Saturday, 15 August 2020


Welcome to the weekend. We start yet another weekend with out any light shining on the end of the dark tunnel we call 2020. What will we find to rant about today? Let's have a look.

In America the dismantling of the USPS is still making waves as well as the continued police brutality in Portland as the police continue to use tear gas on peaceful protesters which for some reason the big news stations are neglecting to report. What do they decide to report instead, the big headlines of the day were how Trump visited his big brother who is very ill in hospital, does this really count as necessary news to broadcast when the rest of the country is suffering from Trumps iron fist approach to everything from peaceful protests to his need to win at any cost. What should be getting covered in more detail is the fact that the man in charge of the USPS has millions of shares in the postal services competitors. Trump has openly condemned mail in voting as fraudulent, but what is more fraudulent is the actions of Trump and his lackey DeJoy as they systematically cut away at the longest running national company from the inside. As reports come forth about sorting machines been removed from post office centres and overtime for postal worker been cut which all adds up to a slower service playing in to the hands of the Republicans corrupt practices. You also have the fact that any vote received after the election deadline been rejected means Trump has singlehandedly defecated on the American constitution by removing the people right to vote, not to mention the closing of important polling stations around the country making hit harder for minority voters to cast their vote. All this is being done because Trump knows he has an uphill battle to regain the presidency come November. He has repeatedly said mail-in ballots will lead to voting fraud - and give a boost to his rival Democrat Joe Biden. Experts say the mail-in voting system which is used by the American military and by Trump himself, is safe from tampering. Former President Barack Obama strongly criticised what he described as Mr Trump's "attempts to undermine the election", writing on Twitter that the administration was "more concerned with suppressing the vote than suppressing a virus". 

As an outsider I find it remarkable that there are no safeguards in place to prevent this type of corruption in such a high position of power. Why hasn't congress got a veto policy where they can step in an take charge of the USPS when they see the type of self-serving corruption that the current post master general is showing especially when it is clear he has interests in major USPS competition. Since February it has been clear that Trump was focused on one thing and one thing only which was his reelection as he played to his supporters by firstly calling the pandemic a hoax, then condemning Democrat run states for their delay in easing lockdown inciting protests from armed vigilantes to storm government buildings, followed by his support of killer cops. He then started his reelection rallies amidst rising virus deaths and peaceful protests calling for equal rights for all turning them in to killing fields with his stormtrooper agents. When all those tactics failed he decided to corrupt the postal service from within which he saw as his weakness when it came to the chance of winning a second term by placing a supporter in a position of power to create chaos in the mail in voting cycle. All this in only the space of eight months, which begs the question, 'How can this man really still be in charge of such a powerful country?' 

I am just gobsmacked at the way a country like America is governed. Trump has not only corrupted the office of the presidency, but has also opened up to discussion the flaws in such a government institution which has for over two hundred years valued itself on how much a little piece of paper gives them freedom. The fact of the matter is that it actually gives the people nothing while giving the people in charge everything. The constitution was written on the back of a nation defeating a power hungry monarch who ruled from afar while his foots soldiers robbed, pillaged and killed those very people who saw the Americas has a new home and now that single piece of paper is allowing the country once again to be robbed, pillaged and murdered by foot soldiers in suits rather than uniforms while been ruled by a power hungry president hell bent on returning the country back in time to when it was a monarchy where slavery, indentured servitude and iron fist laws kept the populous in their downtrodden place within society. All in all it's only my opinion, but I think America needs to take a really hard luck at which of the so called laws within the constitution need removing to better serve the nation as a whole and not just the rich.

On that note I will move on to dear old Blighty which is in dire need of laws been changed also. Well while the UK is the grip of virus deaths, lockdown economic destruction, Brexit economic destruction and being led by the inept politician of our history, we turn our thoughts to Victory over Japan day which marks seventy five years since the second world war finally ended with Japan's surrender. The Royal Family is led the UK's commemorations as the Prince of Wales led a two-minute silence at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, as part of a service of remembrance while the Queen in a message thanking those "who fought so valiantly and those of us who remember the conclusion of the Far East campaign, whether on active service overseas, or waiting for news at home, will never forget the jubilant scenes and overwhelming sense of relief". Once again we remember the bravery of our ancestors who fought to give us freedom from tyranny as we face down the barrel of yet more tyrannical leadership throughout the world. The government of the UK show good form, but lack the bravery of our ancestors and will only drag us down.

As the country reels over ineptitude and incompetency within the ruling party of the day the future is unknown because the wrong man was voted in to power last December, a man that has no regard for the people and only thinks of himself. What is needed is a leader who understands the mentality of the commoner not a toff who looks down his nose at the workers. In Johnson we have a man who hasn't worked a proper job in his whole life, but took the easy way out after living the privileged life of a public schoolboy and the party life of a student. In conclusion our country for the next three and half years is to be governed by a hypocrite who has no idea of how to solve any of the problems facing the nation at large. Basically we need to just live each day as if it were our last with the hope the government or at least the Tory party will remove Johnson sooner rather than later. On that note I will call it a day as there is really very little new to rant about.

Rant you tomorrow!