Wednesday, 27 May 2020


Welcome to Wednesday and another load of "BS" to rant about.

Well it seems in America it's all out war with president Trump firing of blanks with a tirade of tweets at anyone who disagrees with him. Over the weekend and through America's memorial day Trump thought it was a good idea to attack his opposition, then he started in on state governors stating mail in ballots would be too easy to duplicate or could be used fraudulently using his twitter account, tweeting without providing evidence: "There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.". Unfortunately for Trump, Twitters new fact checking bot highlighted this tweet with a warning label in the post which displays as a blue exclamation mark underneath the tweets, suggesting readers "get the facts about mail-in ballots" under its new policy on misleading information. Trump responded by tweeting again, saying the social media giant "is completely stifling free speech". Trump's presidential campaign manager Brad Parscale also criticised Twitter, tweeting "Partnering with biased fake news 'fact checkers' is a smoke screen to lend Twitter's obvious political tactics false credibility. There are many reasons we pulled all our advertising from Twitter months ago, and clear political bias is one of them". Does everyone that works for this dementia driven psycho just bow down and pander to his every whim just so they can keep their high paying jobs because all I see are monkeys with the organ grinders hand stuck firmly up their asses controlling their every thought, come on America get some back bone and give this narcissistic malevolent entity the heave ho and do it now so the rest of the world can feel at ease instead of scared, worrying when or if this mental case pushes the big red button and sends us all to oblivion.

Well back in dear old Blighty, it's not any better as in the last twenty four hours the government has lied, deceived, backed an idiot and lost a member of parliament. The row over Cummings trip across country rolls on with the governments cabinet minister's been used as puppets to back the prime ministers highly paid lackey which makes you wonder what dirt does Cummings have on Johnson to keep him from firing him. Is there some skeletons Johnson is too ashamed to reveal and Cummings has the proof. There has to be something stopping Johnson firing the person who has the ear of the man in charge of our country especially as the row has incited at least thirty five conservative MP's to call for the resignation of Cummings and for one junior minister to resign amidst the shit show been displayed by senior members of the cabinet who are calling for everyone to move on. As much as the prime minister may want to draw a line in the sand over the incident, he can't as he
 will be questioned by senior MP's amid continued calls for his top adviser to resign not only by the public, but also by high ranking religious figures, other party members and anyone with a sense that justice is not been served. Johnson will appear before the Commons Liaison Committee for 90 minutes, during which he will be asked about Dominic Cummings' controversial lockdown trip to County Durham during session, due to begin at four o'clock and will be the first time that the PM has faced questions from MPs since the allegations against Mr Cummings emerged at the end of last week. Among those set to question the PM will be the committee's chairman, Tory MP Sir Bernard Jenkin, former Tory cabinet ministers Greg Clark and Karen Bradley, ex-Labour minister Hilary Benn and the SNP's Pete Wishart. The bulk of the hearing will be devoted to the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, including testing, PPE, schools and the economy, with the section on Mr Cummings' actions due to last less than 30 minutes. 

The problem I see with him been questioned by the Commons Liaison Committee is that it's a closed session and run by other MP's meaning where is the accountability to the public and where is the general public's voice in all this. Without outside oversight by non members of parliament how can the public ever trust the people they elect to these posts, surely making up a separate oversight committee based on the crown court system where twelve people made up from lawyers, judges, police officers, Doctors, small business owners and members of the general public can question the prime minister would surely create a better feedback to the nation instead of simply sitting him in front of a group of other MP's who all have their own agenda's.

Rant you tomorrow!