Sunday, 17 May 2020


Happy and safe Sunday everybody, so shall we see if the news is worth a rant.

In America Ex-president Obama has largely held his tongue about the actions of his successor but on Friday in a call to 3,000 former aides and officials that was leaked to the media, he let loose saying "There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free," he further said. "That's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic - not just institutional norms - but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk."

Trump responded with a flurry of social media posts and retweets on Sunday, accusing Obama and his aides of engaging in a criminal effort to undermine his presidency blaming Obama supporters, numerous reporters and media outlets. 
Trump also retweeted a conservative talk-radio host who accused Obama officials of sabotaging Trump in the days before he took office calling it "The biggest political crime in American history, by far!". 

On the back of all this it has been reported that Trump's campaign team has sent cease and desist orders to TV stations that run critical ads using his own words and then calls for the arrest of his opponents, what has the humanity done to deserve such a bigoted narcissistic bankrupt leader who is running one of the most powerful countries in the world as his own corrupt dictatorship, I always thought America preached democracy, but as before when a corrupt powerful person takes the reigns they will do anything to stay in power and Trump is such a man!

Back in dear old Blighty, we seem to be having more of the same BS, Though lockdown restrictions have been eased in England, government advice states that people should "not gather in groups of more than two" except with members of their household. The government has warned the coronavirus infection rate will increase if people break the rules. While Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said different approaches across the four UK nations to tackling coronavirus are not going to "help us out of this crisis". He blamed Prime Minister Boris Johnson for the way Wales and England had diverged in the easing of the lockdown. Sir Keir said it reinforced his call for "radical federalism" across the UK. But Welsh Secretary Simon Hart has said there were "far more similarities than differences in the approaches of the nations of the UK". Also the government has outlined it's plan to reopen schools and categorically stated their plan will prevent any crossover contamination with teacher's and children being safe while three councils have said they will not send children back to school against the governments advice.

All I have to say on these topics is since the general election the words coming out of the prime ministers mouth have been lie after lie after lie with no clear road map to solving anything they say they want to achieve which includes Brexit and now the pandemic. They fumble through telling the public what to do without giving us any confidence in ever reaching a conclusion. Brexit was a foolish idea in the first place, moving the country out of the common market when the livelihoods of millions depended on exports for income, then came a global pandemic hitting an already uncertain economy which the government has promised to bankroll, but what of the future with thousands of unnecessary deaths and businesses that may never recover on top of the amount of billionaires taking advantage of the governments furlough scheme who could have used their own fortunes to sustain their workforce's instead of greedily robbing from the less fortunate lower income businesses, Where do we go from her?

Rant you tomorrow!