Monday, 3 August 2020


Clear blue skies, nice waking shower and I'm ready to troll the shit we call our existence at this moment in time. So let's see what there is out there to rant about.

So in America where thousand still die of COVID-19, the mismanaged reelection of Trump roles on, protests still happen in major cities even though the news is no longer covering it and now there's hurricanes hitting both Texas and Florida forcing people in to shelters while nearly eight thousand Californian residents are been told to leave their homes due to raging wildfires east of Los Angeles meaning now more than ever there needs to be more emphasis placed on safeguarding as these natural disasters put more lives at risk from the virus and instead of Trump dealing with these multiple on going national issues, what does he spend his weekend doing? He sits down with Microsoft's CEO and talks about the buy out of Tik Tok. So it's now okay for the tiktok app to be used in America if it's US owned, which means instead of the Chinese spying on US citizens using the app it will be the CIA, NSA and any other three lettered government bodies that Trump authorises to spy on his own people, because you can't tell me it doesn't happen, that big tech in America don't build in software back doors for the intelligence community to spy on it's citizens. Come on America there is less than three months till election day and you are seeing what type of inept and corrupt president is day after day, take the bull by the horns and oust this parasite and his inept family from the halls of government. Don't let him reside there in January next year or your country will suffer even more under an administration that openly launders money in to family pockets, makes health care decisions on whether the state is a red or blue state, openly supports a totalitarian regime structure coupled with racial profiling and is led by a person who has had many failed businesses, but still lives the life of a billionaire even though financially he hasn't got a pot to piss in.

On that I'm done with the US for today and need to rant about the other dictator in power over dear old Blighty. So as England sees increases in the spread of the virus and the re-implementation of lockdown in certain areas, Johnson's great idea is to force all over fifties in to house arrest. This is the possibility that Boris Johnson and his closest aides have been considering that Brits aged between 50 and 70 should be given personalised risk ratings in a move that would add to the 2.2 million people who shielded during the Spring peak. As the country suffers and the leaders prosper, a war games meeting was held on Wednesday last week which had senior officials discussing with the Prime Minister different options in different scenarios if the virus spirals out of control again, this included the possibility of tailored personalised advice to those aged between 50 and 70 with a letter in September or October before it gets cold. So as a single person just over fifty with no family to aid me the government now considers me a risk. As one scientist stated that at the moment, shielding is binary, you’re either on this list or off it, but they know there isn’t a simple cut-off at age 70 and people would get a personalised risk assessments as the risk appears to rises after 50, quite gently to start with, and then accelerates after age 70. 

Well as someone who has lived most of the last ten years in a form of lockdown while devoting over seven years of my life to caring for a father who suffered with dementia and the last year looking for employment unable to afford to do anything, I won't find it hard to be house bound, but what I do disagree with is the government targeting my age group who quite effectively obey the rules of lockdown and the social distancing protocols while the young who can become carriers for the virus swan around ignoring the rules. On the odd occasions I have ventured out I see young adults and teenagers openly ignoring the protocols by not socially distancing or wearing masks, so why doesn't the government implement some kind of ASBO style punishment on the parents of those youngsters who flaunt the protocols and congregate in groups instead of sentencing the over fifties to house arrest. 

As for Johnson's whimsical idea of 'MAKE BRITAIN THIN' that is just unattainable. Time and time again, governments try to force their will on the people, but this latest drive in the middle of economic recession is going to fail because they have devised a weight loss promise that they cannot deliver, and will harm more than it helps. As for Johnson, his campaign is uniquely unsuited to the conditions of the day due to the fact that the Tory party has created after years of officious, mindless austerity a country unable to afford his plan, then include the challenges caused by Covid-19 and Brexit and it is less likely that people can be healthier in Johnson’s Britain than under any other postwar prime minister. If Johnson and his cabinet want people to live and eat according to their ideals, people need time, money and space to do so, which will never happen as these three areas of public life have been relentlessly encroached upon under Cameron, May and Johnson's leadership. We have become a country, where more green belt spaces have been sold off for development, with parks and recreational grounds that we still do have are drastically under funded each year up and down the country making it difficult for us, as a population to find places to exercise in. The Tories were always known for selling off nationalised industry, but have also sold off more land since the seventies which isn't likely to slow down anytime soon as they keep looking for ways to make a quick corruptible profit. As for the countries eating habits how do they expect the call to buy more fresh ingredients, spend longer in the kitchen or find time for exercise will got down when modern households are tireder and poorer with less leeway than ever before to implement the plan. Over the last decade the focus on productivity output has moved away from the professional to the personal especially in the last few months since the advent of Covid-19 with the expectation of those in power that you make use of whatever time you have to yourself to live a so-called “better” life on less. All this will do is cause more anger towards those in power or increase depression caused by the feelings of self-blame, frustration and unhappiness, without making the slightest dent on public health. Again I speak from experience, firstly I am a person who has struggled with and failed to overcome obesity since childhood trying countless ways to achieve the medical professionals ideal weight to height ratio. Secondly when I did have the finances to help combat my weight gain, I never had the time or the energy to exercise and quick frozen ready meals were my answer to not spending hours in the kitchen preparing food. Lastly now that I have the time, I don't have the finances to join a gym or go to the pool and as stated in an earlier rants I know walking can help physically and emotionally, but my body and mind aren't at a balance where I can do that as I ache in the joints after ten minutes walking and my body dismorphia means I would rather hide away than be seen. So again the idea on paper of the nation getting more healthy is good, but realistically under the current restraints on finances, governmental protocols on mask and distancing along with likelihood of over fifties made to shield I can't see how Johnson's plan can really work. On that I will call it a day.

Rant you tomorrow!