Wednesday, 26 August 2020


Well here we are again half way through the week nearing the end of August nearly seven month's since the first cases of COVID-19 hit both the shores of the US and the UK, so let's take a look at how we are both faring in the wake of that fateful day in January.

First to America where, Trump the most corrupt president in history has continued to shift money from his donors to his businesses, In the last five years Trump's reelection campaign has paid his private companies for rent, food, lodging and other expenses, according to a review of the latest Federal Election Commission filings. The richest president in American history, who has yet to donate a single penny to his own 2020 campaign, has now moved $2.3 million of contributions from other people into his private companies. Most recently was a $38,000 in rent last month for campaign offices through Trump Tower Commercial LLC, the entity that owns his Fifth Avenue skyscraper plus $8,000 in July via the Trump Corporation, a management company that he owns. The precise reason for those payments is unclear. There is also Trump Restaurants LLC which has gotten $117,000 since its owner became president, Trump Hotel Collection, in which Trump also owns a 100% interest, received another $1,000 in July and the campaign has paid Trump’s hotel properties $226,000 since Inauguration Day, according to the analysis of federal filings.Bearing in mind these are just the campaign payments and don't include what has been paid by the federal government has paid out to Trump businesses for room rental, golf cart hire, restaurant and room service bills at Trump golf courses and hotels. Trump’s machinations have been going on for years and Forbes first reported on money moving from his reelection campaign to his business in 2018. The Trump Organization did not respond to a request for comment and a representative for the Trump campaign ignored a series of questions about the payments instead issuing a broad statement.The statement that was read said “The campaign complies with all campaign finance laws and FEC regulations,and the campaign pays fair market value under negotiated rental agreements and other service agreements in compliance with the law. The campaign works closely with campaign counsel to ensure strict compliance in this regard. The president’s total haul from his campaign, party and joint fundraising committee alone now stands at more than $6.9 million. Not a meaningless sum, even for a billionaire. So while all previous presidents have given up their businesses or jobs and President Carter placed his peanut farm in a blind trust the richest president in history is milking the American public for every penny he can find while illegally profiting from his position. In my opinion this man should be impeached on that alone and jailed under the Rico statute for money laundering and tax evasion along with his whole family who are profiting from the presidential seal. If Trump does lose in November the secret service should be removed from protecting Trump and his family because there just be a continuation of the profiteering as the Secret Service and the American people are over charged for the privilege of protecting this unscrupulous human being.

So as the president profits, the American economy tanks and the American people suffer under a lawless authoritarian style regime as yet another story emerges of a black man dying from a gun shot to the back at the hands of the Pasadena law enforcement agency on the 15th of August. As more violent protests break out nationwide the Republican party convention rolled on trying to convince Americans that Trump is a perfect president. Different elements of the second day of the convection angered Democrats and the American people when in a blatant disregard for the Hatch act which stops federal employees from misusing government resources for political campaigns both the first lady and the current secretary of state disregarded the act. Melania Trump used the background of the whitehouse with the presidential seal in plain view to give her televised speech to the convention, while Mike Pompeo used a federal position whilst on diplomatic business to back Trump which was a highly unethical use of his position. On the back of this Trump used propaganda methods to showboat his misuse of power by openly using the presidential seal as he pardoned a Black Nevada bank robber who founded a charity that helps convicts reintegrate into society as a 'look what I have done' moment as well as appearing live from the White House to preside over a naturalisation ceremony for immigrants, the same people Trump has been taken steps against during his presidency restricting their legal immigration, as well as crack down on illegal immigration policies. In response to these blatant acts of unethical showboating Biden's campaign has accused Trump and the Republican party of using both the office of the presidency and the newly coined American citizens as props for political propaganda.

