Friday, 21 August 2020


Good day and welcome to another Friday where we find our leaders focused once again on themselves rather than the people suffering due to their decisions, so let's see what they have done today.

In America it doesn't seem to get any better as Trump throws out insults at the people that are standing up to his systemic racist tendencies. In Pennsylvania during his speech he insulted both Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC for short as Trump likes to refer to her), but took what seemed to be great pleasure in insulting Miss Ocasio-Cortez's education which is what a person who doesn't know how react to a well spoken and powerful woman who cannot oppress. Thursday saw Joe Biden finally accept the nomination of the Democratic party and in his powerful speech vowed to move the country past its "season of darkness" under Trump. He stated that the current president had cloaked America in darkness for far too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division and that he gave his word, if entrusted with the presidency, to draw on the best, not the worst,and that united the people can and will overcome this season of darkness in America. In a bizarre reaction to Biden speech Trump who is supposedly trailing in the polls in nearly all swing states to Mr Biden, complained wrongly that photo ID was required to enter the virtual DNC convention and took pot shots at Biden's abilities whilst comparing himself to a chess grandmaster, The man is completely delusional and off his rocker, next he will compare himself to Sun Tzu or maybe not as he is racially aggressive towards the Chinese. 

 What can be seen in such a short time is the character of both candidates running for the presidency, where Biden calmly shows dignity and intellect while talking with solid outlined goals, Trump attacks with dirty and underhanded disrespect for anyone opposing him. The latest on the rumour mill is that Trump is prepared to deploy his stormtroopers, sheriffs and other law enforcement agents to election polling stations to monitor what he claims is widespread fraud, but is in fact largely non-existent which clearly shows an intent to subvert and corrupt the election process instilling a dictatorship style of control over the right to vote as seen in Russia and other corrupt countries where peoples rights are suppressed. He has clearly lost his mind and is beginning to publicly unravel as he makes one bizarre accusation after another and also tries to oppress the freedom of speech act for everyone, but himself as proven with the latest bizarre petitioning of the supreme court to let him block people on Twitter again.
In 2018, it was ruled the US president cannot block other users on the social media app because the messages are 'governmental in nature' and is therefore part of a public forum and as such, blocking users as a result of the political views they have expressed is impermissible under the First Amendment. Come on America how often does anyone have to exhibit the facts about Trump unsuitability to be president before you enact on your civil rights to vote him out of office. Whether you be Democrat or Republican, it is no longer about red or blue, it is about the sake of a nation that is drowning in hatred, corruption, authoritarianism and totalitarianism, not to mention the fact that under the present administration over one hundred and seventy thousand people have died from a pandemic (the likes of which has been not seen in over one hundred years), the economy is flailing (due to the pandemic and governmental ineptitude), Protests against oppressive and murderous law enforcement has risen (again the likes of which has not been seen in over fifty years) and to put it in words anyone can understand, America is on the brink of it's own internal annihilation where American will end up fighting American creating a second civil war, but this time it will not be Unionist against confederate it will be neighbour against neighbour and will be nationwide. So make the decision and make it peacefully showing how America can join together to eradicate the evil that has got a foothold on your countries halls of power not just in the whithouse, but throughout every political avenue of the nation from law enforcement to local government to state government to congress to senate to the presidency.

On that thought I will call it a day in America and check out dear old Blighty. So the whereabouts of our absentee primeminister has been found as pictures of Johnson emerge showing him in a woolly hat wandering around a cottage situated next to coast in Scotland. As Britain stumbles on through the worst pandemic in a hundred years and the UK debt rises above two trillion pounds,100% of gross domestic product (GDP) for the first time in sixty years our duly elected leader of the government is holidaying instead of performing his duty to the country. Johnson has remained silent and absent from public during the current crisis over exam results and the continuing rise of positive cases of coronavirus, only to use social media to congratulate GCSE pupils on their results and to comment on the sentencing of the Manchester Arena bomber's brother, which has lead to claims that he has been 'invisible' during the controversy because he has not got a clue and is floundering in his premiership. Surely as the political leader of the country Johnson should forgo any holidays until the country has turned the corner on the current growing list of crisis's the country is facing. You don't see those poor souls who have lost their jobs or loved ones taking off on holiday, do you? This is just one more factor that proves the country was duped in the December election which gave Johnson four more years in power to turn this once great world power in to just a little non existent island sitting to the west of Europe that no one could give a flying F*** about. As a country we need to stand up and show the government we will no longer accept their corrupt ineptitude that has been allowed the fester through the halls of parliament for too long. 

We need a new system that allows the people a greater say in what happens and a new law that can be enacted to remove a government that fails in its duty. We are a democracy that is been misled and misgoverned by someone that has been proven to be incapable of doing his job. In any other type of business the head of the board would be removed and replaced with someone more competent and in any other type of business someone who is proved to be unsuitable for the role would be demoted or dismissed. Why is government the only stylised 'business' where we see such ineptitude be allowed and condoned without any form of disciplinary procedure. I don't have an answer, I am just spit balling my opinion, but surely any governing body should have a probationary period to prove themselves or a bi-annually six monthly review period where they can be replaced rather than four years without even a slap on the wrist for poor performance. On that thought I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!