Sunday, 19 April 2020


Good morning Sunday, how are we today. Well let's see shall we.

In America Trump is supporting the crowd gathering and protesting going on in some states calling them responsible. It's okay for him locked up in his ivory tower, but for the thousands that could be getting infected it's the height of stupidity, Shame on you POTUS (Prick of the United States). New York State Governor Mr Cuomo hit back at Trump accusing him of washing his hands and claiming his job is done, which is untrue as I see it until he leaves the house of the people his job is never done. Trump has also claimed his reopening of the country plan is underway and some states (those that like Trump) are starting to implement the opening as soon as tomorrow which is highly dangerous with very few tests being carried out. I will keep saying it the mentality in America baffles me.

Back in Blighty, their are claims that Johnson's government dropped the ball and lost a crucial time period of five weeks when they could have lessened the impact of the coronavirus during February which is just criminal and maybe they should be charged with manslaughter of thousands. With Johnson's health once again making the news Michael Gove took to the media to outline the plans for when they relax the lockdown, but was talking like his voice-box and brain were disjointed stumbling unprofessionally through his statement, If this is the type of leadership we have, I fear for us all. Also a whistle blower has come forward with the distressing news regarding death's of the elderly (whether in care or living in the community) with claims GP's aren't even checking the cause of death for some, just recording them as old age, dementia or Alzheimer's instead of coronavirus without even visiting their patient, if this is true then GP's should be held accountable for false reporting.

That's all from me.

Rant you tomorrow!