Friday, 29 January 2021

Friday 29/01/2021

And the end of January 2021 draws closer, but the end to this pandemic is still a blip on the horizon so far from reach. Today is one year to the day since COVID breached the shores of the UK officially and in that year nothing has been done properly by our the UK government to eradicate this deadly virus. All they have done is create uncertainty in the minds of the UK population. Anyway that’s a subject for later in this rant, let’s take a look elsewhere first.

So in America as many thousands still die from the virus and their new president tries to push through packages to help, the Senate once again does nothing. There is no headlines coming out of Capitol Hill that shows progress in dealing with the massive issues let untouched by the previous administration simply because there is still Trump lackey’s in place within the halls of power doing his bidding even though he no longer has a voice. What is most scary about the eviction of Trump is the fact ‘Grown Ass’ adults who fought to get a voice on how the country is legislated cower in the shadows of this narcissistic morons reach. As Biden gets to work putting right what Trump broke, Trump himself is aggrandising with the very people that should be aiding the American populations recovery. Even under the threat of impeachable conviction Trump is been lined up by the like of McCarthy to lead the Republicans assault on the capitol come 2022, using his racist rhetoric to lie to Americans once again to secure votes for the Republican party as they attempt to take back the Senate and win more seats in Congress. This is the reason for the Republicans U-turn on impeachment. Just days after the insurrection of January 6th top Republicans were heard to say the attack was due to the incitement perpetrated by Trump, but just weeks later there they are once again running scared of the ‘Big Orange Boogeyman’. America is not run by the people for the people, America is run by the elite for the elite. Money = Power, Power = Corruption, Corruption = Politician, politician = Money, Money = Power, on and on the vicious circle rolls.

There is a very deep rooted problem within American politics which as an outsider I see. The fact that a person who has never spent a day in their life serving the people as a councillor, mayor, in congress or the Senate is allowed to run for the highest office in the land is just wrong. The path to the Whitehouse should be on the back of recognised service and sacrifice to the people, not how much money they can raise or how many lies they can spin as truths. It should never be okay to say ‘I fancy been president, let’s give it a go!’ A style of apprenticeship should first be served where the person has a working knowledge of how the system runs, not ‘let’s take the plunge and try to tread water as we lead a country’. The British style of government may be archaic and outdated, but at least our primeminister has mostly paid their dues in the service of their constituents first [granted Boris Johnson does appear to be the exception]. In my humble opinion, no body seeking to be a presidential candidate should be allowed to throw their hat in to the ring unless they have at least served in Congress for two terms or more preferably progressed in to the senate first.

Another flaw is that members of the Congress or Senate need to be held accountable for their actions and removed from their post for any un-American or treasonous rhetoric preached just like the latest Trump mouthpiece to rise from the swamp. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a freshman US Representative who should have never been allowed to run for office over her fascist right wing views. This women condones gun violence and on camera openly confessed to carrying a concealed weapon as she harassed and followed gun-control activist David Hogg just a few weeks after he survived the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. How can America allow such a vicious razor-tongued individual to even enter the Capitol Building? Especially when she has previous called for the murder of Democrat politicians, she is an unexploded bomb just waiting to be ignited within an institution that follows the constitution rather than common sense. The 2nd amendment was written in to the constitution at a time when fire arms were used for hunting for food, in this day and age there is no need to carry a weapon except to make oneself feel powerful in a world that strips away common decency and common courtesy. Until the 2nd amendment is abolished or rewritten to a specific text minimising gun ownership, America will never be the land of the brave, just the land of the violent. What these politicians don’t take in to account is the number of 12 to 18 years old who are taking note of just how dysfunctional and corrupt the old guard that currently reside in Congress and the Senate really is. They follow the ideology for the new younger politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are fighting to undermine the wanton corruption and old boys clubs within the American political scene of the present and bring equality to a nation with so much blood on its young hands. Wake up to reality your government is run by old white men believe the old adage ‘Women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen obeying their lord and master’, Time need to change and change fast or democracy will fall and the old guard will rule till their dying day!

