Tuesday, 13 October 2020


On this chilly and wet Tuesday we should consider the people suffering out there with not only COVID-19, but with cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and other terminal illnesses who depend on health care workers and carers to support them. Those people who are at daily risk while the politicians play their power games to see who is the biggest, baddest instead of who is the saddest for what is happening globally. Let’s see what the so called leaders of our world have been up to, shall we? 

In America the man who has killed over 200,000 people went back on the campaign trail yesterday, less than two weeks after testing positive for coronavirus. In the speech he told thousands of supporters, many not wearing masks, that he could give them “a big fat kiss”, at a rally in the battleground state of Florida because he is now immune to the coronavirus, Total BS. His rival, Joe Biden, speaking in Ohio, accused the Trump of “reckless behaviour” since his diagnosis. Trump’s arrogance saw him dancing along to the song ‘Macho Man’, which is ironically the theme song of homosexuals while been greeted by hundreds of maskless supporters within inches of each other. This is clearly a man hyped up on something and it ain’t life, more like drugs which were made from cells from foetuses, antibody cocktails, steroids, heart medication and the rest of what else no one can say.

So while Trump struts his stuff in Florida, back in Washington DC the committee was convened to review US Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett who stated she was “honoured and humbled” to be President Trump's pick for a place in the top court during a tense Senate confirmation hearing. But just remember this is a totally devout religious woman who has given up her individuality and is an originalist, which means she believes that if the word is written then it must be obeyed whether it be the bible, the constitution or the law with no wiggle room allowed. This is a woman who on five separate occasions was paid by an extremist religious law group called the ‘Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)’ and is classed publicly as a hate group who speak to young up and coming lawyers. This is a group who have countless times brought cases to court in support of recriminalizing sex between same sex partners [sodomy] and also supports the sterilization of Transgender people abroad while holding within its ranks the ideology that homosexuality will destroy Christianity. If Trump’s nominee will openly talk to young lawyers about such matters, will it not come to pass that this religious ideology which she believes in and openly supports through her membership in the ‘People of Praise’ church where she performed the role of a ‘Handmaiden’ as did her mother before her, not influence her decisions on the Supreme Court bench.

America your rights and freedoms are quickly been destroyed by a governing body and a court system that is biased, which wishes to oppress the rights of individuals. The people in power at this moment in time hold the very ideologies that started the civil war and believe in a Confederacy of the old south where religion was law and slavery and indentured servitude was a god given right of the rich white plantation owners and a lawful practice for generations. You the people of the 52 states now have the chance to retake history and reject the ideologies of a leadership who would rather have authoritarianism than freedom and liberty for all. Make your vote count, reject the ‘RED’ and embrace the ‘BLUE’ countrywide on November 3rd 2020.

On that I will return to the land of the restricted which we sadly call dear old Blighty and consider the latest primeministerly decree that all subjects be downtrodden and impoverished while the ruling body afford themselves all the splendour their position doesn’t entail them. So Boris Johnson has stated the UK's increasing number of coronavirus cases is “flashing at us like dashboard warnings in a passenger jet” with the Liverpool region been put on a very high COVID alert level from Wednesday, the highest of a new three-tier system, yet Johnson has ruled out the extreme route of a national lockdown right now. Meanwhile, minutes from a meeting of the government's science advisors last month revealed they suggested a short national lockdown which Johnson ignored. 
The SAGE experts at a meeting on 21st September stated that an immediate "circuit breaker" was the best way to control the increasing cases.

As Johnson introduced the government’s traffic light three tier system to MP’s yesterday ready to be debated and voted on, Johnson was also facing a Tory backlash and potential rebellion. Some Conservative MPs are against the measures on civil liberties grounds, while others claim restrictions such as the 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants are counter-productive, but unless Sir Keir Starmer orders Labour MPs to vote against the measures, in a series of votes following the four-hour debate, the prime minister is assured of victory even if some of his own MPs rebel. On the back of Johnson’s announcement England's chief medical officer stated he was not confident the measures “would be enough to get on top of” the virus and that it was likely local authorities in “very high” alert areas would have to go further.

Johnson has his back to the wall as more and more people see him as a failure and are looking to the Tory old guard to bring him in to line as he continues to use authoritarianism rhetoric. In a speech at a Downing Street news conference, Johnson made it very clear that the government could and will impose more restrictions if local politicians did not agree to his new measures stating that “If we can't get agreement, then clearly it is the duty of national government to take the necessary action to protect the public and public health and we will,”. This announcement of the approach that Downing Street will take has attracted wide spread criticism from local leaders. So while MP’s argue and backstab the rest of the country suffers in restricted controlled lockdown never before seen, not even World War 2 brought such restriction, but there are stark comparisons to the ‘Spanish Flu’ of 1918.

All in all I know I only compare the US and UK, but if I concentrated on every country I would be writing for hours and it would be much too long to read, but I do understand that the world is suffering along with the UK as the number of cases rise above thirty seven million and deaths exceed one million with India and Brazil joining the United States as the three worst hit countries. We as a planet should be coming together and fighting this pandemic rather than trying to go it alone. Humanity of today is sadly lacking when it comes to setting a side hatred to fight a common enemy like we did in the past. So if you read my words and understand we are facing a perilous time, don’t remain silent and shout it out in which ever medium you feel comfortable using to show the leaders of our global nations togetherness works far more quickly than individuality. On that note here’s my contribution:

Rant you tomorrow!