In America while Trump fails, police brutality sours and people open there eyes to a possible future of depicted fiction by George Orwell come to pass in to reality. The baby boomer generation are really struggling to understand what their parents fought for in multiple wars. As Trump systematically back tracks over nonsense he has spouted at some previous point in the last four years his elderly voters get more confused over what he is actually telling them. The Republican party has had to tell him to stop ragging on mail in voting as corrupt and fraudulent because their supporters are emailing and calling them asking how they should cast their vote now. Trump has tweeted telling Floridians that it is okay to vote by mail in the state because it they cleaned it up. What a load of BS this guy pushes down the throats of the gullible, but he has only tweeted it, not officially or publicly endorsed it because if it's seen to be okay for one state why is not okay for others, basically he has shot his reelection in the foot due to his arrogance of he always thinks he knows better. What really gets to me is the unadulterated way his family back everything he does without questioning it, especially his precious daughter who has always had a questionable relationship with her father pushing the shit about how his administrations involvement in preventing and supporting victims of human trafficking has superseded any other administration, while also denying to herself what he is, from his dubious relationship with Epstein and Maxwell to the language he uses when talking about attractive women (girls) or the slander he spouts when talking about women in power that defy him. Is she just blind or is she a victim also?
Then on top of that you have to question her own corruption that is blatantly obvious from the failed attempt to hide her combined financial disclosure forms from public knowledge by revealing it late on Friday hoping it would slip under the radar of the news outlets showing that between them, her and Kushner somehow have disclosed their income for 2019 as thirty seven million dollars which is an increase of seven million dollars on 2018, but that is the least they had to declare which means they could've actually earned anywhere up to one hundred and fifty seven million, all while serving as advises to the present administration bringing in to question the massive conflict of interest over why they are actually allowed to serve in such a capacity? and why were they not made to divest their presence in the daily running of the businesses they own. Is this not something all previous advises to presidents and presidents themselves have been made to do in the past or it a loophole that America should do something about right now. Another question is about Trump's current trade war with China which somehow does not effect Ivanka's patents within the Chinese business world. America when will you realise the first family is fleecing your country for all it's worth, profiting on your heartache, racketeering under the table and laundering campaign money in to their personal offshore bank accounts, wake up and smell the hipocracy they spout on an hourly basis. Remove them from office, open a criminal indictment and give these crooks what they deserve, a long and unpleasant stay in a maximum security prison for their racketeering, theft and abuse of power as well as treason.
Well I think I should divest from America and check out dear old Blighty. Well the prime minister doesn’t seem capable of making difficult choices, instead he is masking his ineptitude with bluster, as the crisis rolls on and the coin toss is currently economy (tails) or death (heads). Johnson is struggling over whether or not shutting pubs is the price to pay for opening schools, a decision no prime minister wants to make, but we find we have a sitting prime minister uniquely ill-equipped to make those kinds of choices. In the next phase of the pandemic he will find them hard to avoid as the proven governmental method for containing the coronavirus so far has been repressing citizens’ freedom to go about their business. This government is scared of the outcome closing the country down for too long period of time will have, because lockdowns put people out of work. Because it is quickly been realised that a thriving consumer economy with a functioning education system is a breeding ground that facilitates contagions spread. The combination is risky and essential which is a problem without a simple solution, and the government’s strategy of hoping it goes away has failed dramatically. It doesn’t help that revisions of the rules combined with mixed ministerial messages have sowed confusion especially when the basic human need for interaction lays waste to any type of realistic answer to the question of how do we survive and keep jobs. Which brings us back to the people elected to strategize these problems and then implement one that develops the economy without putting the risk to life at the forefront not being up to the task. All I can say is they get paid the big bucks to deal with it, yet they are falling short at every stage as their principle appears to be that people should avoid congregating indoors, unless it is to spend money and If you want to eat out, the chancellor will chip in for the bill, but don’t get greedy with the numbers around the table. Other European countries are in the same bind, desperate to prod their populations and visiting tourists into a summer spending spree, only to find that the virus hitched a ride on the holiday bus. As the summer rolls on and people want holidays, then more worry rises over where can people go without spreading the virus and the simple answer should be nowhere at the minute because the pandemic is still one hundred percent a mystery without a notable solution which means the uber rich will just have to have a staycation like the rest of the mere mortals. Just for one year let the homeland prosper from British people visiting British tourist destinations safely taking care to socially distance and wear masks in public or simply explore their hometowns more to find out what attracts others to the place they live putting profit back in to their own area's instead of someone else's. You know I am done for today as I feel I have got nowhere, but turning full circle on myself.
Rant you tomorrow!