Wednesday, 19 August 2020


In to Wednesday we head to see what fresh BS is trolling the news telling us how we should live. Let's take a look at what is rantable today.

In America as Biden is officially accepted as the Democratic parties presidential nominee more shitstorms hover over Trumps reelection campaign with a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee's fifth and final report release finding that the Trump administration has hindered its investigation and embraced Russian help in 2016 while another former president took aim at the Trump administration. Ex-president Clinton stated in a five minute speech that there was “only chaos” in the Oval Office and that the one constant was the current president’s “determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame”. This election cycle has become a comedic farce as it trundles along in one publicised error after another, the latest been Trump’s re-election campaign trying to circumvent voters rights by now suing New Jersey over its Democratic governor’s decision to send a mail ballot to each voter ahead of November's presidential election. The grounds of the lawsuit, which was filed late on Tuesday, seeks to invalidate the move and describes the step taken by Governor Phil Murphy as “illegal”. How can giving the people the right and means to perform their duty as citizens to vote be illegal, surely the opposite is illegal when the right to vote is denied or blocked. 

All this and more as the post master general 'Dejoy' is called to congress to face a hearing over his implemented plans to remove mail boxes, cancel delivery runs, stop overtime pay and close down sorting centres before the November election prompting his sudden backtrack on the new policies being rolled out within the USPS. What has been openly reported as Trump's attempts to sabotage the 2020 election under the guise of streamlining the postal service prompted a congress investigation in to the post master general. With fierce debate over postal funding in 2020, as record numbers of Americans are expected to vote by mail due to the pandemic, DeJoy has reversed his decision on operational changes to the USPS stating that to avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded, which is a small win for the people, but is just a small percentage of the problems facing America as systemic corruption lives deep within the highest offices of the nation. How can a country call itself the land of the free when so many are kept in, around or below the poverty line by the infiltration of white privilege in to the top jobs within in all walks of life who no longer hide their racist or sexist beliefs and openly condone the way any other person who is not white American is treated and abused, denying them their constitutional rights. Point of fact is the way Trump has strategically placed rich donors and supporters of him and his reelection campaign in to influential positions within his administration as well as openly using the office of the president to promote his supporters businesses, most recently for example with the news that Trump has backed the tech giant 'Oracle' take over of TikTok's US operations calling it a 'great company' which isn't surprising considering Oracle's chairman Larry Ellison is a supporter of Trump and held a fundraising event for him in February. These are the people that Trump's administration has continued to give back to with government contracts, tax breaks, funnelled money through the pandemic furlough scheme and the payroll tax relief. The only Americans that benefit from having Trump in the white house are the uber rich, the far right extremists (Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists), his corrupt family, big pharma companies, health insurance companies and the regimes of both Russia and North Korea, but not one American who fights to make a living or is living on the bread line. Come on America it is time to take your country back from the people profiting off your blood and sweat without them giving back. Stand up, have your voice heard and show the Trump's of this world that enough is enough.

On that I will leave America alone for today and jump across the pond to dear old Blighty where we find the current government blindly stumbling through this year making one mistake after another as we hear that their absent leader is set to defy calls for a cabinet reshuffle despite Tory backbench pressure to sack Gavin Williamson over his exams debacle. Johnson has been accused of a 'lack of grip' after a series of mishaps during the coronavirus crisis has left the Government being 'laughed at'. Johnson is only expected to make 'minor' changes to his cabinet after the summer recess before a full January 'reset' when the Brexit transition period has ended. The issue isn't only in the cabinet, it is in the inept leader and it should be him that goes first especially with his unwillingness to remove the people responsible for the mishaps. His refusal to sack or even ask for the resignations of Cummings, Jackel, Patel and now Williamson shows a leader incapable of making prolific decisions for the betterment of the people. This is a man who keeps his cronies in place no matter what happens which is clearly emphasised by the appointment of yet another friend of a friend in to the position of temporary chief of the newly formed National Institute for Health Protection. Putting Dido Harding in charge of the new health body is a sham after she was the one who oversaw the highly criticised NHS Test and Trace app and its excessive lockdown curbs which is another huge governmental failure. There is clearly nepotism within the current hapless government where it is not what you know, but who you know that gets you a job and allows you to keep it after one cock-up after another. What is been seen in the halls of parliament after the latest u-turn on policy is a growing number of Tory MP's dissatisfied with the leadership and sees Williamson's exam fiasco as one blunder too far which was bluntly stated by one Tory MP as a government that is 'being seen as hapless and have had too many mishaps for a government that is only a year old'. Once again what we are seeing is a government who too easily lays the blame for their own inadequacies at the feet of others as Hancock has done with scientists over the rise in deaths during the pandemic and now Williamson is doing with Ofqual over the debacle of the computer algorithm which downgraded thousands of school leavers grades. How can we find confidence in a governing body who all too frequently passes the buck for failures they implement.

Point of fact is the latest issues with the Brexit debacle where Johnson's failure to get 'Brexit done' which was his election cry last December has been dealt yet another blow as Scotland votes to object to the UK Government plans for a British internal market system after Brexit. The SNP motion was passed by 92 votes to 31 today, whilst an opposing Tory motion calling on Scottish ministers to "engage constructively with the UK Government" on the plans was also rejected by 30 votes to 91.  A Downing Street and Whitehall sources stated that the government was disappointed by the result. The internal market system which was published was a White Paper on new laws after Brexit which was published earlier this year would see measures which were previously managed by the EU return to the UK at the end of the year when the Brexit transition period expires. The issue the Scottish MP's have with the new law which is characterised by UK ministers as a "power surge" for devolved administrations as responsibilities are transferred from Brussels is that the controversial plans are a “power grab by Westminster” and could leave the UK Government with a veto on Scottish laws passed at Holyrood. This is the problem I have voiced my opinion on previously by removing the UK from the EU we are in fact causing more problems because we are no longer one nation under one union flag, we are now four nation under four nations flags with one figure head been the Queen who holds the union together under one flag. All we have done by agreeing to Brexit is to start the catalyst of destruction which will lead to more backstabbing and in fighting as each devolved government chooses it's own path while still recognising a royal figure head. I believe such things as higher law courts, law oversight, human rights advocacy, centralised governmental oversight, medication supplies and global military issues should remain linked to a central government of European nations rather than in the hands of the likes of Johnson who is moulding his image of what the UK should look like on the totalitarian governments of yesteryear such as Hitler's Nazi Germany, Franco's fascist Spain, Castro's fascist Cuba and Stallin's U.S.S.R. Brexit is wrong and always has been because we are not returning the decision making back in to the hands of the British people, we are in fact giving politicians the ability to do as they like without any external oversight meaning the rights of the people will be null and void under any government of the future. On that I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!