Firstly in America where Trump has been putting his foot in his mouth once more, when asked by an interviewer why African Americans are still dying at the hands of law enforcement he opened his gob without engaging his brain stating firstly that the CBS news correspondent had asked a terrible question then replied to the question by saying "So are white people.", how F****** stupid can this guy really be to make a statement like that which is not only racist, but also condones the police killings of innocent civilians, no matter the colour. quickly moving on to other news, Trump has signed an order to end preferential economic treatment for Hong Kong, after China enacted a new security law there. This order states that Hong Kong would be treated the same as mainland China along with another order which is a law to impose sanctions on officials who cracked down on rights. Speaking in the Rose Garden Trump stated that his executive order would end preferential treatment for Hong Kong meaning that they would have no special privileges, no special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies which he has called the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and was passed unanimously in Congress earlier in the month finishing off with yet another accusation of how he holds China fully responsible for concealing the coronavirus and unleashing it upon the world".
I have two opinions on this which are, firstly Trump is imposing sanctions on a small part of China which means nothing to the actual Chinese government while he systematically tries to impose the same restrictions on his own country by sending armed military personnel out on to the streets of US cities and constantly calls news headlines which are less than flattering or ego boosting to him fake. Secondly how can Trump still blame China for the coronavirus when he is the one not taking the correct action to prevent the virus from spreading uncontrollably through his United States of America by playing the virus down as a hoax and then by claiming it will die out by it's self without any need for lockdown protocols spiralling the US economy back towards the days of the 1920's deep depression. This is a man who likes to think he doing a perfect job when in fact he is the worst president in the history of the United States of America, for gods sake someone do something about him and do it fast. Anyway enough about Trump, let's see what Johnson has been up to in dear old Blighty.
Well the mask conundrum still roles through the halls of power like a bulldozer through a cheese mountain as Johnson takes flack from everywhere for the backtracked decision to make masks mandatory in shops. There are unionist Tories who view the move as a win for Nicola Sturgeon making the debate not so much about the pros or cons of a mask, but the fact that this is one of only a handful of times the UK government has followed Holyrood's example and comes at a time when support for Scottish independence is on the rise with ministers increasingly becoming more nervous that this indirectly implies that Sturgeon is the more competent leader. One minister stated that If the government was going to do it (impose masks as mandatory), they should have done it at the last lockdown easing and that it now just looks like the government is playing catch-up. It has been said all along that Johnson wasn't the leader that the UK needed, but did the populous listen, that is a big fat 'NO'. Johnson has and always will be a person who looks for how a situation can benefit him financially while stoking his ego to hide the oversized schoolboy inferiority complex he has, which is not what this country needs at the minute or in the future post Brexit, post the pandemic and definitely not for another four years. We need a leader who shows some backbone like a modern day Churchill who was a man of the people first.
In other news, the Government has been forced to defend itself from suggestions that it bowed to political pressure from the US over its U-turn on Huawei, after Trump last night took the recognition for the UK's decision claiming he had personally been involved in the decision as he welcomed the Downing Street moved to block Huawei from the UK's 5G network, but this morning Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, told Sky the decision had been taken independently stating that we all know Donald Trump don't we, all sorts of people can try to claim credit for this decision, but this was based on a technical review by the National Cyber Security Centre about how we can have the highest quality 5G systems in the future. It's good that Hancock was refuting Trump's claims, but my question is why was Hancock commenting on a technology and security issue instead of health and pandemic issues. Isn't he the health minister, not the economic or security minister. This is what really gets to me one minister seems to be doing the talking for the whole government about subject's that are not in his personal portfolio of tasks while the country goes to hell in a hand-basket with people still dying from the pandemic which is most definitely part of his portfolio as health minister. Also why is Johnson hiding away from briefings or interviews, is he too scared of foot in mouth syndrome unlike his colleagues who he keeps throwing to the lions of the press corp, is he a leader or a hider, is he a prime minister or a faker, we all know the answer to that he is simply too inept at taking direct questions and answering them truthfully, so he doesn't do them. On that I will sign off for today.
Rant you tomorrow!