Monday, 31 August 2020


Well it's a bank holiday here in dear old Blighty which means nothing unless you work in a bank these days as it is just another day to most and the world keeps turning with hypocrisy flooding the halls of power everywhere you look. Anyway let's see what's been happening that's rantable.

In America both parties presidential nominees have been officially unveiled even though the world knew month ago which just dumbfounds me that it requires millions of dollars, with big conventions to show off the shit that is out there. The democrats kept it simple and political while the Republicans went for ego boosting pomp and ceremony which gave the bigots a chance to insult the opposition rather than outline how they can make things better with four more years. As usual over the weekend Trump was seen golfing which he has delegated as exercise and once again has been witnessed visiting pro white photo ops like his visit to Louisiana where he was seen signing autographs for firefighters telling them they could sell it on Ebay for ten thousand dollars. What is more infuriating than this blowhard egotistical opinions of himself is how both Trump and his secret service detail were not abiding by policies to wear masks in confined areas which is stupid in itself, but then one agent is clearly heard telling a firefighter to put his mask on and move back from Trump. What kind of idiots are the secret service employing these days? 

So as Trump signed autographs and played golf the problems on the streets of America worsened due to the Trump's campaign inciting of racial violence. Trump has made a statement regarding sending in one thousand national guard personnel in to Kenosha, Wisconsin and how they quelled the unrest in minutes of entering the area, followed by a  comment on the fact he will be visiting the area to speak to police, not the people effected by the killing of Jacob Brown, but the police. This in itself shows the type of person Trump is when law enforcement comes first over the people. I suppose the national guard were sent in to Kenosha to clear the way for yet another photo op planned by the Trump campaign as a show of presidential power [more like an abuse of power] like the incident in Washington DC where national guard soldiers were used to remove protesters so Trump could have his photo op outside a church holding a bible. These comments come as Trump far right supporters travelled to and entered Portland with the sole intent to cause violence by driving their pick up trucks adorned with the American flag and Trump 2020 banners directly at BLM protesters while spraying pepper spray from open windows. In another incident elsewhere in the city a man was shot to death during clashes with rival factions, yet how it happened is still been investigated. The dead man is a supposed far right activist who had joined around one thousand Trump supporters on the outskirts of Portland before driving a reported six hundred vehicles in to the city. This is what you expect to happen in lawless Middle Eastern or Eastern European countries, not on the streets of America which prompted a war of words between the presidential candidates. Trump blamed the Democrat mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, for allowing the "death and destruction of his city" while Biden said the president was "recklessly encouraging violence". Trump took to Twitter with a schoolboy tirade calling the Portland Mayor a dummy and Biden, the guy in his basement which is not how a president should be seen to respond. Trump has no etiquette or professionalism which is what his opposition is picking up on as they fight Trump's uncouthness with logic and professionalism. As the election gets ever closer, the issue's at hand are been overshadowed by the fact both sides have little idea of how to rise above the ugliness of the violence that has not been seen since the days of Martin Luther King Jr. and the rise of the Black Panther movements of the 1960's, a time when racist divides were openly voiced as people fought for the abolishment of segregation and equal rights for all. On the streets of America once again it is been openly broadcast that there is still states where segregation is practised within law enforcement and the community leaders who condone the use of fatal violence against non white Americans classed as less than human by the ancestors of bigots of the old confederacy, yet this is not just an American issue it is a global issue as prejudices are been allowed to fester and grow in the youth of today where fascist and racist tendencies are now been openly shown on the streets of the world in a way that resembles 1930's Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. If we don't crush these ideologies at birth the world has no future and will become as predicted in many a Hollywood blockbuster where a new global war will end in a nuclear winter and an apocalyptic ending for humankind. 

