Thursday, 16 July 2020


We keep trundling along through this disastrous year blinded by the BS been spread by governments and their aides, so let's see what BS is been spouted today.

Firstly in America, as Trump breaks all the rules of a presidency by having a picture taken behind the resolute desk in the oval office advertising a product which is laid out across said desk in front of him is just pure blasphemy while also been a breach of the law laid down for government employee's which Trump is because he is paid a wage by the country and then he goes one better by putting yet another nail in the American coffin by changing part of a fifty year old law which was designed in 1970 to protect the environment from firms and federal bodies aiming to make a quick buck by scaling back how long an investigation in to the damage to wildlife should take. In his speech to UPS employees in Atlanta, Georgia (another state known for loving Trump's racist tendencies) he stated the changes were a historical breakthrough that means better roads and highways and that we (meaning him) are reclaiming America's proud heritage as a nation that gets things done. Basically this means a better and cheaper way for Trump's companies to build and reshape properties or land that they have monetary concerns in, for less. Once again we see the corruption in Trump's presidency as he changes yet another decisive law or program that as a business man held him up from making more money on failed projects. Speaking of failing projects the latest scapegoat in Trump's ascension to power and lawlessness is his reelection campaign manager Brad Parscale. Facing a tough re-election battle, Trump has listened to his inner circle (namely his family) who has blamed Parscale for the poor attendance at the rally in Oklahoma replacing him with Bill Stepien, who was a field director for Trump's 2016 campaign reducing Parscale to senior advisor role. Opinion polls show the president is trailing his Democratic challenger Joe Biden ahead of November's election, but Democrats are being quietly optimistic as the shock defeat of 2016 is still a fresh scar they feel. Until the winner in November is sworn in to office there will be a big black cloud overhead deciding whether to keep cover the country or move on to let the new sun break the dawn of change on a disastrous four years in the history of humankind. 

As America begins to see some light at the end of a very dark tunnel dear old Blighty is still trundling through their very dark tunnel with no end in sight as the Tories continue us down the descending line towards European oblivion with an inept and useless driver at the controls. Talking of Dear old Blighty let's take a look at what shit has hit the fan since yesterday. Well it seems Johnson has made yet another cluster F*** of his flourishing tenure as prime minister by angering some of the old guard tories with his decision to dismiss a fellow tory MP from the party for working with Labour and other opposition MP's for his own advantage just because he nominated himself at the last minute for a post which he decisively won defeating the PM's first choice for the role. This show Johnson's character is very similar to Trump, that when he doesn't get what he wants he throws his toys out of the pram and seeks revenge in someway which this time could have dire consequences for the inner sanctum of the party itself as more and more staunch back benches, Thatcherites and Brexiteers grow weary of Johnson and his sidekicks Dumb and Dumber, Gove and Cumming's who it is rumoured to be behind the revenge attack advising Johnson on what to do. I knew politics was war, but Johnson is turning it in to dummies at ten paces with a little schoolboy tantrum on the side for good measure.

Meanwhile as the in fighting within the tory party goes on Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer caught Johnson of guard during PMQ's (prime ministers question time) confirming Johnson had yet to thoroughly read the report outlining the increase of virus cases during autumn and winter of this year (unless drastic action is taken now) showing the primeminster's further ineptitude and lack of ability to concentrate on more than one thing at a time while also showing the significant divides in how two party leaders are seen to do their respective roles indicating how dire the country is under Johnson's misgovernment at a time when people are still dying from the virus and the estimated job losses from the virus lockdown impact are rising which means we could see the highest number of unemployed top those figures set in the 1980's under yet another tory government. Basically we are seeing the impact of Brexit coupled with businesses been forced to close and furlough staff alongside government mismanagement for ten years. Gone are the days of a prime minister that has balls to do what is right for the good of the country rather than do what is just easy for themselves. We are about to enter an era of decline similar to one I witnessed as a teenager when denationalisation and massive industries were closed causing unemployment to rocket while I myself was looking for work in the late eighties thinking if I got an education I would be set for life like my father was, only to find that a twenty something college graduate with no experience had no chance of getting a job in the engineering sector because employers were hiring slave labour known as the youth training scheme of the day was a better option for their prosperity and now as a fifty something unskilled person who has again reeducated himself, I am again finding the same issues of thirty years ago where experience is wanted before education because it is more cost efficient to hire someone you don't have to train or can employ for a slave wage under a government scheme rather than take on an older gentleman or lady who would require training while been paid a less than respectable hourly rate. On that note I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!