Well today is a bit of a sombre day in the world and in my personal life. Yet let's see what there is to rant about.
In America Trump once again shows his stupidity and idiocy by asking doctors to look in to the use of UV light on or injecting disinfectant in to people to cure the coronavirus which showed in the demeanour of Dr Birx who rejected the idea. Also a vaccine expert was ousted for questioning Trumps unproven treatments which really begs the question does anyone write his speeches or does he make stuff up on the spot. Come on America your president is flailing as a leader and he is the one who should be ousted because he is useless in his job. For someone who supposedly got a B.S in Economics he is clueless, maybe the B.S stands for BULLSHIT in Economics.
So back to dear old Blighty and once again we have a Thursday clapathon for the nations medical staff and carers, and once again idiots gathered in groups on the bridges of London to show their support as well as share their germs. Local councils are complaining their bailout from the government is running out, how can that be when we silly F****** are paying them in tax.
So in the good news camp, Bin men in the North East were filmed playing hopscotch while emptying bins.
Rant you tomorrow!