Friday, 10 July 2020


And we are here again Friday without a clue of what's happening today or any day in the future, so let's see what there is to rant about.

Firstly in America, Trump has now used an interview with Fox News to attempt to pin the blame for the resurgent coronavirus on Dr Anthony Fauci, who he said is “a nice man but he’s made a lot of mistakes”, although it was the president himself who disregarded medical advice to push for the early reopening of the states. As predicted when the shit hits the fan the old saying the buck ends with the person at the top goes out the window and Trump starts to scramble to place the blame for his own ineptitude at the feet of people he has repeatedly ignored. There has been another fifty five thousand cases of COVID-19 reported for the third day in a row with three of the states recently visited by Trump recording the highest daily death tolls of over a hundred people a day, but that isn't important to Trump as he decided to instead of work to a solution to decrease the death rate, he started taking pot shots at the Supreme court who has ruled that the New York state prosecutor's can see Trump's tax records and that Trump is not above the law which caused his pet lip to show as he branded New York a hellhole. As each new dawn rises Trump finds new ways to alienate himself with his petulant schoolboy attitude towards those that openly question him. This is a man in his seventies showing traits of a toddler which in my opinion is a side effect of a brain illness like dementia and therefore he should not be allowed to be president let alone run for a second term.

Meanwhile Trump's democratic opponent Biden staid on track outlining part of his campaign agenda which is the rescue plan for the coronavirus-crippled US economy, while berating  Trump as incompetent stating that his seven hundred billion dollar plan would be the biggest investment in the US economy since World War Two calling it his 'Build Back Better' agenda, which would spur a manufacturing and technology jobs boom to turn around Trump's failures which had caused terrible human cost and a deep economic toll time and again for working families who are paying the price for this administration's incompetence, showing that he is fighting to oust Trump while Trump leads with racism, oppression and slander trying to win the white vote. But while Trump falters and Biden rises, some of Trump's back door moves are coming unstuck in the example of his former personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, been returned to federal prison after balking at certain conditions of this home confinement which he was granted because of the coronavirus pandemic even though the prison he was in was not part of AG BArr's list to grant releases to prisoners, bearing in mind this Cohen pleaded guilty to get a reduced sentence in the first place with a deal struck with the FBI and was still due to stay incarcerated till sometime next year for his crimes, so he should be happy to just be released. Cohen is said to have refused certain conditions of his home confinement which required him to avoid speaking with the media and publishing a tell-all book he began working on in federal prison, so was returned to a BOP facility claiming that the conditions were legally against his first amendment right to talk to the media, to use social media and, of course, to publish his book. So here we have a convicted person fighting a ruling that allows him to serve his sentence in the comfort of his own home which was bought with dirty money trying to jump on the bandwagon of tell all books about Trump while other lesser known people struggle to find the money to live, due to the shit storm his former employer has caused and he feels hard done by, please tell me that just because you have money you aren't immune to the same kind of justice that incarcerates many poor men and women unable to afford a multi million pound lawyer. I know the answer which is just wrong, but I thought it needed to be asked.

So while Trump has tantrums and Biden has brilliance let's see what's been happening in dear old Blighty. So while we face more dystopian rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and a horrifying economic recession, what is the main headline regarding our illustrious leader in government, well it isn't a way to beat the pandemic or halt the recession, it is in fact a move to scrap discount deals for junk food, according to reports, following Johnson's Damascene conversion to the belief that tough steps are needed to resolve the nation’s obesity crisis which he has decided is a factor in the severity of the UK’s coronavirus outbreak, As an obese person myself who has kept to the rules of lockdown and uses a face mask in public I find it rather offensive that Johnson has decided to put the blame on overweight individuals. What I would suggest is that obese people hit back at him during his virtual town hall meeting which is just another Americanised photo opportunity  dubbed Peoples PMQS which has been criticised as offering a false sense of scrutiny. What we are continually seeing is Johnson trying to advertise himself as a man of the people when he is in fact just another jumped up schoolboy playing at politics with no idea of how he can do to beat the current situation which is sixty percent of his doing due to delaying lockdown and then easing it too soon. What Johnson should be doing is taking a leaf out of the Scottish first ministers book who has declared wearing a face covering is now compulsory in shops across Scotland, but people with certain medical conditions or disabilities, and children under five, will be exempt. Scotland seems to be taking a more stringent outlook on the virus, so why is the English first minister (Johnson, As he no longer speaks for the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish people) not doing the same. as we get further in to this time of uncertainty we are seeing more and more of a divide between the four nations of the United Kingdom which could very soon be no more as the queen may be asked to devolve the British isles in to four separate countries no longer under one flag making her the figure head of four separate governments with their own border laws. As an Englishman born and bred all I ask is that before the wall goes back up the Scottish border be moved to include anywhere south of Hadrian's wall, so I can be classed as living in Scotland because England is going to hell in a hand basket. That's all for today

Rant you tomorrow!