Tuesday, 3 November 2020


In this year of hell when politicians bicker, backstab and just blatantly lie, how can the common person be expected to trust anyone that sets foot in to the political arena? We the people do the voting, but they the politicians do the corrupting!

It is deadline day for America who have the chance to start a fresh with a new president who outwardly embodies the way a successful president should look and sound compared to what they have at the minute which is simply corrupt business man looking to serve his own needs, America you choose your path wisely today.

Yet we the poor cousins in the UK [sorry England only] must look forward to been ordered to stay home for a month or more. Whereas the Americans choose today, we here in the UK [yes, the whole of the UK] have a self-serving asshole who doesn’t seem to understand the concept of how a primeminister should look and sound when addressing the common people, but instead splutters and stammers his way through his excuses for how he performs his role and the worst of it is that we have no way of removing him from the position for just over three years and then he has the right to choose when a general election is to be enacted which is just pure stupidity.

In both countries, we the people pride ourselves on been democratic, but in fact we are just sheep been led to the slaughter by two men who should not be in the position in the first place. A percentage of people actually believe these two morons know what they are doing, when in fact they don’t and the voters see them through rose coloured glasses ignoring the headlines as fake news invented to put a slur on the characters of their ‘God’s’ incarnate. Come on people remove the glasses and see what the rest of us saw before these dregs of society even won one vote.

So now I have got that off my chest for the millionth [maybe not the millionth] time I will look at the latest shitstorm brewing in the world of politics. In America as I said it is deadline day as the polling station get ready for the final run in of the 2020 presidential election. Both candidates have spent the last few weeks fighting for votes in swing states, pushing their own ideologies down the throats of the undecided voters. The main difference is how they have conducted themselves. Trump has gone in with lies, slander and mob rule rhetoric inciting his supporters to intimidate fellow voters while Biden has played to the masses as the man to reunite America as one nation without colour, creed and religion been used just humanity. Yes Biden may not be the best choice for president, America has ever had, but he is the best for right now because giving Trump four more years in the Whitehouse is not the option that should chose. Trump has already shown what he will do in the next four years, that is run the country the same as he has for the last four years. Trump will tear down the very fabric of democracy increasing his fascist regime and unlawful control of the country dividing the nation, alienating it from the outside world and building a fortress around the people’s house which he has started already with his eight foot walls surrounding the Whitehouse [is this the wall he promised to build back in 2016?] . 

On the flipside Biden will at least try to reunite the country, reopen talks with the countries allies and return the People’s house to the people while opening a dialogue with all the people, not just the white privileged big money people looking to capitalise from the Office of the President. Biden will replace the illegal taxes Trump installed to benefit himself and his lackey’s. Biden will bring back Medicare for all. Biden will look to change the way the outside world looks at America instead of disgust, dignified. But this is just words on a screen until January 2021 is here, Trump still has his fingers on the self-destruct button and will fight to stay in power anyway he can, so I say it once again, if America doesn’t act now and make it a 50 state ‘Blue’ wash Trump will try and steal the election in any way he can. If it is a unanimous vote for Biden, America be prepared for some rather inequitable actions from the Trump administration pushing through executive order after order trying to destabilise America before inauguration day and maybe even trump stepping down to install Pence as president number forty six, so Pence can pardon him for all his illegal acts performed before and during his presidency. America it is your time to ring in the changes for both America and the world. The rest of the world is watching and waiting, please do the right thing for humanity and yourselves!

On that plea I will now check in on dear old Blighty and see what is happening in our lockdown state. So as we in England look at a month long lockdown as Johnson and his cabinet try to get control of the rising death tolls due to COVID-19, it is we the people who will be the ones to suffer. Nowhere do I see Members of Parliament suffering, no where do I see the Conservative cabinet suffering and nowhere do I see Johnson suffering. What I do see is the people of one unified nation suffering as the four separate ministerial nations of the United kingdom go their own way without a simple multilateral decision been made on how we as a United Kingdom can go forward as one combined nation to fight the spread and eradication of the COVID-19 virus.

The ministers in charge of each nation do not appear to be in collaboration on our national pandemic defence, but instead are making unilateral decision on how the separate states of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should move forward. The concept of central government is slowly disintegrating before our eyes and the only thing we seem to have in common these days is the figure head at the top of the totem pole which is our Queen. I know there is a separation of monarchy and politics which was established centuries ago, but at this moment in time surely a centralised figure head would be a stabilising factor for the United Kingdom. Possibly someone in the royal bloodline who would act as a fifth and deciding vote removing the unilateral decision-making of the First Ministers or even an elected official who would create a centralised office, acting as the political figure head of the United Kingdom replacing the Houses of Parliament as the seat of decision-making for the nation reverting it to merely the seat of politics for England. I have said this before and I will say it again, if we want to move forward into the future as one nation under the Union Jack emblem, we as one nation need to separate Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland permanently from London rule and unite under a more centralised place under a true Primeminister who has no allegiance to any political party sitting as both a National and an International figure head of the United Kingdom. In this position the person chosen would liaise with the newly formed First Ministers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland meaning the palace of Westminster would become the political seat of England only and the new Prime ministerial seat of the United Kingdom would be located somewhere midway between Westminster, Holyrood, Senedd and Stormont to make it better accessible to all First Ministers and ministers when voting on the policies that affect the United kingdom as a whole.

If this type of system was developed every sector of the British Isles would be treated equally and governed once again by a centralised figure head while the First ministers controlled the day to day running of their respective nations coming together discuss the wider issues of the whole country in a quintet before returning the their parliaments to discuss and vote on the changes.

As a single Englishman living under England’s lockdown restrictions I am finding it hard to understand the thinking of the Tory cabinet and even less accept how they have gone about the severe task of keeping we the people safe from infection. They appear to have no backup plan for the backup plan and keep jumping from the frying pan in to the fire without an idea of what or where their plan is going. I don’t understand what I am allowed to do or not do and instead take to the extreme, isolating myself off from everyone and everything becoming a hermit in my own home scared to venture out in case I am doing wrong.

I know I can’t be the only over fifty singleton who is worried to the point of insanity while the news headlines display a world under attack. In multiple cities across America we see running battles between peaceful protestors and overzealous police officers, also in America we see gun shops nationwide selling out of all types of guns as Walmart removes their gun displays anticipating a mass civil unrest death count, in France we see people been knifed in a church for simply been of a different religion, in Belarus we see mass rallies to protest against illegal election rigging been fired upon by authorities and in Austria we see more innocent people shot to death on the streets by terrorists just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

These are just five examples of what is happening globally as violence is on the rise in too many countries to mention. People are sick of been told how they can and can’t live their lives while others cower worried for their lives due to the unprecedented violence enacted by both radical terrorist groups [IS, Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists globally, Antifa, etc.] and overzealous authorities bringing their own idealistic views to the peaceful people of the planet as they indiscriminately slay innocent bystanders for no good reason but that of religious or political ideology. We as a planet are no longer evolving, we are in fact devolving to the most primal of instincts which is ‘KILL OR BE KILLED’. This has to stop or we will see a future dystopian wasteland depicted in every religion and countless works of fiction in book and on the screen. This is the time we need to start looking at how we can prevent a mass extinction event from occurring and create a future where everyone is equal no matter Creed, Colour, Religion, Sexual identity or Political viewpoint. So on that I will call it a day and await the first step in the world’s evolution or devolution as America goes to the polls finally,

Rant you tomorrow!