Friday, 18 December 2020


Well we reach the end of another week with nothing much different happening. The world still rotates, night turns to day and politicians are still the biggest assholes to every draw breath, but life must go on. Let’s have a look at what the latest rantable ‘BS’ is, shall we?

In America the outgoing President and Vice president just don’t know when to hold up their hands and concede they are finished. While Trump tweets his criticism of his highly conservative Supreme Courts bad decisions that go against him, VP Pence has publicly stated they intend to keep fighting to push the Republicans to victory in Georgia, so they can hold on to the Senate majority under McConnell. Meanwhile the latest criminal lackey that Trump has pardoned has openly urged Trump to use the might of the military to force an election rerun. General Flynn who was accused of "wilfully and knowingly" making false statements to the FBI, has recently been very vocal about his support for suspending the U.S. constitution, silencing the press and holding a new election under military authority which in my eyes constitutes an act of treason for inciting a coup on American soil. This is a prime example of how the DOJ under AG Barr has corrupted the constitutional law created over two centuries ago. On the back of these well publicised breaches of law, there should be an investigation in to how the country is governed as a whole because the amount of corruption present in higher echelons of power is so rampant it is a cause for concern.

On the other side of the aisle Biden has took to the air waves in his first official interview as President-Elect. During the interview he politically answered the burning question of his son’s FBI investigation by simply stating “We have great confidence in our son. I am not concerned about any accusations made against him. It's used to get to me”. The thing that gets to me is how dirty the Republican Party is and how they get away with murder. You have two incumbent Republican Senators who used foreknowledge to buy and sell stocks in certain companies making millions of dollars in the process and not one investigation has been started, yet you saw it during the Clinton run for President and now during the Biden campaign highly politicised investigations to attack the democrat candidates or their families, all while the dirty Republicans of the Senate sweep Trump and the Trump families dirty laundry under the carpet. I say it again something stinks the high heavens when such corrupt politicians can literally get away with illegal and corrupt actions while throwing mud at their opponents.

I know politics is a dirty game, but the Republican Party takes it to a whole new level especially when they openly support a culture of racism, violence and treason. Come on America is it not past due to do something about the way these elected officials are judged on their character and suitability to lead. You have spent four years under the thumb of a grifter and his corrupt family, and you are still at the mercy of the likes of McConnell, Lindsey and Cruz who should be removed from office then tarred and feathered for the way they have corrupted the constitution of your once proud nation, and yes I mean once. Because in the eyes of the world you no longer deserve to be held up as a moral compass of democracy and decency after the way Trump has ruled rough shot over the land with his self-serving narcissistic money and power hungry ideology while the Republican Senate has subverted justice on more than on occasion.

You have allowed racism, sexism and xenophobia to rise from the darkest corners of your nation and hold its head high as a solution to democracy. You have opened your country up to the hatred and opinionated thinking of a past history that is covered in the blood of innocence. With one election cycle you created a demon of fascism and have finally set it free on the streets of your nation to burn, attack and kill without consequence, because that demon is prevalent in all institutions of politics, judiciaries and law enforcement where it goes unchecked. Unless the next cycle of presidential power takes swift action to purge it from American society the outlook for your dying democracy is very bleak. Just in recent weeks the demon has lay waste to the streets of your capital and went unopposed causing mayhem and violence while the authorities stood back and watched, yes the police were present and bore the brunt of the attacks, but where was the federal governments stormtroopers that Trump so willingly sent in to control the peaceful protestors speaking out against the brutality of law enforcement. They were nowhere to be seen because it was Trump’s Neo Nazi and White Supremacist supporters who were rampaging through the capital cities streets on this occasion. Time will almost certainly tell in the next four years because the demon will be either defeated or will incite a second civil war on American soil where violence begets violence and the once majestic land held up as a beacon of democracy will be plummeted in to Armageddon. General Flynn’s call to the armed forces to force an election rerun is just the start of the ‘Americana Apocalypse’.

