he End of the week and the in to the final three days of November we head with nothing close to been sorted in both the US and the UK on politics or pandemic fronts. It’s simply one ‘shitshow’ after another with little movement in the middle except for more ‘BS’ been slung like manure across the fields we call life. On that let’s see what has been happening.
So America the baby in the big white house at the end of the street says ‘YES’ he will leave the sanctuary of the bomb shelter in the basement respecting the Electoral College vote should they certify Biden, but warns it will be a “very hard thing to concede” after stating that if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, he will “certainly” leave the White House, “and you know that”. Well Trump has now openly stated Biden won even if he did still claim fraud, he has told the GSA to start the transition roll out and now let it be known he will vacate the premises if the Electoral College votes for Biden, are we missing something? Has he got an ace tucked away up his sleeve to pull out, slap down and start giggling that he got you and will not be moving? There is something clearly underhanded been played down for Trump to suddenly become all nicely nicely and want to play with the big boys and girls again. Yet during questions asked of him Trump reverted back to baby Trump by getting angry with a reporter who asked repeatedly if he would concede the election when the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden next month, Mr Trump lost his temper with the reporter pointing his finger menacingly while screeching:
“Don’t talk to me that way, you’re just a lightweight, don’t talk to me that … I’m the president of the United States, don’t ever talk to the president that way”.
He then went on to another reporter blanking the first one without answering the question, eventually admitting he would leave the White House by 20 January once the electoral college confirms Mr Biden’s win. Concluding the press conference, Trump again claimed the election was “rigged”, before thanking the assembled media and standing up to leave the room. On his way out one reporter asked, “Isn’t this the language of a dictator?” while another said: “Mr President, some people say you’re denying reality”. Trump failed to respond to either.
Yesterday saw America give thanks for the natives not slaughtering those pilgrims that invaded their land many moons ago and while Trump did the customary speeches to the armed forces and signed useless piece of paper trying to prove he was still in charge, President-Elect Biden and Mrs Biden video conferenced with front line staff working over the holiday period to keep the country safe. Again the future president and first lady showed how much more suitable they are to the task of leadership than the Trumps have in the four years in the big house. To me the Biden’s are the real deal whereas the Trumps are just window dressing, like a self-made person of the 1800’s trying to fit in with the nobles of that time.
Come on America you know he is done for, why prolong the time, just remove him now before he sees the writing on the wall clearly, resigns, installs pence as president 46 and gets pardoned like he has been doing for the rest of his cronies that have been sentenced over the past four years for treason, fraud, etc. While millions suffer and hundreds of thousands die, Trump has done nothing to help those individuals affected by, caught or died from the COVID-19 virus. All this man has done is line his and his lackey’s pockets with more and more ill-gotten gains pilfered from the American tax payer. It is time for a new style of government with in the US which does away with nepotism, lobbying and curbs the executive branch from implementing dictatorship style laws and orders which are unconstitutional as well as illegal along with this pardon on a swipe of a pen morality abused by Trump for his own gains. America is no longer the shining symbol of democracy it portrays, it is very questionable that it ever was with its underhanded, under the counter and covert style of politics practised in the halls of power not only in Washington DC, but throughout the 50 states of the nation.
On that I will skip to dear old Blighty to see what shitstorm Johnson and the Tories have inflicted on us or are ready to inflict on us. Okay so Johnson outlined the plans going forward when England is removed from lockdown next week and guess what it ain’t freedom for all, just more of the same with miniscule changes as some areas drop to tier 2 while most will be in tier 3, all because the lockdown did F*** all to rectify the growing number of cases been registered. The only difference to lockdown rules is that non-essential businesses who couldn’t remote work will be reopened as well as shops, gyms and hospitality venues, but not galleries, museums or theatres which is rather bizarre as most of those venues could successfully accommodate patrons with less interaction than gyms and pubs. This current group of MP’s in control of our lives are mismanaging how they run the country and have no ideas of how to pull us out of this deepening sinkhole we are quickly descending in to without any way of clambering free from the force dragging us down.
So as we have found out most of England will be in the two toughest levels of measures when the national lockdown ends next week meaning the new coronavirus tier restrictions will see 55 million people remaining secluded and banned from mixing with other households indoors from December 2nd. This includes large parts of the Midlands, North East and North West, including Manchester, as well as Kent finding themselves allocated in tier three, while a majority of places are in the second highest level of tier two, including London, and Liverpool’s city region. Only the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly where there have been no recorded cases in the past week will be in the lowest level of curbs, tier one. So basically the most southern point of England and its two islands are the only three places escaping marshal law, how very clever of the government to come up with that idea!
