Tuesday 31 March 2020


Good morning Tuesday, woke up to day (I can't Remember the number) of Lock down, did the now regular morning routine and then checked in with twitter for hopefully good news only to find a new hashtag trending (#policestate) which was rather concerning reading about the various tactics various police forces are using to control breaches of curfew violation, because that's what were facing a Nazi style regime where the police forces are the SS and the political leaders are Hitler.

Don't get me wrong I honestly support the police in most of what they do, but there are certain ones who are power hungry and enjoy pushing the limits of the law to entertain themselves. In one country they are physically beating people for being outside there home, in an other they are requesting neighbours snitch on each other for going out while in Andorra they are entertaining children by dancing in the streets. In the UK certain forces are using technology to spy on remote areas to check on lock down breaches while others randomly stop cars to question the drivers validity for being out of the house.

This is all happening after a couple of weeks, what's it going to be like if this pandemic goes in to months or god forbid longer. Will we see the army patrolling the streets of the UK like they did in Northern Ireland in the Nineteenth and twentieth century or will it turn into a sight from a second world war movie with internment camps and documentation giving you the right to be out on the street or worse create an underground movement to fight oppression.

Well that's my morning rant over, let's get on with my daily routine of mindlessly procrastinating and web surfing. Good news Wednesday tomorrow.

Rant you tomorrow!