On that dark realisation I will skip to dear old Blighty where we face our own fascist dictatorship in the form of Johnson’s government. So while America faces the ongoing political ‘BS’ of the Trump administration, we here in Britain are covered in the ineptitude of Johnson, who has set out his reality that we can have Christmas in a social bubble, but we need to start taking isolation measures immediately to prevent the worst case scenario of a festive season super spreader apocalypse. Basically Johnson is openly washing his hand of the impact that could occur after the Christmas and New Year festivities are done with. What he is responsible for though, is the amount of hospitality businesses that are suffering due to his closed doors protocols which have hit the industry hard without any realistic compensation package to help stabilise the businesses who have been forced to shut their doors during the past year. The Conservative cabinet sit comfortably cashing their extortionate wage packets while passing judgement on how others within this nation should conduct their lives under continuing threat of unemployment, homelessness and bankruptcy.

Would it not be proof of solidarity if all politicians took at least a fifty percent pay cut for the next twelve months and that ‘Thirty Seven Thousand’ pounds per month times 650 members as well as Johnson taking half his salary adding another ‘Seventy Five’ thousand pounds per month would create an extra ‘Two Hundred and Eighty Nine Million’ pounds to be used to help suffering businesses. Does this simple calculation not show how much these hyped up individuals are overpaid for doing so very little in the grand scheme of the nation?

So while the government play ‘A Game of Life’ with the nation creating depression and anxiety in the most resilient of people the future still looks very bleak because those between 18 and 60 are the one’s more likely to be feeling the pressure of imposed lockdowns and restrictions financially and mentally. In the past year I have pretty much self-isolated constantly because as a single fifty something unemployed person I have very little reason to leave the house except for the odd walk or leg stretch to the local shops. I am a very introverted and isolated guy without a family support network, so my days are spent in total isolation unless it to say hello and thank you to the staff in the local store or the once a month visit from the guy who delivers my food shopping. Even the once a fortnight face to face visit to the local jobcentre has ceased due to the virus [that I am not sorry about]. All in all this pandemic has caused me no issues, but I can see it from an extrovert’s point of view also. There is a little mental anxiety within me which is the uncertainty of how as a planet we will move on from this especially now the government has got the taste for creating a style of martial law on the populous.

The questions that come readily to mind are will the government seize the chance to become more authoritarian? Can we ever find our way back to normalcy? Will certain industries ever rise from the ashes like phoenixes? Will we learn from the mistakes of the past year and create better safeguards? Will this hyped-up vaccine be the saving grace the government preaches it will be? What does 2021 and beyond hold for us all? They are just a handful of the question I guess are being asked nationally and internationally.

We sit at the end of 2020 looking back at a year of hell, but let us not think we have seen the back of it, for the examples of two world wars and a similar pandemic a century ago prove that the human race is now very fickle compared to the past. We should take into comparison the start of the twentieth century to the start of this twenty first century. We have faced world terrorism of twenty plus years instead of a world war of four and now one hundred years after the ‘Spanish Flu’ we face a similar deadly flu like disease which is nearly in to its second year of infection. I say again one hundred years later! With all the advances in technology and pharmacology we have once again been struck down by a global pandemic which we predicted, but failed to safeguard against due to our blinkered view of life. As technology has evolved we as humans have devolved to the point where we see ourselves as invincible, but the opposite is the reality. The more humanity evolves mentally the more humanity devolves physically. We have grown too accustom to technology running our lives while more and more of us become physically inferior to our ancestors [myself included]. We rely too much on mechanical and computerised systems rather than building our own physical and mental strengths, so becoming an inferior human being to those a century ago. Our grandparents and great grandparents didn’t rely on computer programs to live their lives, they relied on their own wits, common sense, perseverance and physical strength to get them through life. Children of the past got outside and played building up their immune systems while the children of today spend their time in front of computers and game consoles never seeing the light of day, living in an isolated bubble, so when infection raises its ugly head they have no immunity to fight it. On that jaw dropping reality I will call it a day,

Rant you tomorrow!

Back January 4th unless I feel an overwhelming need to rant. Merry Christmas and hopefully a much better New Year.