Another mid week day in the world of pandemic and political uncertainty with more city's in UK going back in to lockdown and more city's in America joining the protests over innocent lives been taken by law enforcement, so let's take a look at what's been happening.
In America there is more and more support for the protesters as innocents lives are taken with fresh protests developing outside the South LA Sheriffs station after a 29 year old black man was shot by sheriff deputies yesterday whilst evading capture only to be accused of carrying an illegal firearm. All this as Trump visits Kenosha, Wisconsin, to back law enforcement after the police shooting of a black man sparked civil strife. Surely Trump's time would have been better served visiting Texas or Louisiana where the latest Hurricane hit instead of gladhanding with police, national guard and his own stormtroopers in Kenosha. As he looked at the destroyed buildings Trump blamed "domestic terror" for the "destruction" in the Midwestern city. Opinion polls show Mr Trump is narrowing Democratic rival Joe Biden's lead ahead of November's election due to him pushing a strong "law and order" message while Biden has accuses Trump of stoking racial division stating in an interview that "Fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames rather than fighting the flames". Trump sent the national guard and 200 law enforcement personnel in to Kenosha to stop the riots ahead of his photo op which is just another example of his iron fist and over the top reaction to protests. During his speech he once again was racially disregardful to the issue at hand by supporting the actions of law enforcement stating that "You have people that choke, they are under tremendous pressure. And they may be there for 15 years and have a spotless record and all of a sudden they're faced with a decision. They have a quarter of a second to make a decision. And if they make a wrong decision, one way or the other, they're either dead or they're in big trouble and people have to understand that. They choke sometimes". Trump statement was more nonsensical than calming as he appeared to condone the use of deadly choke holds on suspects which is just ludicrous and down right criminal in my humble opinion. How can a sitting president condone and say such things even if it was an attempt to pacify rather than its actual appearance of 'You fight, we choke' mentality.
America how can a man who clearly has a brain deformity caused by a dementia like ailment or as a reported possible multiple mini strokes still be allowed to lead a country especially as his speech and train of thought appear to be impaired. In an interview VP Pence denied the reports that Trump was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital last year appearing to suffer from said mini stroke and that he was put on standby to take over which clearly calls in to doubt both men's ability to do their jobs properly as one lies about his health while the other lies to cover up the lies, but hey ho that's politics for you, nothing but lies and deceit. This current US president and vice president are staunch far right supporters and condone the racial attacks performed under the guise of law enforcement, even to the point where they use fascist tactics to derail peaceful protests for political gain, yet what more can you expect within a country that allows private citizens to wander the streets of the nation with concealed or sometime very visible weapons and allow semi and fully automatic weapons to be purchased by civilians. Why does a simple civilian require such an armoury other than to commit acts of violence. The gun culture of the old west is no longer needed or wanted, yet the constitution and the NRA openly gives a normal person an extraordinary right to carry weapons for defence, but if the constitution and gun laws made the purchase of anything other than a hand gun illegal then police wouldn't fear for their lives and take the unprecedented attitude of 'shoot first, ask question later'. As a non American living in the United Kingdom where hand gun ownership is illegal with strict laws around the ownership of shotguns and rifles been thoroughly vetted and licensed meaning gun violence is less likely, it just dumbfounds me that in countries where gun violence is more prevalent like the United States of America stricter laws on gun ownership is not passed in to law. Surely more stringent gun laws will cut down on the gun violence or am I just being naive to think that because I grew up without having to see guns in everyday life less guns means less violence.
On that note let's check in on dear old Blighty where campaigners representing families whose loved ones have died from coronavirus have accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of being "heartless" in declining to meet them. The COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice has written to Johnson five times to request a meeting, but have yet to be granted a meeting and Johnson's response when asked about the letters was that he would "of course" meet anyone bereaved by COVID-19. Yet days later the organisation involved received a letter stating he was "unable" to meet them. The group represents 1,600 families have since stated they were "devastated" to receive the letter, which it has made public. One of the co-founders of COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice accused Johnson of been heartless after the primeminister did a 360 - dodging five letters, then agreeing on live TV to meet with them, and now quietly telling them he's too busy. Ms Goodman said she understood that the prime minister can't meet every bereaved person, but the group really felt he should at least agree to a meeting with one of the largest groups of bereaved families in the country. It feels like we're the wrong type of bereaved people - like the prime minister only wants to meet with people who will smile and not ask difficult questions". A Downing Street spokesperson replied on behalf of Johnson stating the PM remained committed to meeting people who have been bereaved as a result of COVID-19, and that he was "resolute in his determination to beat this virus" to prevent further "dreadful loss", while the Labour party opposition stated refusing to meet the group was "a new low" for Johnson.
This latest U-turn by Johnson saying one thing to the press while quietly trying to blow off bereaved families sends a clear message to the nation that Johnson is an incapable leader as proved from past history of positions he has held as well as being a person very uncomfortable and inarticulate when the ground ahead isn't paved with easily answered prompted questions for which he has the answers and on those answers when dealing with coronavirus he has no easy questions to face except when it comes to his incompetence been the main question on peoples minds. Also Johnson has always been known as a good time person only been able to speak clearly when everything is coming up roses, but on the current issues where he has no good time news it is hard for his style of leadership. All the recent increases in specific areas of the UK been returned to lockdown due to the rise in positive cases, the latest been Glasgow and the onset of schools reopening in England is an even bigger headache for him, so he instead cowers away from direct confrontation while opting for orchestrated public appearances and interviews rather than with the people that matter like the bereaved families or freshly made unemployed, some applying for universal credit for the first time in their lives which is a huge eye opener for them. After living within their means for years while working those people who are facing unemployment for the first time are finding the meagre governmental handout a hard reality to grasp. Because when a single person earning an average income of let's say £1300 per month after tax and insurance finds themselves suddenly been told they are expected to live on £800 pounds a month, that has to be a shock to their system especially if they are frugal and save some of that hard earned money, only to find out that the meagre £800 pounds can suddenly be reduced incrementally dependant on how much savings they have over the government threshold of £6000, but that is the rich and powerful for you, they don't have any idea of what an average household requires to feed,cloth and support itself. On that disheartening note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!