Here we are again still in the grip of a pandemic, ineptitude within political leaders and nearly three quarters of the way through 2020, which makes you think about the future and what we can expect, but that's by the by. Let's see what there is to rant about today.
In America as the Biden/Harris presidential run hots up Trump sets yet another step in his plan to corrupt the voting system within the country by influencing his corrupt Post Master General to remove mail sorting machines from post offices which will slow down the flow of the US mail which comes on the back of an increase in the cost to states for electoral post. Does this man have no morals when it comes to his deceit and corruption of power. There is a new option to be taken when considering the election come November, do you want another four years of Trump/Pence? Two white uber rich white guys who have taken a once strong nation and made it uneconomical and the laughing stock of the world or will it be Biden/Harris? An experienced ex-vice president backed by a strong independent woman (forget about the fact she is of mixed African American and Asian decent because that is irrelevant, judge her on her political acumen and history). Way up the facts you have two political savvy Democrats verses one failed businessman backed by a lap dog of a politician representing the Republicans. In the nearly four years in power this duo (if you can call it that because I can't remember hearing about anything Pence has done) has systematically returned the US back in time to when white privilege ruled the south with cotton plantations and slavery while the north used indentured servitude as labour. In the introduction speeches of the Biden/Harris ticket the ground rules were set as Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris opening attacked "whining" President Donald Trump as an incompetent leader who has left the US "in tatters". The pair held their first campaign event together, a day after Mr Biden unveiled Ms Harris as his number two causing Trump hit back, saying Ms Harris had "dropped like a rock" in her own presidential bid. Trump is truly scared of the competition, especially now that it is a strong woman to push it to victory and all he has in his arsenal is bigotry and vulgarity as the nation continues to see just what sort of man Donald J. Trump really is which was put quite eloquently by Kamala Harris in her speech when she said that Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden, but then proceeded to, like everything else he inherited, run it straight into the ground.
Other than the political sparring there is a rather nonsensical story out there that the US government has proposed changing the definition of a showerhead to allow increased water flow, following complaints from President Donald Trump about his hair routine. Under a 1992 law, showerheads in the US are not allowed to produce more than 2.5 gallons (9.5l) of water per minute which the Trump administration wants to limit to apply to each nozzle, rather than the overall fixture even though the argument against states that an increase is wasteful and unnecessary. It sounds so damn stupid, but that is what has emerged after Trumps little rant at the Whitehouse last month where he complained about showerheads stating "So showerheads - you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair - I don't know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect,", How vain is this man who already paints his face to cover his ageing, but now worries about his hair, come on America make the right decision come November.
On that note let's take a look at dear old Blighty. You know as we blunder on through an unprecedented year in history where we have a government hell bent on killing our economic livelihoods by continuing to dismantle half a centuries good will built up between the UK and it European counterparts without even one proviso in place for the future of our export business reliant on the EU. Now due to the pandemic we have entered another recession like the one the tory government of the eighties left us in due to the ineptitude of another Tory primeminister. That's not to mention the death toll the pandemic has caused to unsuspecting individuals because the information allowed us by the government is lacking in honesty or clarity. It isn't going to get better while Johnson and his cronies control the freedom of a nation in their little corrupt hands milking the country dry while profiteering off the carcasses of the dead or dying. All I see is a bleak future where the rich get richer and the less well off struggle to survive the onslaught of the economic cesspool called Johnson. Margaret Thatcher took over just before the new year rang in 1980, then set about destroying the nationally owned infrastructure inciting strikes as well as sporadic violence and now we have Johnson who took over just before the new year rang in 2020 (forty years later) and guess what he is just like Thatcher as in, he is destroying the common market and has overseen the beginning of yet another Tory inflicted recession. What is worse is he has three and half years left to do more catastrophic damage to the nation that we all call home. What is needed is a labour party led coalition calling for a vote of no confidence in the current government to oust Johnson and rebuild the country under a coalition government of cross party members till a new election can be implemented. On that dreary note I will call it a day.Rant you tomorrow!