Everyone north of the Watford Gap gets slapped with a maximum penalty while the posh counties and inner London escape which proves London is biased for, as Johnson and his cabinet all work in inner London and the three lower tier areas are mostly rural. That was never a hard decision for them was it? To keep the economy running they backed mainly the money people, giving them the exceptions allowing London to work on while the rest of the country suffers. The Tories have always twisted information and data to accommodate themselves and their backers enabling underhanded negotiations that benefit them both. This decision itself has brought descent within Johnson’s own party as Conservative MPs have asked the government to justify putting 55 million people in England into the two highest tiers of COVID restrictions when lockdown ends next Wednesday. A group of Tory rebels have called the plan, which goes to a vote on Tuesday, an act of “authoritarianism at work”, while Labour is still yet to decide whether it will side with them which means if it does, this could threaten the government's majority. Trying to slow the tidal wave heading at Johnson and the cabinet, Health Secretary Matt Hancock stated the government’s priority was “to protect the NHS”. This is just complete ‘BS’ on the governments behalf because if they were interested in protecting the NHS, they would be doing more to help those frontline staff with the necessary support rather than the non-existent wages or guidance required to manage through such a trying time, instead of the debacle over employing unqualified companies who they have paid millions of pounds to, to source adequate secure PPE and not the substandard crap been supplied.
In other developments out of Downing Street, Johnson has appointed an ex-Treasury official as his new chief of staff. Dan Rosenfield's appointment follows a period of upheaval which saw the prime minister's senior aides Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain resign. Opening the path for Rosenfield who is a former civil servant, working in the past for Labour chancellor Alistair Darling and his Tory successor George Osborne. Rosenfield may have worked in civil service before, but again Johnson is pulling from the private sector to fill high powered positions within government even if this appointment wasn’t quite what was expected and has caused a ripple effect as Cleo Watson, one of the PM's deputy chiefs of staff, who was close to Cummings, is also leaving No 10. Cummings may have stormed out of Downing Street earlier this month, but he has left a few hidden time bombs behind, more explosive than any pandemic recession or no-deal Brexit. Those pestilences will pass. If enacted, the Cummings-inspired white paper planning for the future will scar England’s face for ever. The paper promises to shift the appearance of England and intends to throw open landscapes, especially across the south-east of England, to uncontrolled “build, build, build” rhetoric. It will tip wealth yet further towards London and end any levelling-up of the north as it will abolish the ages-old distinction in British planning between built-up areas and the 70-80% of land that is still rural leaving poorer city centres to decline, resulting in small rural villages doubling or trebling in size, and building dribbling from one town into the next killing off the green, green grass fields and open spaces of dear old Blighty which will simply disappear. So the vulture has swept, caught and carried off the flowing pastures we as a small delectable island are renowned for. Johnson’s has a lot to answer for in both his own actions and that of the moronic parasite’s he has allowed to wander the halls of Downing Street for this past year doing their damage from within.
We as people choose the individual who we believe will represent our best interests, only to find the serpent coiled up beneath the mongoose’s skin enticing us on with its hiss, hypnotising us with ‘Flim Flam’ and double speak to get themselves elected where they slowly emerge to strike us down with their poisonous bite. In America they are just starting to wake from their four year hypnosis while we here in Britain are waking up much quicker, but have no action available to us to secure the removal of our venomous serpent for three more years. Trump and Johnson are cut with the same narcissistic monotone rhetoric all men of their stereotyping clamber from, privileged rich backgrounds where they never had to work an honest day in their lives, handed the keys to the wealthy bank accounts where their lifestyles were that of white privileged playboys never worrying where the next penny came from. I am not bitter and twisted over what they have, what I am bitter and twisted over is how they flaunt it without a care in the world for the souls they stamp on as they crave for more money, more power, more women and more corruption. As a world we let too many over privileged morons in to seats of power where we allow them to ride rough shot over minions who work for a living at hard labour and long hours for a pittance while the like’s of Trump and Johnson make more and more even when it is against the very people they have sworn to serve. Come on world open your eyes to the bigoted profiteering at least seventy five percent of politicians and big business leaders do during a day’s business. Even Trump’s so-called peace treaty in the Middle East was hatched to get him a Nobel Prize which rather distinctly backfired. On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Monday, have a good weekend and Happy belated ‘Thanksgiving’ to anyone that is celebrating.