Welcome to the weekend as we move on through yet another month under the threat of death from a pandemic and inept governments. Let's take a look at the latest BS surrounding our elusive leaders.
In America as the political machine trundles on, We see many different issues facing the country, such as out of control wild fires in California, police brutality in Portland, another corrupt Trump lackey facing jail for fraud, marches in New York in memory of the nearly 180,000 dead, political parties going to war verbally and what does America think is news worthy? An actress getting two months in jail for bribing her daughters way in to a good college. Come on America one women got her daughters a foot up the ladder with a bit of money and that's corruption (Yes it was wrong), what about the countless politicians across the country who are elected through bribery, election tampering, money laundering and lies, where is there trial for bribery? You have the most corrupt president in the history of the country, who has lied, defrauded and illegally funded his family for nearly four years with public money, yet he is still running the country. Where is the logic in your whole infrastructure of law, which allows the rich to be set free on technicalities while imprisoning the poor for life over three misdemeanours with the three strike rule. There is something truly wrong when a murderer can plead his way in to witness protection while a mother is jailed for years for shoplifting. You sentence corrupt people like Cohen, Manafort and Stone who ran Trumps illegal candidacy for president, yet they are either get released early or even commuted in the example of Stone, which is just dumbfounding to me as an outsider. There has to be a severe review of American law!
Anyway speaking of ridiculous turns of events, how does a person get the right to have their funeral service held at the Whitehouse because in my opinion Trump having his brothers funeral service at the Whitehouse is travesty and shouldn't have been allowed. John Lewis was a much better person than any Trump living or dead and he wasn't even given that privilege. Trump even refused to attend the funeral which was surely race related. The funeral service of Trump's brother was a clear desecration of the formidable house that represents the people, what was wrong with the funeral service been held in a church or was Trump worried he would be struck down by lightning if he stepped inside.
So in the aftermath of the funeral desecration, Trump has now opened up a fresh attack on house speaker Nancy Pelosi by calling her 'Crazy Nancy Pelosi' which in a sitting president that kind of remark in a speech or even behind closed doors should never be allowed, but Trump isn't a proper president, he is just a vindictive narcissistic sociopath. The comment was made in reference to the idiotic theory Trumps people are floating about, how if there is no election by January 20th 2021, the US Constitution's 20th amendment allows the Speaker of the House to assume the presidency. The stupidity within the Trump administration is truly baffling, do they just write his speeches to appease him without fact checking because in the event there was no election, whomever is the speaker of the house would be forced to step down too before been allowed to assume office. The campaign trump is running is against the constitution of the country and the language of the man is not fit for to be used by such an office, which in my opinion indicates that every word spoken by Trump proves categorically his unworthiness to hold such a position.
Well on that note let's hop the pond back to dear old Blighty and see what BS is been vomited up by our own government. As Johnson lounges around in Scotland, the Tory run government is in shambles. as more and more people voice their opinion from Labour leader Keir Starmer to Tory backbenchers, From Piers Morgan to the Financial Times, From leftists on Twitter to the Daily Mail. It is blatantly clear as the list of Johnson’s failures grows not only to include the coronavirus debacle or Brexit, but throughout just about every other policy area this government has proposed or implemented which gets longer every week making the ministers concerned objects of mockery and contempt. The issues of government incompetence matters, especially during a pandemic, yet it’s also an easy charge to make. It comes naturally to the disillusioned voters because of a distrust of politicians, the civil servants with scores to settle after government cuts and the journalists who do it simply for the enjoyment of judging the powerful while describing Whitehall meltdowns.
The problem doesn't really solely lie at the feet of the politicians because it was the voting public that put them where they are. Even with the current failures of the sitting government polls still have the masses voting for the Conservatives even though the divide has closed dramatically. Until the mentality of the voters who vote Tory for the sake of staying 'Blue' at all costs changes then that will always be the reason for the countries current predicament. We the people are to blame due to a colour blindness to what is going on beneath the surface. We blindly back whomever is wearing a particular colour rather than looking into their policies and electoral promises closer. For too long a labour supporter was a labour supporter and vice versa. We no longer live in a world where one party is working class and the other is toffs as proved with the fact that the new Labour leader is a 'SIR' rather than just a simple 'MISTER', but the problem that also brings with it, is class related. Will an old style working class voter back a knight of the realm (even one who wasn't born in to privilege, but earned it)? What we are seeing is clearly going to rumble on for a while because it would take a great deal of parliament cross party collaborating to unseat Johnson and his lackeys, so I can't see him going anytime soon. Also it is because of the blindness and unwillingness of Tory strongholds to criticise their MP's for failures by openly voicing a demand for resignations that we find those inept ministers keeping their jobs, not to mention the nepotism inherent in government where it is a scratch my back and I will reciprocate type of mentality, where votes are bought with promotion or a promise of help to push an agenda. The questions all voters should be asking is what do I expect from my ideal government, then for them to read each parties manifesto they produce prior to an election (don't just read the party manifesto, read your local candidates manifesto, so you can hold them accountable for their actions) and vote your conscience, not just your preferred colour. I admit that is something I have not done myself in the past, so I blame myself just as much even though I never voted 'BLUE' last December and have only ever voted 'BLUE' once when Labour was run buy the ban the bomb crowd in the late eighties, opting for the last few years to sit on the fence and vote 'ORANGE'. So when and if we get a chance to rid of ourselves of Johnson, we still aren't guaranteed an new general election as the basis of parliament is so complex it would depend on whether Johnson resigned as an MP or resigned as a government, but that would take a lot more of a decision under parliamentary rules. On that confusing note I think I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!