So come on America show the world you have some pride in who you are by removing the man who would be king before he presses that big red button and destroys the world as we know it because he is on his way to creating the Fourth Reich as depicted in Jim Marrs book 'The Rise of the Fourth Reich' about the secret societies that threaten to take over America. Trump will disband Congress and the Senate, install himself as supreme leader, have the streets of America under curfew controlled by far right militias, right his own laws which allows group lynchings and implement a dictatorship where Trump's will inherit the seat of power like the leadership of North Korea proclaiming themselves Kings or Queens of America. Then he will invade Canada, Mexico and the other South American countries before attempting global domination. This all may sound far fetched, But it has all been depicted in TV shows, movies and books since the fall of Nazi Germany seventy five years ago. The time for action is now!

On that harrowing note I will jump the pond and check out what the other would be king has been up to in dear old Blighty. As the new school year grows ever closer in England the arguments over safety, catch up tuition and the ineptitude of the Education Secretary just keeps rolling on without any semblance of an end in sight other than children will be going back to school. As Johnson shows a resolve to lead a government of ultimate power without taking any responsibility for its failures by finding low hanging fruit to take the blame we find a highly ineffective cabinet making life changing decisions without taking in to account the repercussions it will inflict on those individuals effected. In recent months we have seen government ministers and party advisors make atrocious decisions to do with the peoples welfare during a trying time, yet never put their heads on the chopping block or offering to resign. This is seen as a strength of character amongst Johnson and his team, which should bring in to question Johnson himself, but how can the top man be ousted when he keeps those loyal to him in their positions even after they should have been made to walk the plank of HMS Blighty for their incompetence. What we are finding is an old boys type of mentality within the government that will bring down the shutters to protect themselves while searching out likely scapegoats within lower positions or organisations to lay the blame on or what's even worse will not accept they have done wrong in the first place which is not by accident, but conscious design. 

Within Johnson’s inner circle, it is a private boast that they are “tearing up the rule book” of government. One of the rules that they have been shredding most aggressively is the concept of ministerial responsibility. Under previous governments of many different complexions, this idea has been central to how democratic politics is supposed to work. When things go wrong, the minister is accountable to parliament and must answer to the public for his department’s failings. When things go badly wrong, the minister resigns. Ministerial responsibility is at the core of the compact between government, parliament and public.It has been said by the director of the Institute for Government, that “Unless there are consequences for ministers of the decisions that are their responsibility, the UK’s principles of democratic accountability will become meaningless.” and this is the first step towards a fascist leadership been born within the centre of power of the United Kingdom where government can do no wrong and the people will no longer have a say over who they elect to power. Johnson's ego knows no bounds as he emulates Trump by lying, deceiving and blatantly corrupting the halls of power for his own good. He is a self confessed power hungry man who does not feel constrained by conventional norms of behaviour and nor will he willingly shoulder responsibility for his bad choices. His career is potholed with scandals, mendacities and betrayals of trust that have served to get him to the place he adorns right now. Johnson made no disguise of the fact that he openly instilled his gang of Brexiters within Number 10 where these acolytes that take their lead from Dominic Cummings, with their hyper-aggressive “never apologise, never concede” mindset in which they can never be wrong. This is why Cummings, Jankel and Williamson are still drawing their healthy paychecks instead of unemployment benefit. Until such people are removed from government we have no future to look forward to because we are governed by a group of self-serving sycophants only interested in glorifying their own ego's rather than serving the civil rights of the people. This is witnessed in everything Johnson says or does under the guise of PM, a prime example is how he intends to exit Europe without a significant trade deal in place as encouraged by the fore mentioned Cummings who seems to be the man in charge within the halls of Downing Street not the PM himself. We need better leadership now!

Yet another example of the times we live in where power hungry madmen are sitting in the seats that control how and what happens nationally, even sometimes globally without been held accountable. Both Trump and Johnson have shown a compulsion to put economy before lives, authoritarianism above equality, Self-aggrandising above empathy and dictatorship over democracy, yet these types of narcissistic egocentric blowhards always seems to rise to the summit of humanity by the ignorance of the people who believe their BS. I am not a politically minded person, but even I can see when something is truly wrong in the halls of power where politicians and local councils get away with piss poor management and still come out smelling of roses instead of the shit they verbally preach. Until the world rises to eradicate such people we will never be globally or economically secure. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!