Thursday, 4 June 2020


Well we step in to another fresh June Thursday morning with anxiety, anger and uncertainty in our hearts as wake up to reports of more violence. What has happened to the world we live in when the police and reserve military can use unprovoked violence, chemical weapons and rubberised projectiles on unarmed, peaceful protesters. Civilians are starting to fight back as more and more catalogued evidence is been broadcast over social media outlining the sustained abuse been used in America by law enforcement against their own people.

These out of control officers who pledged to protect and serve are systematically turning to their own style of mob rule by attacking people without first ascertaining whether they are protesters or innocent bystanders. In one part of New York a bystander filmed three officers using their batons to strike a man on a bicycle for no good reason other than he was in their way, while elsewhere in an unnamed location a witness filmed three officers brutalising an individual hidden behind a wall thinking they wouldn't get caught as one held the individual down, one knelt on the individuals head and a third rushed in, then started to smack his knee repeatedly in to the individuals midriff before they realised they were been filmed and handcuffed  their now battered suspect. They aren't only singling out men as widespread reports come in that security forces are targeting and beating small women and girls also. TV crews, photographers and reporters have took to wearing gas masks, so they can keep doing their jobs and report the systematic abuse while under attack from pepper spray and gas themselves. Trump (whilst hiding in his bunker under the Whitehouse again) is calling himself a hero and the whitehouse has compared him to Winston Churchill for his actions in declaring martial law on the streets of Washington DC as ten coaches of military personnel rolled in to the American capital to smash the protests and it was noted that the squad was made up of all white units which is very racist in itself.

These atrocities are over taking the headlines pushing the pandemic out of the news in many countries as more and more protests in solidarity with the American public are staged in cities like the UK, France, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand and many more including Korea. In America itself there is a growing divide between the military leaders who are not willing to send US forces on to the streets of their own country as Ex-US Defence Secretary James Mattis goes public in The Atlantic magazine denouncing the Trump presidency, saying that Trump deliberately stokes division in the people working for him going on to say that he was angry and appalled by the way the president has handled the ongoing protests over the death of African American George Floyd at the hands of police stating that Mr Trump had taking an action that was an "abuse of authority" which was also echoed by ex-President Barack Obama. In response to this article Trump described Mr Mattis as an "overrated general" who he sacked. Mr Mattis actually quit his position as defence secretary in 2018 after Mr Trump decided to pull US troops out of Syria and has remained mostly silent since then, until his rebuke of the Trump administration was published in The Atlantic magazine on Wednesday. Other political representatives have joined the fight to change and rid themselves of a corrupt, racist, sexist and compulsive liar, even some Republicans have joined the fight.

While back in dear old Blighty thousands of people joined a protest in London over the death of African-American George Floyd in US police custody nine days ago and was acknowledged by UK chief constables who jointly said they stand alongside all those "appalled and horrified" by his death agreeing that the right to lawful protest was a "key part of any democracy", but did stress coronavirus restrictions, including not gathering in groups of more than six, remained in force. Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that Mr Floyd's death had been "appalling" and "inexcusable", but was criticised for failing to comment on the killing before now while the SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford commented saying the UK government had "shuttered itself in the hope no-one would notice" their lack of criticism of Trump and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called on the PM to convey to US President Donald Trump the UK's "abhorrence about his response to the events". In that speech on Wednesday during the coronavirus briefing, Mr Johnson said: "My message to President Trump, to everybody in the United States from the UK is that… racism, racist violence has no place in our society." adding that people had the right to protest, but add saying "I would urge people to protest peacefully, and in accordance with the rules on social distancing"

As in America we can see in Boris Johnson, a government leader who is a two faced bigot who spouts lies as quick as he would stick a knife in your back without a morale compass just saying what a speech writer has deemed relevant to try and pacify an angry and disillusioned population sick of the schoolboy BS seen time and time again from the Eton schoolboy brigade that see themselves above anyone else and go in to politics to sustain their ego trip started by a public school system existence of toffs and snobs allowed to demean their peers as a form of self reliance condoned through time by other Eton schoolboys as a right of passage rather than teaching them how to treat each other with respect , but instead developing a eat or be eaten attitude and a win at any cost mentality. When are we going to stop producing these self stylised pricks and create a better human being who has respect for their fellow humans. We also need to elect less whimsical fops who don't just keep saying, yes sir, of course sir, can I kiss your ass please sir and get a government of individuals who stand up to the BS of one individual. Sorry I went off in a complete melt down today.

Rant you tomorrow!