Sunday, 2 August 2020


The sun has risen on another Sunday filling the sky with  hope, but that's all we can hope for at the moment as COVID-19 shows the world it is not yet done with more rising cases world wide. Let's see what else there is to rant about.

Firstly in America, as the country rolls further towards E-day the respective parties continue their slandering of the candidates for election. Are the Republicans running scared is the question being asked as news breaks that the media will be barred from the Republican national convention where Trump is set to be renominated as presidential candidate later this month. While Trump called off the public components of the convention in Florida last month, citing spiking cases of the virus across the country, 336 delegates are scheduled to gather in Charlotte, North Carolina, on 24 August to formally vote to make Trump the GOP standard-bearer once more. These events or conventions are traditionally meant to be media bonanzas, as political parties seek to leverage the attention the events draw to spread their message to as many voters as possible. If the GOP decision stands, it will mark the first party nominating convention in modern history to be closed to reporters. You know what I see is a party worried they have chosen the wrong horse in a one horse race as well as over a possible less than stellar turnout and how it will be shown to the voting public, this is the Whitehouses chance to spin it positively in Trumps favour. Without the media there we won't get the pictures that show the gaps in attendees like those seen in Tulsa and Florida where only hardened Trump Acolytes bothered to show up. I bet representatives of Fox news will be present, so the likes of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity can spread their propaganda lies or even use archive footage of 2016 to lie to the public and isn't barring the media from a public event against the freedom of speech amendment of the constitution.

Well that's all I have to say about America today, so let's check out dear old Blighty. In a week when the coronavirus started to fight back with a rise in several countries as well as at home in England the government has shown us once again how inept they are at firstly controlling the virus and secondly predicting a way forward for the country as a whole. Johnson has seen two parts of his lockdown easing strategy get u-turned as many people were forced to return home from their holidays in Spain as the country showed an increase in the amount of positive virus cases which was quickly followed by parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire going back into lockdown with businesses been forced to close their doors once again due to the close contact with customers who became COVID-19 positive. It is clear there is no certain answer to the virus, but examples like them avoiding a one-week delay to lockdown in March which would potentially have halved the death toll. Once again we see a government who are economy focused rather people focused as they make yet another u-turn on promises made abandoning their pledge to regularly test all residents and staff in care homes from this summer onwards. In a memo sent to local authority chief executives on Friday and reported by The Sunday Times, the government’s adult social care testing director stated that the promise was being dropped and that previously advised timelines for rolling out regular testing in care homes was being axed because of unexpected delays. The decision appears to have been made because it would throw into chaos the Government's test and trace system, basically there would be an increase in cases recorded. Care homes are able to order test kits from the Government on August 31(nearly five months late, why such a delay?), but Prof Cummings admitted that the system for recording tests was unnecessarily burdensome. The reports also show that a second memo sent to health officials last week stated that nearly two-thirds of care homes had not yet had a round of asymptomatic testing, and only about a third of homes had been sent testing equipment. If the reports are true the government is clearly not only inept, but should also be considered as genocidal because they are leaving the most vulnerable people to the mercy of the virus. Those individuals who have paid their taxes and national insurance all their lives, yet are now considered by politicians as less needy of the help their place in society should guarantee them as the parentage of the nation. 

This just really pisses me off to see an elected body sitting on their asses in their privileged overpaid jobs doing sweet fanny all about the generation that stabilised this country after the war while those individuals who have done F*** all, but get rich off other peoples blood and sweat are given peerages just because they supported the Brexit leave campaign or were the husband of a certain ex-Tory Primeminister or are friends and family of the current Primeminister which by the way is yet another governmental u-turn away from the expected route of reducing the number of unelected members in the house of lords. 

Several MP's have spoke out against Johnson decision, one stating that by giving a large number of his cronies peerages, Johnson has shown that the Tories have abandoned any pretence of reducing the size of the bloated House of Lords, while another stated that Johnson was handing out jobs for life in the unelected House of Lords to friends and those who have done him favours and lastly yet another stated that the Primeminister's idea of levelling up involves gifting his cronies, damaging policy facilitators, and family members with jobs as legislators for life with no democratic mandate or accountability to people across the UK is the worst kind of cronyism that only highlights the rotten Westminster system that is detached from reality. What we are seeing is too many individuals who donate to the Tories piggy bank getting peerages or backdoor privileges been used to pave the way to lucrative governmental contracts which show just how corrupt this present Tory administration really is. They can't save the country from death or economic destruction, but they can see their friends okay providing them with money which should rightly go towards helping the voters  and the not so well off. That's me done for today.

Rant you tomorrow!