Monday, 13 July 2020


So we start another new week as we slumber through July with only the governments telling us how the pandemic is progressing, but is it truth or is it BS? let's take a look at what there's to rant about today.

First in America, Well the main thing out of the weekend is that Trump tweets and plays golf instead of working towards a solution to the countries growing death toll from COVID-19. Trump was seen at his Virginia golf course on both Saturday and Sunday driving his golf cart like a mad man up and down the fairways then tweeted stating it was his daily exercise regime. How the hell can someone class riding in a golf cart between swinging a club at an innocent white ball as exercise, but that's not the end of it as his caddy is clearly seen holding on to the back of the cart for dear life instead of been allowed to accompany Trump in the cart. Please someone tell this man how a grown up deals with life instead of reverting back to a child with a new toy. So while trump plays and tweets how good he is at his job claiming all news that is against him is FAKE news, back in the world of reality, Florida has registered a state record of 15,299 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours which is around a quarter of all of the United States' daily infections. Florida where coronavirus restrictions were eased in early May due to its classification as one of the world's top tourism destinations, has now proven to be vulnerable to the virus through its high percentage of elderly residents, but actually only holds around 7% of the whole US population and has now surpassed the previous daily record held by California. If Florida was a country it would itself rank number four in the world for new cases. A midst all this the Florida governor has defunded and closed the website used by students for their education which means thousands of vulnerable teenagers will have to return to inadequate educational establishments in the middle of rising virus cases and deaths. America, America what are you doing to yourself allowing these money hungry people to run your states and your country towards an extinction event, even Trump's army of grey haired idiotic baby boomer supporters don't deserve that as more than 40 hospitals within Florida state have advised that their intensive care facilities are at full capacity. 

So as Trump ignores the country and heads his re-election road map, ignores the problems of a virus as a hoax, stamps out BLM protests with federal mandated snipers on active duty in US cities alongside tanks and soldiers, doesn't bother to hold meetings with scientists because he thinks he knows better, spreads his BS in rehearsed interviews with a news company resembling a state owned propaganda machine and enjoys his time pretending to be a race driver on deserted golf courses the land he is supposed to love burns in a dystopian haze of uncertainty controlled by corrupt and power hungry politicians who defend the cries of a madman like a cult protecting its prophet. When will the people who voted this narcissistic psychopath in to office wake up from their dreamworld, open their eyes to the BS been spouted, regain some form of reality and do the right thing which is to beat, arrest, prosecute and sentence this mass murderer to death like any normal criminal accused of an endless list of corruption and make the buck end with him. One day soon if he is re-elected there will be a catastrophic event caused by him that the world cannot recover from, so act now, act responsibly, act with your feet, act with your voice, act with your vote and act for the good of all humankind by replacing this madman to ring in a better future for us all. On that note let's jump across the pond and see what dear old Blighty's madman has been up to.

So the basics are that Johnson has been described as trying to plan an “emasculation” of the devolution settlement, with senior officials and politicians warning that plans for a post-Brexit UK-wide internal market will put Scotland and Wales on a collision course with Westminster over how they are to governed. As both Scotland and Wales start to push for a possible independence, signs are surfacing that shows that in Scotland a sustained polling lead is now towards independence and that the Welsh parliament also prepares for a debate on Wednesday about holding an independence referendum, all this as the UK government stands accused of bringing a “statutory fist crashing down” in its attempts to regulate policy and standards across the four parts of the UK. Since the virus outbreak it has been seen that the four nations have worked independently from central government bringing home the true extent of the devolved parliaments’ ability to govern themselves diverged from London. Health has been a devolved matter as the four countries of the UK have shown different ways they have reached contrasting decisions and timelines for imposing and easing lockdown measures to a better results. Profound concerns have been raised about a lack of communication with the UK government by the Welsh first minister, Mark Drakeford, who stated he has not spoken to Johnson since the 28th of May, which was also the last contact Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish first minister, had with the PM. Drakeford also stated that If you are minister for the union (the title Johnson used when he became prime minister), surely speaking to the component parts of the union seems to be a sensible way of discharging those responsibilities, rather than demanding obedience like the proposed “mutual recognition regime” proposed requiring regulatory standards in one part of the UK to be automatically accepted in others. Well we are now seeing the first signs of a national collapse of the United Kingdom as I spoke about yesterday as Johnson and his marauders start to push their universal take over of the British Isles from their seats of power towards a big brother state with no oversight from external bodies like the European courts of civil rights or the elected government of EU nations which was there to oversee the British peoples right to freedom of tyranny from a power hungry dictator. 

What is this world coming to when such men as Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Vladimir Putin can run countries as wannabe or actual dictators. These men are just as bad as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Francisco Franco, but they are the modern day leaders of the allied nations that defeated the fascist regimes of world war two, yet they aim to return us to a time of human oppression, racial segregation, religious bigotry and fascist ideologies where white christian privilege is thought to be better and deserve the right to rule over the rest. I never thought of myself as a political person, but recently I find my views are more and more politically orientated towards ridding the world of its corrupted governmental leaders and on that note that's all from me today.

Rant you tomorrow!