Saturday, 18 April 2020


So welcome to the weekend, Shall we see what there is to rant about today.

So Trump is now calling on the public in three states to petition there governors who are democrats to reopen their states going against advice and also told the New York governor Mr Cuomo to spend more time doing and less time complaining. I do believe that's the pot calling the kettle, as Trump thinks Twitter is his own sounding board for anything he thinks or even when he doesn't think and puts gob into action without engaging brain, which in my opinion is very F****** useless anyway. Trump is once again inciting riots and creating hatred with his racist, sexist narcissistic attitude where he is God's messenger on earth and deserves to be worshipped. Come on America show backbone and get rid of this idiot before he brings you in to a second civil war. They are now questioning when the presidential election will be run, but either way Trump will not get anymore time in the Whitehouse unless America has another meltdown and see's this F****** idiot as a saviour. 

Returning to dear old Blighty the story is the complete opposite to America with hardly any disturbing news and no more Johnson headlines. One news headline coming from the department of corrections is that due to wrong prisoners being released the early release program has been suspended which is a joke, how do you release the wrong inmates. Also we are still hearing about PPE shortages leaving medical and caring staff at risk of infection which is closely followed by the news some services provided by local councils could be at risk to their budgets running out which begs the question where the F*** does our national insurance contributions and our council tax payments really go if a simple four to five week lockdown creates such shortfalls in funding. Answer me that ministers, councillors and hospital trusts, especially since you're still getting your income and living it up on the tax payers dime.

So for the good news or slightly better news, good old Captain Tom who turns one hundred on April thirtieth, Happy Birthday and he has up to now raised a staggering twenty one million pounds in less than two weeks. Also firms are changing diversity to help out the country with the likes of Nissan making face masks and Barbour making Surgical gowns showing the spirit of this small island in a time of crisis.

Rant you tomorrow!