So on this cold Autumnal Thursday in the UK we look forward [not!] to a second wave lockdown all because the government screwed up back in February. While we face lockdown America faces protests over the undemocratic moron still running the country. On that let’s take a look at the shitstorms about to hit the fan.
Well America you got what you deserve, you can’t say you weren’t warned about the fascist overtones in Trump’s rhetoric as his team of lawyers go to war in the courts and his armed militia go to war on the streets in the last key battlefields of the 2020 election. Trump sent in the lawyers in to Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia to halt voting in the states he was likely to lose to stop them counting and also to keep voting in the states he was currently winning. How can one team of supposed legal genius’s use two different stances for the same argument that is just pure stupidity. Yet while the lawyers try to suppress voter rights by legal ‘BS’, Trump’s armed White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi supporters have took to the streets of Maricopa in Arizona wanting to storm the counting centre to stop the counting of legal ballots. On the other side of the coin Biden supporters in Pennsylvania formed a peaceful protest chanting ‘COUNT THE VOTES’. This is America at the moment, one presidential candidate is inciting violence with an inflammatory rhetoric, while his opponent is using a calming voice telling people to adhere to the rule of law and allow the democratic process to be finished peacefully without incident.
After months of campaigning and now entering day 2 of the counting process the presidential election is far from over. Pollsters are calling it a possible win for Biden, but don’t count Trump out yet because if this reaches the Supreme Court Trump has the bought judges on his side unless they get a conscience in the meantime. Biden’s team tweets out calming non aggressive calls for counting to continue while Trump sends out his normal acidic tone of tweets calling the states that turned against him frauds and cheats. The most interesting outcome is how many of Trump’s tweets are been censored by Twitter for disputed or misleading rhetoric, but the funniest one I have seen is Trump asking to see Biden’s Birth Certificate, what the hell is that all about? Also there are numerous tweets going viral depicting Trumps meltdown, one of a newscaster on the north lawn while Trumps in the Whitehouse throwing stuff out the window. Another bizarre occurrence was Giuliani’s press conference with one of Trump’s son’s, where he claimed Biden could have voted 50 or 5000 times and no one would know because Pennsylvania weren’t allowing unauthorised spectators in to oversee the count which is just ridiculous as designated pollsters have been there for the entire time of the counts. This has to be at least one of, if not the most ridiculous elections in the history of America.
In all seriousness, this year of 2020 has been one of upset, unnecessary deaths and it looks like for America it could still prove controversial due to the antics of its current president. It must be so enlightening for the enemies of America to watch a supposed democracy decay in to corruption and civil unrest taking away the headlines from them. What does dumbfound me is the states are classed with numbers of seats and how they are counted. After just over 140 million votes have now been counted, there is still no clear winner and trying to do the maths of likely scenarios I keep getting the answer that Trump could still win this hellish election if he gets his way and stops the count now. And I keep finding that I ask the same question over and over again, How can over 60 million Americans think Trump is the answer for their country when the rest of the world sees the unhinged moronic idiot that has let nearly quarter of a million people die from a virus he called a hoax of the Democratic party and the fake news outlets. If Trump succeeds then ‘GOD’ help the world as America hands over the nuclear football to a delusion imbecilic baby and wannabe ‘KING’.
On that I will skip back to dear old Blighty where we have our own ‘BIG BABY’ and ‘WANNABE KING’. So as we in England look set to enter lockdown for the second time this year what will be the outcome. Johnson promises this lockdown will help slow the spread of the virus and will only last till December 2nd, but we’ve heard that before! Johnson told us the virus would be gone in six months, yet here we are five days in to month nine of hell. Quite coincidental that there are nine levels of ‘DANTE’S INFERNO’ isn’t it, as 2020 is turning out to be the worst year on record in one hundred years. The last been in 1918 when the first cases of the ‘SPANISH FLU’ were diagnosed which is estimated to have killed over 17 million people worldwide. What does lockdown mean for people in England? The simplest answer is ‘STAY AT HOME’ and only essential workers or those unable to work from home should attend work. While non-essential shops, pubs, gym, social establishments and churches should close. In other words back to the lockdown protocols of the spring except schools will remain open unless infected. If you thought ‘BIG BROTHER’ would never happen rethink your thoughts because it is already here and has been for years, just hidden in the background. Welcome to a pseudo dictatorship!
The furlough scheme which was set to end last month looks like it could be extended to March 2021, but that again brings into question of why are some people worth more than the unemployed. The furlough scheme guarantees up to £2500 for some people, yet the unemployed are still classed as capable of surviving on less than £800 a month if a single person. Where is the justice in that? Just because some employed people live beyond their means why can’t the furlough be an equality for all scheme? For example, if that single person claiming £2500 in furlough payments was to be made redundant they would only qualify for the basic £800, so why is it different for a furloughed employee? Either they accept the miserly £800 Universal credit payment till they go back to work or the government ups the Universal Credit payment to match developing an equal payment of £1250 for everyone, whether unemployed or furloughed, is that not a more equitable compromise so every citizen receives equality from the biased government? This government deems the unemployed only worthy of an extra £20 per week on top of the ‘JOBSEEKERS ALLOANCE’ already paid while they are offering so much more to people who are lucky enough to have employment. This is just outrageous and totally unethical on the part of those so called people of the people designated by us the people to run our country. While we the impoverished suffer they live it up on their overpaid salaries and drive the nation in to economic oblivion leaving millions to suffer poverty and death at the hands of this pandemic they woefully and ineptly under estimated.
What I see is two countries been forced in to anarchy by the elected morons we believed could successfully do our bidding, but instead have stolen our freedom from us while cutting all our chances of the liberty we deserve. The leaders of our two nations have proven time and time again to be corrupt, inept and blatantly lie at every opportunity. Both the US and UK deserve better from our elected politicians, but we will only see that when we hold them accountable for their actions. I just hope America does just that by removing Trump and Pence, but they have failed already in one sense because Kentucky and South Carolina fell under the spell of their corrupt Senators again giving McConnell and Graham the right to keep on defying America their just rewards and corrupting the American forefathers dreams of a constitution where every man, woman and child is treated equally, no matter their creed, colour, religion or sexual orientation. Now America has given the Bible belt the ammunition to impose their ideologies upon the rest of society as they will more than likely push for abortion to be delegalized now they have their handmaiden on the Supreme Court bench to do their bidding. Good Luck America, you are going to need it, but while America may have a new president elect, we the people of Britain have 37 more months to endure the incompetence of our man in charge and we will need all the luck in the world to survive the predicted meltdown post Brexit after Johnson has singlehandedly scuppered any chance of a worthwhile deal with the EU. I am not religious or at least I am not a practicing Christian, but I will say ‘GOD SAVE US ALL FROM THE INCOMPETANT POLITICIANS AND THE BIAS OF SOME RELIGIOUS FACTIONS!’ On that note I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!