On that note I will change course and check out dear old Blighty. Well as the government tries to get control of headlines showing how inept they really are, we see a fourth vaccine heading for approval to immunise us against COVID, but how really effective are they as the virus constantly mutates. The fact is, COVID is a flu type virus which means it will just keep on mutating as seen with the common flu which has carried on mutating even with a viable vaccine for decades. Basically we are looking at a similar story to the original influenza virus discovery, it was slowed but never totally eradicated. All this means is more money for the big pharma firms while the rest of us suffer and possibly die. No virus is ever totally cured, just simply kept at bay. History has taught us that the human body is an all too femmer instrument that is not meant to last and drugs may keep it going for a long time in to the future, but the end does come and only those companies who profit on misery are the winners because there will always be yet another body, yet another disease and yet another piece of the human build up that needs a drug or a medical innovation to enhance life. Until the profit from others suffering is eradicated within the production of vaccines itself, we will never see human life as what it really is, which a miracle of evolution and a thing of beauty to be in awe of.

Anyway getting back to the matter of vaccinations in present day, they say that 7.5 million people have received their COVID vaccination, yet who are they? Where are they? And how old are they? I am a fifty year old who is not really classed as been vulnerable, so another question is, when can I expect to receive my vaccination? All these questions with no answers that is the extent of this government’s ineptitude. They have us in a catch-22 situation where they control our movements, but hide relevant information we require to live a normal life. In a population of over 66 million people which is rapidly growing they are just over ten percent of the way through necessary vaccinations with no designated visually realistic timeline to when everyone or if everyone will receive at least one jab. If the yearly flu shots are anything to go on not everyone will receive the vaccine as supplies quickly run dry due to an underfunded and badly managed practice. People’s health has never been at the top of this governments list when all they can concern themselves with is their public image, which is not the best at the moment over their handling of not only the pandemic, but the growing number of issues related to post Brexit trade deals and border mandates for exported goods.

Speaking of exported goods, more and more firms are feeling the noose of bureaucracy tightening around their business necks as the cost and paperwork to export to Europe has increased fourfold. The red tape companies have to navigate is restricting there global market share as haulage vehicles leave the country for the continent half laden or stand dockside idle. The biggest concern is the amount of wasted food supplies that stands decomposing while paperwork is organised. We find out food is going to waste waiting to be shipped to the continent when so many individuals within our own borders go without just because they can’t afford to feed themselves, where is the humanity in such a mentality. The levels of poverty and hunger are rising daily within the UK, yet due to this stupid Brexit debacle foods stands decaying when it could be been given to the needy. We well and truly live in an insane society where the rich engorge themselves hourly and once again as throughout history the poor starve.

I have said, granted to myself, that if I had the capitol I would look to be doing something philanthropic with it rather than indulging a wanton need to possess more that is where humanity is flawed! Not enough individuals who become wealthy remember the humble beginnings they dragged themselves from and if they happen to be risen from privilege like Trump or Johnson then you will see even less of a philanthropic demeanour in them as all they want is more. We are descending back in evolution as humankind reverts back to times when the aristocracy and the self-made corrupted landlords ruled the lands we inhabit, keeping the poor downtrodden and subservient. One rule for the privilege and one rule for the rest of society as far back in history as can be seen. It may be 2021, but the way people are treated we might as well be in 1821 with the lords controlling the peasants.

Both here in the UK and elsewhere in the world like America, it’s the lower, middle and working classes whom are those who suffer the indignity of poverty or financial struggles while those born of wealth sit high on the heap looking down their highly paid plastic noses at us. Until equality of life and taxes are introduced to reflect the status one holds, the world will never change or evolve past the norms of society we witness to day. I do not have the answers to how these changes can be implemented, but creating a wealth tax would be a good start. For instance a 1% tax increase per 5 million meaning that a person earning £100 thousand and £5 million pays the higher rate set and for every extra 5 million earned above that 1% is added. In the UK the current higher tax rate is 45%. My suggestion is if someone earned or is worth £5 million, they would pay 46% and so on up to a threshold of 60% which is what anyone earning or worth over £75 million would pay in tax annually. This would start to even out the levels of living within any country and allow governments to fund the less fortunate of society. On that thought I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Monday.