Wednesday, 25 November 2020


Rolling through the last full week of November and the future ain’t looking too bright, even with Trump now supposedly allowing transition to commence or Johnson’s Christmas bubble or the fact there is are three possible drugs due next month. We are still a world in a heap of shit through government mismanagement. Let’s take a look at the latest ‘BS’ been spouted, shall we?

So America the biggest baddest news headline you could find on Trump was of him pardoning a bloody turkey, instead of leading with how he has destroyed your country for the millionth time in four years as president, not to mention the five decades of tax evasion and sexual abuse left in his wake, for F*** sake a bloody turkey! Does anyone care about the turkey anymore? All this while Biden is out there trying to stabilise a sinking tugboat of a place left to decay at the water’s edge by the current sycophant who would be king. Trump has actually waved his regal hand and told the GSA to do what they need to do for the transition, but still flatly refuses to concede, oh the baby has took his ‘Nuclear football’ home and doesn’t want to play with the big boys and girls anymore, ‘BOOHOO’.

Anyway getting a little more serious this means the Biden administration can begin to take shape and key personnel sought out to staff the different civilian departments of government under a Biden/Harris presidency. US President-elect Joe Biden did very graciously that the White House had so far been “sincere” in helping with his transition to power, also stating that “It has not been begrudging so far, and I don't expect it to be”. He spoke as he unveiled his choice of top officials for when he takes over from Trump in January even with its three week delay due to clarification and certification.

With America looking like the powder keg has been shuttered again for another four years, the issues at hand should not be the transparent ones, but those issues still babbling beneath the stoppered keg waiting for it to pop a little, letting the powder seep out speck by speck till the underground movement have their next reason to pounce, whether it be election, inauguration, state of the union or simply a loosely guarded appearance or interview where some mayhem or assassination can start the revolutionary ball rolling on its path again. America don’t think these miscreants of gun culture are going to go quietly, they are a terrorist cell waiting to blow up in your smug contented faces and don’t think for one iota the Trump’s will go quiet either. The Trump family needs dealing with, the same way any corrupt influential mobster family is dealt with and taken down a peg or four legally stripping them of everything they have corruptly built before and during this outlandish presidency. He may become an ex-president, but first and fore mostly Donald J. Trump is a criminal and a mass murderer.

On that statement I will jump to dear old Blighty to check out our own mass murderer in charge. So the British government has set out its ‘Christmas Bubble’ Experiment on the nation, but in the same breath urged people to be cautious of the risk of spreading coronavirus when rules are relaxed over Christmas. They have stated, bearing in mind they are dictating to us not advising us that up to three households will be allowed to stay together and form a "Christmas bubble" from 23 to 27 December, as agreed by all four UK nations and that using Johnson’s own words that people use “personal judgement” on whether to visit elderly relatives. With a new ‘Bubble’ authorisation, one scientific adviser to the government has stated the relaxation of rules amounted to “throwing fuel on the COVID fire” stating a five day easing of restrictions was reckless. People will also be allowed to travel between all four nations, and between tiers and levels, which will be lifted to allow people to visit families in other parts of the UK and anyone travelling to or from Northern Ireland may travel on the 22 and 28 December, but otherwise travel to and from bubbles should be done between the 23 and 27. The government has also stated that people will not be able to get together with others from more than two other households, and once a bubble is formed, it must be zipped up and sheathed off from the outside world, not to be changed or be extended further.

I don’t know about you, but to me it sounds like we have a primeminister and cabinet channelling the dead spirits of Adolf Hitler and the Leaders of the Third Reich. Next we will need travel passes and documentation similar to what was used in World War Two just to go to the shops. This is seriously getting out of hand and we are two decades in to the twenty first century not the bloody 1940’s under constant threat of bombing and espionage. The virus has really done a number on Johnson’s mentality if he thinks stipulating this kind of Christmas could be acceptable in a modern age. The guy and his team have severely lost the plot and we must be stupid to put up with it. It has been nearly one full year since Johnson was re-elected in to office and It has been the worst year of governmental cock-ups for many a decade leaving the country full of debt, full of death and full hatred for how we are been treated like second class citizens, no better than the fictional characters of George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ with the governmental corruption and incompetence quickly over shadowed by its whimsical imagination of how a country should be controlled rather than helped.

Yet even with the future outlook of turkey with the family there is going to be pitfalls to navigate like the new improved tiering system set to land squarely upon us come December 2nd which in England will revert back to a three level board with stricter rulings than before, you know its ‘lockdown without the lockdown’ meaning places can reopen, but with even tighter guidelines as the ‘lockdown’ didn’t actually work. All four nations will try and coordinate a Christmas break of five days, but other than that all nations will adhere to their own parliament, meaning check out your local area for local restrictions, while the national restrictions can be found on government websites. This in and out of lockdown has got me in a spin and you know what, I have no reason to leave the house in the first place, so how everyone else is coping is simply beyond me.

On the news and social media we see images of suffering, but until you personally feel it there is no comparison. The heartache and the upset just vibrates through your complete being giving you feelings you never once thought you could understand, then there it is like a smack in the face, the reality of death, unemployment, grief, depression and many other experiences the human mind, body and soul can culminate in a mass of neurons, nerves, muscles and organs that makes you feel the emptiness of loss and for some it is a place they never come back from while other can shrug it off like window wipers wiping away raindrops from a windscreen over and over again. That is the make-up of humanity and while the rest of us suffer it’s the politicians who wipe away the raindrops and just blindly move on as if each death is a raindrop to wipe away and be forgotten about while it’s those close to that one person or ‘political nothingness’ who feel the vibrations of the loss through every single part of their mind, body and soul needing to come to terms with what has happened. If one politician really felt the closeness of a loved one torn away by COVID-19, then we would see some action, but until then each person is just another number on the death pile brought to us by the Director ‘Year 2020’, the Executive Producer ‘COVID-19’ with its Co-Producers Trump, Johnson and all the other inept political leaders of this global community we call planet Earth. On that little rant I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Friday.