So America spoke last week, but took until late on Friday to decide the outcome as pollsters set Biden on the path to inauguration come January 20th 2021. As the key state of Pennsylvania declared Biden as the winner in their state giving him 290 predicted Electoral College votes to become president-elect, Trump started crying fraud as he spun out of control once again. So while his hard-line supporter’s fight his loss through the courts claiming whatever they think will steal him the election, what does Trump do?
Well instead of doing his job and running the country, he took two days off to travel back and forth to Virginia to play golf. As the camera’s caught him in the presidential SUV, he was looking dejected and distraught, which could be down to the fact that his lawsuits are not going anywhere or it could be down to the fact that his inner circle is fracturing or it could simply be down to fact he has realised he could be facing jail the minute he sets foot outside the Whitehouse as Congress starts another attack on his so called presidency of untruths and corruption. Either way he still has 74 days in which he can do irreputable damage to the country before flying off to a non-extradition country to live out his life.
Another interesting fact that has come to light is the possibility that the money been raised to fight the election in the courts could actually be been used to pay the debts Trump’s campaign ran up for advertisements and TV time which is still owed. Also headlines say that Deutsche Bank may be ready to pull the plug on Trump ceasing assets if a loan of nearly $400 million is not paid back sooner because they are receiving unwanted attention from Congress for how they run their business. So basically you could say that Trump is totally shafted on all sides.
But while Trump golfs and cowers in the people’s house refusing to concede to Biden, the new president-elect is putting together his war cabinet to fight the pandemic, climate, equality and rebuild the US economy. On Saturday Biden took to the stage to thank over 74 million voters for putting their trust in him and Kamala Harris for the next four years, but is hitting his first brick wall which is that of accessing transition funding that all president-elect’s are entitled to. This is a governmental process controlled by the General Services Administration, an independent agency of the United States government tasked with recognising the president-elect and beginning the transition process, who have so far not done so. Its administrator Emily Murphy, who was appointed by Trump, has given no indication when this could happen. Until then, Mr Biden's transition team cannot access government funds or communicate with the federal agencies it will be staffing, yet another Trump bought lackey displaying contempt for the constitution of the people instead of keeping the non-political line serving the fascism of the person who gave her the job. Would it not be wiser for her to help the incoming Presidency, so she could possibly keep her job instead of hindering it?
Overall what the world is seeing is exactly what has been predicted where certain very well paid government [I stipulate government, not Whitehouse] staff are subverting the correct protocols to benefit the Republican Party who are split over how Trump should move forward. It will all come to ahead in December when the votes have to be signed off on by the Electoral College. The two couples are by far very different, In the Trump’s you see a man and a mistress not a married couple. Donald Trump came from a white privileged background where he didn’t have to lift a finger to do anything receiving his fortune from his daddy, then using that money to get himself a celebrity status and his third wife Melania Trump may have come from a poor background, but she has used her body in magazines and on the catwalks of the world to gain her notoriety and celebrity status. Basically they love the limelight too much to have ever been any good as the President and first lady who have to show respectability and stature. The Biden’s on the other hand are a gracious down to earth couple who have served the people rather than taken from them. Joe Biden has served the people for nearly fifty years in politics proving himself at the second highest position of the country for eight of those fifty years while his wife of nearly forty five years Jill Biden has served, first as a teacher, then as a college lecturer before taking on the mantle of second lady of the United States proving herself in many charitable circles alongside first lady Michelle Obama. This is a couple worthy of the title, President and First Lady of the United States of America. So the question is, why the hell did just over seventy million people still vote for the TV personality couple instead of the presidential proven couple? At least seventy four million people saw the future will be brighter under the Biden’s, yet you have to ask if Biden had run back on 2016 would Trump have won or lost. I have to think he would have lost! Good luck America, because I have been saying it for months, a Biden win is only a start, you still have 74 days where Trump could cause mayhem for the country on top of the shitstorm he is already inciting amongst White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi supporters who congregate outside election count centres in close run battlegrounds, some even armed and the way he has ignored the pandemic as well as packing the Supreme Court with Republican sympathising judges. One final note is that the state of Florida who voted for Trump is currently been hit by yet another tropical storm causing widespread damage. What is the likelihood that Trump will immediately sign an executive order granting relief package for the state in a stark contrast to the way he treated the wildfire damage on the west coast or the hurricane damage done to the southern states. I can see the headlines now – ‘Trump gifts relief to Palm Beach, Florida’, anyway Florida will get the help other states never did!
On that sombre mood I will skip to dear old Blighty to see how we are faring. Well while the country lives under pandemic restrictions or lockdown, we as a nation remember the sacrifices of those heroes of the past and present on ‘Remembrance Sunday’. Although this year wasn’t the mass march pass of the previous years, the country still observed the day honouring those glorious dead who gave their lives for King/Queen and country in so many battles over the decades. The scenes at the royal Albert hall and at the cenotaph were silent of crowds, but still showed the country a fighting spirit which has pushed us through good and bad times especially poignant in this current climate of uncertainty and death. The Queen our nations figure head stood as a lonely figure on the balcony overlooking the cenotaph without the Duke of Edinburgh, only accompanied by a lady in waiting due to restrictions, but still commanded a dignity of office and as always showed us how to face adversity with a British backbone as she watched over her family and her government pay homage to the fallen.
Anyway while all the pomp and ceremony was going on for the privileged few under pandemic restriction protocols, the rest of us were left to watch it unfold on TV as the lockdown in England started, Northern Ireland is in the middle of lockdown, lockdown in Wales is coming set to come to an end and Scotland battle on with restriction only. The country is split and until all four nations get on the same page for an overall decision going forward, this pandemic will never be brought under control. So basically until Johnson, Sturgeon, Drakeford and Foster get on the same page about the path to a pandemic free United Kingdom we will never see the shining light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and it will stay dark for many more months to come.
Meanwhile the UK is facing economic lockdown as trade deals with the EU keep on failing and the future alliance with America is in question due to Johnson and Biden’s differing ideologies. We have just over a month till the UK is no longer governed by the EU and we are no further forward to reaching a resolution while the expected trade deals with America promised by Trump are under attack as America enters its own internal battle to beat the pandemic and get its own economy back on track. As of January 2021 the UK returns to an island alone without its external resources of trade with in Europe or its close ties to America as Biden and Johnson look to go head to head over Brexit law implementation. If anything Britain has never been so alone in its history all due to the moronic ideology of a brainwashed society that believes the ‘BS’ and misinformation broadcast by the far right who want to devolve us from the rest of the world returning non-whites back to the land from whence they came, even though every human being hailed from the same gene pool millions of years ago. This is the part of my brain that cannot comprehend the fact that such bigoted racism and anti-Semitism still exist in a populous whose ancestors hailed from the same evolution cycle.
Anyway as the far right and far left accuse each other of corruption in every known land upon this planet the middle ground is been forged ahead without the war mongers and pacifists, so that we the human race can exist pass the inevitable annihilation that will befall us if we do not stop, step back and take a good hard look at the way the planet and Mother Nature is fighting back at us for the generations of unadulterated destruction we have enacted upon her and our own survival. The time is now overdue for us to change our belief system and stop the planet from either dying or killing off humankind in an all-out extinction apocalypse. Wow I did it again heading straight in to an apocalypse scenario in my mind, so on that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!