In America the concerns grow for life of not only black people, but everyone involved with speaking their minds against Trump and the designated authorities. As huge peaceful rallies took place across the US against racism and police brutality on the 12th day of protests sparked by the death of George Floyd. Tens of thousands of people marched in Washington DC, in the city's largest protest so far. Security forces as well as an erected eight foot metal barricade around the whitehouse blocked any approach to the White House to keep Trump safe which is a F****** travesty. The fact that all the security personnel used at the Whitehouse are removing identification so they cannot be identified or prosecuted for their atrocities. Crowds also demonstrated in New York, Chicago, LA and San Francisco. Through social media we are seeing and hearing the real news that Trump wants a global blackout of, showing how bad things really are, like Police in Minneapolis driving past peaceful protesters spraying pepper spray out of the windows of moving vehicles, the death of a twenty two year old female after tear gas was used on protesters in Columbus and the attack on a 26 year old black man at a protest in Dallas with rubber bullets causing facial fractures, lost teeth and an eye blinding him, all these atrocities that the Trump administration are trying to hide.
All of these atrocities come on the back of the Trump administration dismantling key federal tools for imposing accountability on police forces engaging in systemic racial discrimination, severely hampering efforts to heal the wounds of the police killing of George Floyd and the ongoing protests convulsing the country. Under Donald Trump, the US justice department has allowed federal mechanisms designed to impose change on racist police agencies to wither on the vine. As a result, law enforcement agencies that practice racial profiling, use excessive force and other forms of unconstitutional policing are now free from federal oversight. The most important of those tools, known as consent decrees, were deployed extensively by the Barack Obama administration in the wake of previous high-profile police killings of unarmed black men. How can people not see Trump as a racist, sexist or an inept leader when he descales and returns the point of law back to days of slavery, intolerance of diversity and the rights of women to choose whether or not to have an abortion. We are seeing a narcissistic rich white man systematically try to change his country to better serve the rich white one percenters instead of all the people. He is a person who supports white supremacy and we can keep saying this time and time again, but until those who are blinded by his celebrity status, stand up be counted, nothing will change and if he is re-elected it will only get worse. He has already proved he can manipulate the justice system, the electoral system, the impeachment system of the US and is still defying the courts trying to see his tax returns for legitimacy, all this while ordering soldiers on to the streets of America. I could keep going on, but I need to rant elsewhere also.
So on that let's take a look at dear old Blighty on this wet British Sunday. So while America fights racism, mostly peaceful protests were held all around the UK in solidarity with America as well as to highlight the equality divide still seen in many places of Britain also. Anti-racism campaigners have physically renamed streets in Glasgow city centre that have links to the slave trade. In several streets, signs with a black background and white font have appeared alongside the originals. Activists replaced the names of tobacco merchants and slave trade owners in favour of black campaigners, slaves and those who died in police custody. More than 11,500 people had previously signed an online petition to rename streets linked with slave owners.
On this seventh day of June in the year, two thousand and twenty we find ourselves in a global fight, not only with a deadly virus, but in a fight for equality once again. That equality is not only for the descendants of Africa transported in to slavery, but also for all races and religions no matter there sexual diversity. While all the death from the virus, racial violence and over abusive authorities has been going on, we have sadly failed as a nation to recognise the sacrifice of the men and women of world war two on the sixty sixth anniversary of D-Day which is unpatriotic as these were the people of all races and sexes who paved the way for us today. Especially over the last few weeks of racial tension and the fact that every country still have factions of white supremacy promoting fascism which in this day and age is just wrong no matter what your political, religious or sexual views are, something has to change and change very quickly.
Rant you tomorrow!