Tory government is that no matter what a person does wrong, Boris Johnson is the problem because it fails to take the appropriate action and should be removed from office himself.
So the question to be asked I think is this a political decision or a racial decision? Who is Priti Patel? Well her profile states Ms Patel was born in London to Gujarati parents who left Uganda in the 1960s and was educated at Watford Grammar School for Girls before studying at Keele and Essex universities. She had previously worked at the Conservative Central Office, but left to run the press office of the Eurosceptic Referendum Party from 1995 to 1997. Ms Patel then had a career in public relations before becoming an MP at the 2010 election and became a leading figure in the Vote Leave campaign during the 2016 EU referendum. When the leave campaign won and then primeminister David Campbell resigned she was appointed international development secretary by Theresa May which she resigned from in 2017 after it emerged she had conducted unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials, proving she is an unsuitable person for any cabinet position. Ms Patel even though a child of immigrants has took a tough stance on immigration making her a popular figure with grassroots Conservatives. She has also proved controversial by voting against gay marriage and advocating to bring back the death penalty in the past even though it is said she has changed her mind on that and does not support it now. So what you have is female member of the cabinet who has shown corruption, bullying, xenophobia, homophobia and a supporter of capital punishment, is this really the type of person you want to have a say on how our country is run. To me she is a female version of Donald Trump and someone who will turn on her own people to better herself politically and financially. Priti Patel is everything that is wrong with our society today and a perfect person to be one of Johnson’s sidekicks as she has no morality that can be witnessed.
So while the politicians bicker and fight, the rest of us just meanders on under this pandemic plight. The deaths do add up, without any sight of letting up. The vaccine is said to prevent, but let’s just live in the present. We know this is not going away soon, as each setting of the diminishing moon. Brings more death and grief, with no chance of relief. Restriction and lockdown, silence across each and every town. 2020 is a year of hell, with no chance of it ending well. As Christmas rises upon the horizon, there will be a lot of familial compromising. The present we all wish for, is for this life to be a chore no more. So come on you political leaders, stop being such bloodsucking bleeders. Pull your fingers out of your ass, create a lifesaving legislation all with pass. Build an alliance of professionals, become multi-progressional. Start to combine international collaboration, to stop this global damnation. Because separated we will die, separated our nations will cry. Together we can strive, Together we can thrive. This planet is our home, it doesn’t matter where we roam. Action is needed to correct the here and now, so stand side by side and vow. As one humanity of diverse individuals, we should take a knee and pray for miracles. For only we can make the transformation, and let the future be filled with global cooperation. Country before self, Charity aroused in oneself. Bring back a normal life, cast aside the common strife. One for all, all for one let that be the rousing call. On that I will call it a day and end another week,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday.