Well we start another week in the hell playfully known as 2020 with death tolls rising across the world and politicians screwing peoples lives up, shall we take a look at what they has happened over the weekend?
In America over the weekend Trump was seen doing his usual walk around a golf course taking his anger out on an innocent little white ball having temper tantrums along the way, while his opposition in November was seen attending Sunday morning church followed by visiting his son's grave which the Trump campaign highlighted and mocked. This baffles me how a man showing his faith is a mock-able event, but that is the mentality of the Trump camp. Prior to the weekend of mocking, Trump decided the country was spending too much money on racial equality seminars within government departments.The two page document circulated on Friday to all heads of federal executive departments and agencies stated that all agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on 'critical race theory,' 'white privilege,' or any other training or propaganda efforts that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. Surely this is mandatory throughout all businesses and is part of the education system to better treat ourselves and other humans so how can asking people to respect a fellow human being be evil or is it purely the fact that Trump is a bigoted racist and sexist himself.
This isn't the only shit to hit the fan over the weekend to cause Trump sleepless nights as excerpts from his former jailed lawyer Cohan's book were released to the public which states Trump has low opinions of all Black folks whether civilian or political leaders. His opinions on both Black culture and politics, which included world leaders such as Nelson Mandela who was elected as South Africa’s first post-apartheid and Black head of state claiming he was no leader. Cohen also alleges that the president said: “Tell me one country run by a Black person that isn’t a shithole" clearly demonising all leaders of colour, but Trump doesn't only colour outside the lines over racism, Cohan also claims Trump is homophobic as well after certain comments about a contestant on 'The Apprentice'. Come on America this man is clearly destroying your democratic rights from within the establishment and you can't or won't accept he is the wrong person to sit in a position of such privilege especially when he uses racist, sexist and homophobic language to describe his fellow Americans. For the sake of yourselves and the rest of the world please remove him from office, then ship him off to the nut house to live out his life.That's all I have to say on America today, so let's hop the pond and check out what's happened in dear old Blighty since Friday. The UK's battle with COVID-19 is failing as the country sees it's biggest rise in positive cases since May which stands at a rise of just under one thousand cases in one day bringing the total positive cases to just over three hundred and forty seven thousand with the total deaths rising by two, making the total death toll forty one thousand five hundred and fifty one which is just unacceptable and is clearly a negligence which should be placed at the feet of our inept politicians, yet how do the politicians react to the criticism? They blame the people. The Health secretary during an interview blamed young people as being the cause of the sudden spike in positive case. This is such BS, as the reason for the spike is the easing of lockdown restrictions on those groups in close prximity to each other more likely to contract the disease like school children or teenagers which is proven by one welsh school telling thirty pupils to isolate as one boy in that class bubble proved positive for the virus. Other outbreaks have come as certain events or venues open to the public like a working men's club on the border of Durham and Sunderland in the North East of England who held a charity event for three hundred people where twenty eight of those attending have proved positive for the virus. What this proves is that even with all the stringent safety protocols and cleaning regimes the virus is still spreading amongst the population and is been seen mostly in the age group seventeen to twenty five as more young people meet up with friends they may have not seen in month's especially students, but that doesn't mean it is only affecting that age group everyone should be abiding by protocols on masks and hand cleansing because it is still not known how this disease is transmitted and the government needs to do more.
On the back of this governmental cock up which effects peoples lives, Johnson has decided the time is right to shred the Brexit deal in to oblivion. Ministers are planning new legislation that would override a key part of last year's EU withdrawal agreement which could change the nature of new Northern Ireland customs arrangements which were intended to prevent the return of checks at the border with the Irish Republic. Downing Street has claimed this new legislation was a standby plan in case trade talks fail, but EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has accused the UK of wanting the "best of both worlds" on trade. The UK formally left the European council back in January, yet still abides by the rules set in Brussels during a transition period which will end in December. Discussions over a long-term trade agreement have continued and another round of talks which is the eighth begins on this week, aimed at securing a deal to allow companies in the EU and UK to trade without taxes or customs checks. The problem with Brexit is the people were hoodwinked by the leave campaign that stated it was as easy as flipping a switch to remove European control on certain matters when in fact how can throwing away decades of legislation influenced by the European trade and law be such an easy thing to do. For one we have operated within the rules set out by Euro MEP's for years and we have borrowed heavily against what is perceived as our money when it is in fact European money. We declined the offer of a single currency, we encouraged the dismantling of borders, we agreed to the export and import criteria and we agreed to accept a centralised law on certain civil rights. What we are seeing is that we now have to re-implement old out dated strategies where we find ourselves worse off returning us to post war Britain where outside investment and human rights were non existent under a floundering government. The concept of a free trade agreement will come with a great cost to the British public, not to mention the loans that will need to be repaid back at a steeper interest rate plunging the country into a much larger pit of economic recession while the rest of Europe thrives pretty much like the eighties and nineties where the country was on it's knees begging for outside investment selling off its national industries. Unfortunately we no longer have those industries to sell off and post Brexit and post pandemic this country will be classed as a third world nation rather than a first world international dominance all because people believed the money hungry politicians who told us the grass was greener on the other side of the non European wall. There is also the likelihood we will end up as one English nation rather than one United Kingdom of nations as the politicians fail to see the last of the commonwealth states of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland want to pull out and tear up the Union flag up casting the once proud nation in to oblivion along with our economic future. On that rather demoralising thought I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!