Wednesday, 12 August 2020


As we wake on an overcast Wednesday it's time to reflect on six months of COVID-19 officially effecting us. Let's see what that brings us today.

In America as they cope with the number of verified cases of coronavirus hitting the five million mark we see Trump is now weighing up new rules that would temporarily bar US citizens and legal residents from returning home to the US to control a surge in coronavirus cases which would affect people suspected of having been exposed to or infected with the virus. So now Trump isn't just satisfied with banning foreigners from the country in an effort to curbing the spread of the virus, but he now feels the need to prevent US citizens and lawful residents who have so far been exempt from travel restrictions from entering the US which is surely an infringement of their basic civil rights under the constitution. Wow this man really hates his fellow Americans which he also displayed yesterday after Kamala Harris was announced as the democrats and Joe Biden running mate for the 2020 presidential election by once again unprofessionally using the backdrop of the whitehouse to slander his opponents by saying 
"Clearly, Phony Kamala will abandon her own morals, as well as try to bury her record as a prosecutor, in order to appease the anti-police extremists controlling the Democrat Party and that she was the meanest, most terrible person who was disrespectful during the primaries (ooh, sticks and stones will break my bone but name calling won't hurt me. It may hurt you though). He also stated openly that she was an extraordinarily nasty woman (just because she out argued Trumps favourite Supreme justice, Kavanaugh) and that she is a person that’s told many, many stories that weren’t true (pot calling kettle black) which just shows how scared Trump really is of powerful women he cannot domineer. These insults all played into racist and sexist stereotypes about Black women and made it very clear that Trump does not intend to throw away a playbook filled with misogynistic attacks and dog-whistle racism that have imbued his very limited political career, even as the Biden campaign advances a barrier-breaking ticket and shows they are prepared for an future equality and lawfulness not a misogynistic segregated and racist past or present. Okay America you now have no more excuses not to get rid of Trump as he continually corrupts the office of the president by openly slandering people in the presence of the flag he says he loves and the seal he vowed to serve professionally. This is a man who I have repeatedly said has no morals or dignity when it comes to speaking about others even when his staff have prepared notes for him to follow. Get rid of him and his lap dog Pence come November, we the world plead.

On that let's check in on Johnson in dear old Blighty. Well it's official the UK economy is officially in recession, but it's not all down to the pandemic lockdown because Brexit not been correctly finalised has led to unrest in certain parts of the economy with major manufacturing looking to move elsewhere to avoid hikes in import taxes to Europe. The UK economy suffered its biggest slump on record between April and June as it shrank by just over twenty percent compared to the same time in 2019. Retail spending lunged as shops were ordered to close, while factory and construction output also fell. The governments chancellor Rishi Sunak has gone the record as stating that the government was grappling with something that is unprecedented and that we are in a very difficult and uncertain time while Labours shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds blamed Johnson for the scale of the economic decline, stating that a downturn was inevitable after lockdown, but Johnson's jobs crisis wasn't. Johnson remained fairly quiet on the subject, but did state that the UK has a long, long way to go before the economy improves as clearly there are going to be bumpy months ahead and that parts of the economy were showing great resilience. He went on to say that he had absolutely no doubt that the government schemes implemented would help the country get through it and that the UK would get through it stronger than ever before. His words as primeminister should serve to calm and reassure the public, but Johnson has non of those skills as he fluffs through written speeches and stammers through unrehearsed answers to prodding questions showing how inept he really is at his role.

The government had two months warning of the pandemics effects as they sat and watched other European countries go in to lockdown, but Johnson and his cronies thought more of the money to be lost rather than the amount of lives that would suffer in the long run by delaying the lockdown for nearly a month. The first case of COVID-19 was found as early as January in York when two Chinese tourist tested positive for the virus, but the cabinet just dithered not wanting to believe the virus was a reality while wanting to focus more on the Brexit cock-up that was looming. Non of their contingencies have worked as lockdown easing has created a fresh surge of the virus and their furloughing scheme doesn't pay enough for employers to save their declining businesses, not to mention the shit storm caused to self employed workers who haven't seen the benefit of their allowance to stave off bankruptcy. All in all the pandemic was a kink in Johnson new start as PM a month earlier in December 2019, but a better primeminister would have made things work, not causing outrage and up-raw with their ill-fated attempts at stemming the flood from both Brexit and the pandemic. Basically Boris Johnson is 'GOOD TIME' primeminister which means he is fine during the good times when he can puff out his chest and call himself a genius, but during the bad times he cowers in the darkness of Downing Street like Scrooge McDuck counting his coffers while the nation around him burns and we have over three more years of this imbecile, 'BEAM ME UP SCOTTY' get me out of here for the sake of my sanity, which by the way is pretty good considering I talk to the walls and they answer me back, only joking I think. On that I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!