Saturday, 30 May 2020


And in to another weekend we go, with the world in turmoil. Let's see what is rantable today

In America, While cities in his own country riot and burn over his inept running of the country which now has over one hundred thousand deaths recorded due to the pandemic and its treatment of the minority classes (non white races) like the death of an innocent black man at the hands of over zealous cops, Trump's main focus is still squarely on blaming other people and organisations like China and the World Heath Organisation for the current death toll in America, so yesterday instead of concentrating on his own countries problems he announced that he (as in himself, not congress) was terminating the country's relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO). He has blatantly and publicly accused the WHO of failing to hold Beijing to account over the coronavirus pandemic saying  "China has total control over the World Health Organisation," while announcing measures aimed at punishing Beijing. He went on to say that Washington, not America, will redirect funds to other bodies by stopping the US contribution estimated at four hundred million dollars. 

This is a mad man criticising and lashing out at anybody he deems to be his enemy with tirade after tirade of non evidential BS to deflect the shit storm away from his now failing presidency and second term re-election chances hoping that laying the blame on outsiders will return the popular vote back to him, all this while protesters battle with secret service personnel outside the Whitehouse gates and the national guard enter the streets of Minneapolis in the biggest operation in the cities history. Also the military is been readied to deploy to the city meaning if it does American soldiers will be asked to fight American civilians on American soil creating a second civil war and this will give the white nationalists exactly what they want an excuse to take their fight in to the streets of America. There were other protest groups formed in other American cities in support of Minneapolis in Atlanta, New York, Dallas, Detroit, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Oakland which should be telling America and the World that under Trump, America is becoming a third world country where white privilege rules and any other races are superfluous to the running of a once great nation, but mostly that there is no longer a constitution being followed as each one of the blood soaked rules is flaunted by its own leader.

Well that's enough about president racist, let's see what primeminister clown has bee up to in dear old Blighty.  So Johnson has lifted the lockdown to allow schools, shops and businesses to reopen in June, while his scientific advisers have warned of the risk of lifting the lockdown in England too soon. Professor John Edmunds has stated it is a "political decision" to ease measures while Sir Jeremy Farrar has said the NHS test and trace system should be "fully working", more definitive proof that the left hand doesn't communicate with the right hand and everything done since the virus struck has been purely for political gain not public safety. Back in April in a SAGE meeting it was estimated that the number of new cases of the virus would be around one thousand per day by mid may while in fact estimates by the Office for National Statistics suggests the current number of new cases is currently around eight times that value at eight thousand per day in England alone and do not include cases in care homes or hospitals. In other words everything the government is feeding us in these well televised briefings is pure BS and they are nowhere near getting control of this pandemic according to at least four members of Sage who have stated in interviews or posted on Twitter that releasing lockdown measures now is too soon and is likely to cause a second wave of infections as the R number was still too close to one and it was important we "don't lose control" at this stage of the pandemic. 

What we can see, is the scientific community collectively voicing there opinions openly, so they can't be used as scapegoats when the governments political agenda causes a greater number of deaths during a second or even a third wave of spreading unlike other countries around the world where their leaders have taken note of their advisors creating the spread to plateau instead of rise. Clearly in England, as at the moment we appear to be no longer the United Kingdom, we need a vote of no confidence in the present government and should create a cross party coalition placing each party leader withing the cabinet until this present situation is resolved followed quickly by a new general election to unseat maybe not the conservative party but at least the present cabinet members because they are surely too inept to continue.

Rant you tomorrow!