Friday 8 January 2021

Friday 08/01/2021

Did I go to sleep and wake up in an alternate universe where mob rule and incitement are the norm? Well it is Friday, at the end of the first full week in January 2021 and the year is off to one hell of a start!

I am a person who doesn’t watch the news or current affair programs because I get too bored at watching the same repetition hour after hour, but two days ago I watched CNN for hours as America imploded under the incitement to attack Capitol Hill with the intention of impeding the certification of Biden as the 46th president of the United States. I watched as hundreds of Pro-Trump supporters walked through [yes walked through] police lines and broke in to the Capitol Building with one intent which was violence. The problems of the last four years came home to roost within the epicentre of American democracy where the people like McConnell, Graham, Cruz, Loeffler, Hawley and many more of Trump’s enablers thought they were safe.

They are calling for Trump’s head with only 12 days of his term left to run, when they should have done it at least two years ago. They knew the type of man he was, a man who hates to lose and believes his own lies with a vindictive streak running through his veins instead of blood. Yet they stood back and condoned everything he has done until it was their own lives put in danger on a day where the house of democracy was breached for only the second time in the history of the country and for the first time a confederate flag was seen to be displayed. Both Democrats and Republicans alike are calling on VP Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Trump from power while also talking about another impeachment trial. If Trump is removed through the 25th amendment that will give Pence the time needed to do even more damage by pardoning Trump for everything he has done while an impeachment trial will do just then same if it pushes Trump to resign. Either way Pence stepping in as president 46 for only a few days will give Trump exactly what he wants which is a get out of jail free card.

What should be done is for congress to simply set a new precedent and have Trump arrested on charges of treason for inciting sedition, insurrection and a failed coup punishable by death. As a country, America is definitely on the brink of civil war as hate groups and militia are allowed to fester not in darkness anymore, but in plain sight. Every one of those individuals who breached the halls of power causing damage, mayhem and violence should be hunted down and made examples of with charges of treason. The authorities have known who the instigators are for years, yet have done nothing about it, now is the time to take back America from the Fascists, White Supremacists and insurrectionists showing the world what happens to people who join groups like the Proud Boys, KKK, QAnon and any other group whether Far-right or far-left in origin.

This attack on the seat of democracy incited by Trump who openly told his supporters during a speech prior to the mob advancing on and ascending the steps of Congress has left five people dead for nothing. Those dead included one female insurrectionist who was shot by a policeperson on entering the building, One Capitol Police Officer who was removed from life support yesterday after been hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and three other insurrectionists who were classed as medical emergencies. Is this what the free world is coming to, where morons who believe the lies and conspiracy theories of a madman take to the streets and commit acts of violence and sedition because said madman is upset that the voters finally saw him for what he is, a narcissistic, vindictive egotist who supports fascism and segregation of anyone whom is not white or privileged. America is and has always been a country of multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural peoples, but it has also always and is still is, a very racist, homophobic and xenophobic country which when combined with a leader of the same ideology will cause the fires of hell to burn on the surface of the lands occupied. In Trump America elected such a man who used rhetoric and ideology to build an army of true believers willing to do anything for him and on January 6th 2021 that is what the world witnessed as armed insurrectionists breached the sacred halls of power while the instigator and the demagogue who spread the falsehoods sat in the oval office and watched it play out on television. He sat and watched as democracy was attacked and you can’t say it was just a protest that got out of hand because there was intent to cause death and destruction with the placement of two bombs at the headquarters of both the Democrat and Republican parties. When he finally did speak out he told the mob they were loved while repeating the same conspiracy BS of a stolen election. Yes remove Trump from office, but don’t install Pence as president because he is tarred with the same brush as Trump. Give him some power, but not enough to grant pardons or implement executive orders, only the power to get the country through the next twelve days or break from tradition and install Biden now.

On that note I will take a look at dear old Blighty and see what has been going on back here. So what can be said about life here in the UK at the minute? Very little. We are still under the laws made by Johnson and his lackeys whom have the freedom to do as they please with very affluent bank accounts while the rest of us stay home and suffer financial hardship. The country has seen a rise in COVID cases since Christmas, up by 27% and does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. We are back in lockdown nationwide, which is the third time without the effects of the virus changing except that there is a supposed new mutation of the virus attacking us. The government is still incompetent and useless at their jobs.

Well this little island of ours is well and truly cut off from the outside world as new restrictions come in to effect for people entering the country who have to now prove negative for the virus before been allowed in. Should this not have been the case twelve months ago when the virus was first detected instead of letting people enter, then been made to isolate for 14 days after spreading the virus between fellow travellers and customs workers? What we have been put through is nothing less than a viral ringer by our so called leaders whom have pussy footed around the problems with half measures and U-turned policies over and over again. Not once have we seen a comprehensive win against this virus that the government has implemented. Yes it is an invisible killer, but should this type of scenario not have been discussed and safeguards devised rather than the wait and see mentality that appears to be getting used. We need a change of leadership now and not just another white privileged moron, but a coalition government like during the war to combat this new type war we face blind.

If you can call it lucky, I am someone who has no family or close friends who can infect me and been unemployed, no reason to really enter the public domain unlike those of you with a social and professional life. You know some days I feel depressed because of my personal situation, but on days where I see and read about the death, mayhem and destruction going on around me in this country and in other countries like America, I feel thankful. Don’t get me wrong it would be nice to have other human contact or have the need to leave the house to perform a job related role and feel purpose in life. But at this present time, a life outside my own four walls where I could catch a deadly disease or be faced with an angry mob does not appeal to me one little bit. When you look at how leaders like Trump and Johnson conduct themselves implementing their own ideologies of what life should look like for anyone not of a white privileged upbringing, it makes you wonder if being part of a so called civilised democracy is really worth it. To me when placing politicians in to categories, you just have go by the 80-20 rule. 80% of them are in it to serve their own agendas while 20% want to serve the people. 80% got in to politics as a way to profiteer off the position while 20% wanted to give back to society in some fashion. 80% of the real work done is by the 20% who shy away from the spotlight and get on with their job. 20% of our politicians actually know what they’re doing while the other 80% just blunder through haphazardly. Basically if you want a job where you make money for doing very little or even nothing and have the gift of the gab as well as an eye for how to make a sizable income from back handers than politics is the job for you. Yes if you didn’t realise it already I don’t think much of politicians and yes I couldn’t do a better job if I tried, before you condemn me for my thoughts. On that note I call it a day and a week, unless something juicy pops up I feel the need to rant about,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back Monday.