Friday, 22 May 2020


So we have reached Friday again, so let's see what topics pop up to rant about today.

Well the headlines out of America is how Trump removed a mask before facing cameras at a car factory saying he wore the mask in a back area during a factory tour in Michigan, but removed it before facing the cameras so his supposed image wasn't tarnished. He told reporters he took off the facial covering at the Ford car plant because he "didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it", and he was about to make a speech. He did this despite Michigan's attorney general urging the president to comply with health guidelines, the president insisted it was unnecessary because he is regularly tested for coronavirus. So as usual Trump and his administration think they are above the rest of the world and just because he is tested regularly he won't catch the disease which is simply stupidity at work. Even though he was in Michigan, Trump again let rip on twitter blasting the state for openly sending out over seven million absentee voting applications calling it illegal to do so and threatened to withhold federal aid badly needed in the state all because he wants to control who can or can't vote especially since Michigan is a swing state. The threat is to make people vote for him so they can receive the necessary aid which in itself is illegal and a breach of power. Also it was revealed that Mike Pompeo used American tax dollars to throw lavish parties for the Fox news network, again highly illegal and he should be investigated. In every level of Trump's administration we are seeing financial backhanders, stock fraud, nepotism in job allocations and blatant lying, so again I ask how is this man still President which hopefully will be rectified in November as more and more republicans voice their disgust and unwillingness to support such a presidency.

Okay let's jump back to dear old Blighty and see what our so called politicians are failing at. So the main news is that Johnson and his administration are being viewed as in disarray after backing down over NHS fees for overseas health and care workers, also the they have made a decision to resume parliament on the second of June which means MP's will no longer be paid to stay at home and do F*** all. They will have to travel to London to resume sessions in the house of parliament and will no longer be allowed to vote virtually. This is being done to bring rogue MP's back to heel as Johnson's government begins to appear more and more rattled by the pandemic along with the public outcry for better leadership due to Johnson's shabby handling of the virus on both television and in parliament itself. His adversaries in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and in the opposition party have outshone the primeminister on all occasions which has led to his notable absence when his party as well as the country has needed him to show solid leadership as the figure head of the countries politicians, instead he has hidden away and allowed some rather inept cabinet ministers face the onslaught of criticism and answer the hard questions inadequately which inevitably has led to a ratings slump coming on the back of the London assembly’s decision to continue investigating alleged links between his private entanglements and his work as the capital’s mayor between 2008 and 2016. As a voter I find it so in despicable how such a man could have ever been voted in as an MP let alone being selected as party leader or primeminister, obviously their was a lot of under the counter handshakes with promises of "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours", allowing such an unprofessional, snot nosed schoolboy make a living lying to the people he promised to serve while filling his pockets with their hard earned cash.

Rant you tomorrow!