Well here we go, its Monday again. Same old shit, just a brand new dawn where politicians go head to head over the small things rather than face the big picture of a world in dire straits with a rising death toll due to incompetence and ineptitude without an end in sight. We are quickly approaching the season of joy where everyone looks forward to their own types of celebrations dependant on their upbringing. Most Christians will celebrate Christmas, the Jewish among us will celebrate Hanukkah while lots of other people will celebrate it as a holiday because a diverse planet means diverse outlooks where all religious or non-religious beliefs are understood and greeted with the same enthusiasm year round. Christmas is not the point of this little deviation, the point is as the world suffers through death, authoritarian restrictions, job losses and people have to look at tightening the belt on spending, the politicians will be living it up and partying as if everything is right in the world all because they are still getting paid their extortionate salaries while the rest of us will be having a less than joyous holiday season locked in our homes with finances not covering what is been spent. Anyway let’s take a look at what type of shitstorms have been brewing over the weekend shall we?
In America the same old shit is happening at Trump rallies while the moronic idiots who turn up to listen to the narcissistic power hungry rantings are simply blinkered to the possibility he is the devil incarnate. In Michigan he once again threw out verbal attacks at the state governor Gretchen Whitmer, despite warnings about the effect his words can have. During a rally in the state, Trump called on Ms Whitmer, a Democrat, to axe the remaining restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus calling her “dishonest” and openly joked about an extremist plot recently uncovered by the FBI to kidnap her, saying: “Hopefully you'll be sending her packing pretty soon” which prompted the crowd to chant: “Lock her up!”. It is this kind of blatant verbalisation which prompted the plot to kidnap and hold hostage the governor and her staffers by extremists in the state. When will America understand Trump no longer wants to just be president, he wants to be the countries very first dictator whose rhetoric is a call to the militia’s, the Neo-Nazis and the White Supremacists to rise up against their own fellow Americans whilst forgetting they are also the descendants of immigrants. Trump’s ideology is to raise an army of right wing Anarchists who will attempt to over throw any presidential administration other than his own which was proven during the speech when he once again stoked fears that, even if he does lose November's election, he might not leave the White House gracefully, saying in Michigan that he “better damn well be president” in January. Clearly this is a man pushing a call for Civil War and believes himself to be the reincarnate of Jefferson Finis Davis, the only President of the Confederate States of America.
On the other side of the coin you have Biden who is trying to unify all Americans to legally bring back some sanity to the Whitehouse. In North Carolina he showed he isn't taking any chances, hammering home how much is hanging on the election. In his speech he stated that “I'm running as a proud Democrat but I will govern as an American president. No red states, no blue states, just the United States and the very soul of our nation is at stake. Folks, as my coach used to say in college, its go time. It's the most important election in our lifetimes”. This is a man who shows dignity even down to travelling with his granddaughter and taking an unscheduled stop to get take out while his opponent travels without any support of his family or grandchildren. One question I have is, why is Melania not at Trump’s side like Jill is with Joe? Is there another divorce in Trump’s future?
So once again America all I can say is that whom sits in the oval office come January is up to you. Will it be the man of the confederacy or the man of all the United States? Will it be the arrogant ‘Oompa Loompa’ or the calm grey haired grandpa? Will it be the unhinged narcissist president or the sane former Vice President? Will it be the unreligious prodigal son, who uses the church as a publicity stunt or the man of faith, who is devout and visits his church and son’s grave weekly? Will it be the nomadic most hated man in the world or the Delaware man of the people? America it is up to you! But remember if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain when the wrong man is elected.
On that note I will hop the pond back to dear old Blighty and check out how much of a shitstorm is brewing in the halls of parliament. In England there is an ongoing battle between local authorities and the government over tiering structure the people are expected to obey. In the Greater Manchester area there is a delay in accepting the tier 3 recommendations of the government due to the argument of financial aid for the area. It is all well and good for the government who are still receiving their extortionate salaries to tell a whole region to close down, but what about the people who will lose their incomes when it happens? The people sitting in judgement should forgo their salaries for a couple of months so they can see how it feels to live on Universal Credit which is still below accepted poverty levels. The housing Minister stated he hoped he could reach an agreement with the Greater Manchester MPs "in the next day or two". My question is, why is the housing minister doing the interviews instead of Johnson or his deputy? Meanwhile local leaders want better financial support before agreeing to a move to the top tier of rules, which would force some businesses to close. It’s not only Greater Manchester looking at an enforced tier 3 categorisation, There are other areas being considered while Scotland has already acted upon their own criteria’s and Wales is poised on a "short, sharp" national lockdown which First Minister Mark Drakeford is set to make an announcement about around midday detailing a two or three-week "firebreak".
So once again we are seeing a union divided as all four nations make their own decisions on how their constituents should live their lives, basically we are in the grip of de-unionisation as a splintered United Kingdom falls apart over not only the CIVID-19 pandemic, but almost all the policies coming out of Downing Street which is supposed to be the seat of power for the Great British isle’s. All I personally see is a man and his lackeys who can’t fight their way out of a paper bag instead of a group of politicians with a unified nation’s interest at the heart of their decision making. To me we are on the final slippery slope to the abolishment of the United Kingdom and the start of the rise of the Scottish and Welsh governments split from England. Boris Johnson is simply the straw that will break the camel’s back leaving the Queen the figure head of yet another four separate commonwealth nations.
Well America still heads towards civil war and the United Kingdom towards devolution of government while the rest of the world faces a pandemic only a handful of countries are managing to hold at bay. Yet what we don’t see is a unified global effort to counteract the effects of such a plague and instead see countless unilateral decisions been made which has a knock on conclusion of global solitude for all rather than an envisioned global coming together of minds to not only combat the pandemic, but also climate, poverty and many other increasing issue’s we as a global community face. On that I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!