So another new week and the last day of November 2020, but nothing has changed because the pandemic is still kicking our butts while politicians keep scrambling to make us believe they are doing everything to correct this world predicament while screwing up big style. Let’s see what has happened over the weekend shall we?
Well America still goes about ignoring the fact they are dying by the thousands, just so they can keep their liberties and freedom as afforded them by the same constitution that allows the orange man to be paid to golf instead of serving the people. Trump spent yet another day on the golf course which he keeps stating is his weekly exercise regime while insisting he does work while swinging his clubs. What you see is a man lost amongst the rough metaphorically and literally because he still refuses to accept the voters choice that he is no longer wanted.
So while Trump miserably wanders the Virginia course, the rest of the US is entering into a precarious situation just before Christmas, according to the country's top advisor on COVID-19. Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned a travel-heavy ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday could make the current situation nationwide even worse and predicted “a surge superimposed on the surge we are already in”. Fauci Spoke NBC's Meet the Press programme stressing an importance of continuing to take precautions such as mask wearing and social distancing but emphasised that restrictions may be necessary to protect people over Christmas. Trump has continually played down the spread of the virus and has refused to take decisive action because he feared it would badly affect his re-election campaign, but that had a negative effect anyway as he clearly lost the election, but is still doing nothing about the pandemic. Instead he keeps pushing unsubstantiated lawsuits at the states he lost and keeps getting knock back after knock back as his incompetent law team tries to lie and bluff judges.
In his team’s latest attempt, a US federal appeals court has firmly rejected the Trump campaign's attempt to block President-elect Joe Biden from being declared winner in Pennsylvania. The panel of three judges deemed the case was without merit, saying the Trump campaign had not made specific allegations or provided proof. The ruling is another major setback for Trump in his attempts to overturn the November 3rd election result, whilst last Thursday he finally stated he would give way if Mr Biden was declared the winner, but on Friday he again made unfounded allegations of “massive voter fraud”, tweeting: “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous '80,000,000 votes' were not fraudulently or illegally obtained”. America your current president is clearly having a mental breakdown, because Biden doesn’t have to prove a thing. The point of a vote is for the people to choose and then for the states to count, recount and then certify the count, Biden doesn’t have a say in any of it. The emphasis is now on Trump to prove mismanagement or fraud which he is unable to do except stir up hatred on twitter, which should be getting censored as it is a clear provocation to incite mass unrest within the far right militia’s and gun nuts like the seventeen year old who shot and killed unarmed civilians.
And while Trump takes his frustration out on a little white ball, the new president-elect has released what his 'Press Team' will look like naming an all-female complement for the first time in US history as he transitions towards a more equality biased Whitehouse for the future. Biden has finally hit the ground limping as over the weekend he managed to fracture his foot while playing with his dog meaning he will be seen modelling the new style of presidential footwear in the form of a surgical boot whilst his foot heels, but I don’t suppose that will slow him down as he moves forward with his presidential future. All in all America needs to get some common sense, stop ignoring what is actually happening to them as a nation and remove Trump before he has a major meltdown committing extreme acts of sabotage from within the Whitehouse because as an outsider all I see is a country on the knife-edge of extremism, fascism and controlled by an unstable leader who could snap in a second.
On that note I will skip back to dear old Blighty to see what has happened over the weekend here. Well as we head towards the lockdown end date and new tiered restrictions in England, which is now only two days away, Johnson has stated that there is “every reason” to believe “the worst is nearly behind us” as he seeks to pacify and win round a 70-strong group of sceptical Tory MPs in an attempt to head off a backbench rebellion over Covid-19 curbs. On Tuesday the Commons will vote on the strengthened three-tier system, the prime minister wrote to the COVID Recovery Group (CRG) [whose members have been pushing for a cost-benefit analysis of the economic, health and social impact of the measures] to quell concerns. Yet dozens of Conservative MPs are still expected to abstain or vote against measures that would put nearly 99% of England’s population in the top two tiers this week, effectively banning households from mixing indoors whilst in tier 3 areas, forcing pubs and cafes to become takeaways. Over the weekend reports emerged that London only avoided being placed under tier 3 restrictions after Treasury figures suggested half a million jobs could be at risk. This decision which is hypocritical at best was advocated for by Michael Gove, yet another bloody southerner and once again proves London gets preferential treatment over the rest of the British Isles as it always has. I myself think parliament should be decentralised to a midway point in the country so as to give MP’s a better commutable position and take some of the London bias out of the equation when it comes to decision making because we have for too long been governed by the south when London is just a minuscule area of the country. Anyway that is a rant for another time.
What we are seeing is a government in freefall without a parachute to slow their perilous decent as the situation with COVID gets worse rather than better even though Johnson and his cabinet would have us believe otherwise. Even a study performed over the month long lockdown has only shown a third of a reduction in the amount of registered cases which is not what was expected. Questions need to be asked of how effective shutting down the country really is, or is it that people are simply not isolating properly, or are the rules been ignored as more people disagree with the government’s policies. No one can really say. What is been seen is a government at war with itself over inept and incompetent decision making by a leader who has no idea of how to govern a cabinet let alone govern a country. He is been shown up by the first ministers of the devolved cabinets in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for just how useless he really is. He has been in charge of his political party for just over a year and in charge of the country for less than a year of a four year term, and he has made a shambles of both as the people who he bribed and conned to back him are starting to regret their stupid decision.
All in all the British Isles is on the precipice of a very large drop with the pandemic, economy and Brexit swirling down the toilet of oblivion called the Tory government’s policy making at the forefront of the reason we as a country face such a dismal future without an horizon to aim for. We need change and we need it drastically without delay, so we can right our sinking ship, HMS United Kingdom before we go the way of the Titanic which was also thought indestructible.
As I sit here and read about what is going on in the world, I find it unsettling that a planet with so much technology and innovation can still be struck down by a disease which up to now has lasted uncontrolled for nearly eleven months in some areas, been the cause of over a million deaths worldwide and has brought economic brevity to countless nations, but still we see those in power doing nothing to counteract the circumstances we live under and instead profiteer off the suffering of the masses. Call me ignorant, but surely would it not be a better situation if the big conglomerates were made to payback more of their profits in to a society of equality and the billionaires who profit off the sweat and blood of the workers be made to live a capped threshold, for example, anyone earning say a hundred [which ever currency they use] an hour be made to pay half that back to the people. I know it’s a pipe dream that will never work, but we can dream! Anyway on that little bit of fantasy, I will call it a day,
Rant you tomorrow!
Back Wednesday.