In my outside looking in opinion it is both unethical and immoral to use such tactics to promote a man who is both profiteering from and destructing the most powerful position in the world today. You are seeing a Republican party trying to reconcile with itself for firstly allowing such a man to be elected in the first place and secondly trying to minimise the damage to its own standing as a party of the people he is causing. How can anyone still see Trump as an effective choice for president when in the space of four years he has has overseen a deadly virus get out of hand killing one hundred and eighty thousand Americans, the biggest economic collapse since the great depression of the 1920's, forty million American's at risk of eviction from their homes, fifty seven million Americans filing for unemployment benefits making one in ten people unemployed, ten billion a year in lost export revenues to China, a catastrophic effect on the amount of small businesses closing while multi million dollar businesses receive preferential treatment towards pandemic furlough aid and payroll tax rebates before those small businesses, the richest one percent getting richer through his tax cuts and continually suppressing bills to aid the poorer Americans while signing executive orders that benefit the rich. America this is the man that has taken your once great nation dumping it in to a cesspit of racist brutality that ruled the southern states of the country for nearly two hundred years along with an economic decline never seen in a hundred years. Can you really allow such a man to gain another four years in office where he will continue to subvert justice and destroy the constitution to benefit his own narcissistic wants.

On that I will move on to dear old Blighty where once again the government has taken yet another U-turn over the pandemic, lockdown and schools reopening as it changes it policies on mask in schools stating that in lockdown areas such as Greater Manchester, which have greater restrictions to stop the spread of the virus, wearing face coverings will become mandatory in school corridors where social distancing is more difficult. In areas of England not subject to tighter restrictions, headteachers will have discretion over whether to require face masks, but the government will no longer advise against their use. Again we see a government fighting with itself to stay head of the backlash it faces from the public over it inability to make the correct decision from the beginning, while trying to prevent in fighting between Conservative MP's and while this is going on the argument over people returning to office work rolls on as Fifty of the biggest UK employers have said they have no plans to return all staff to the office full-time in the near future. Some 24 of those firms said that they did not have any plans in place to return workers to the office, however, 20 have opened their offices for staff unable to work from home. These employer decisions come as many of the furloughed employees return to work from their summer holidays with the reality of a prolonged period of home working becoming increasingly likely.

What I believe we are seeing is a step towards an even more relaxed way of working as more and more employers see the benefit and cost effectiveness of their employees working remotely as technology gives them a broader narrative and ability meaning they no longer have to plant their offices in one area and can start to employ staff nationally giving them a wider pool of prospective applicants to choose from. This may mean less office space is required giving rise to the future of business where only management is required to work in house while their teams work remotely. Whether this is a good thing will only be fully noticeable at the end of the fiscal year when companies assess their bottom line on expenses as employees claim for worked based overheads. The one draw back I could foresee is in both the fixed assets and utilities expenditure as fixed assets and utilities outlay within office space should effectively decrease while multiple utility costs and offsite fixed assets from staff expenditure would need to factored in to the overall balance sheets which would mean a new way off recording these offsets on the bottom line of the business accounts. On the back of this what will also be seen is the decline in city centre businesses that accommodate and thrive on people who work in the offices as less footfall occurs. There is also going to be some winners and loser in this dramatic restructuring of businesses moving their employees on to a more work from home footing as on one hand the environment would win with less commuting via car, bus or train while public transport businesses and inner city car parks would suffer under less people using them. Businesses would see a saving in extortionate rental expenditure while employees may possibly see wages caps due to a percentage of the outlay for a business will move to supplying and covering the cost of specialised equipment needed to accommodate home working
. A more structured flexible working practice could accommodate better work/life balance for employees creating a round the clock business practice which would also create a bigger logistical nightmare for employers. All these factors will need to be taken in to account before a much wider transition could take place. The pandemic and the lockdown has brought with it a very unique and trying time which has has seen great loss, but has encouraged a greater emphasis on the ability to adapt to change for the nation which in the long run may prove to be what a stagnate infrastructure needed to evolve beyond the norms laid out for years pushing the old dog to learn new tricks to survive in an ever changing world. Ask yourself the question do I need to work in a stuffy office when I could easily do it from home. The up and coming businesses will be the one's who see potential in creating a work from home scenario with a smaller office for management and conferencing facilities to accommodate meetings and training needs. On that note I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!