Friday, 17 April 2020


Okay so it's a slow news day, but we will try to find something to rant about.

So Trump rolls out his plan to reopen his country even with it still being the number one country for virus outbreaks, but what he wants comes first. He has said that the governors of each state will decide with the help of the federal government which means do as I say or else. That even extends to his family as Ivanka is criticised for taking a personal trip from Washington DC to one of their golf courses in New Jersey with her family to celebrate Passover, while the rest of the country is advised not to travel. Just goes to show you there's still one rule for the Trumps and one for everyone else, it's really overdue that America sees them for what they are money grabbing narcissistic freeloaders and we will just have to wait to see the bill for that little trip that will go straight back into the Trump reserve as her security detail would have been billed over the top for rooms, etc.

Meanwhile back in blighty Johnson is looking into ways to thank Captain Tom Moore for his efforts to help raise funds for NHS charities which currently stands at over seventeen million pounds. What a F****** shit storm, there's nothing to think about he deserves a national party at Buckingham palace for his one hundredth birthday and a Knighthood, not just for his fundraising, but for his service during the second world war. Pull your finger out Johnson and do something right for once in your miserable life. In other news care home staff are finally been heard about the lack of PPE available to carers throughout the caring industry which is still inadequate. One last thing this regular clapping spree for NHS workers is getting out of hand. Yes applaud there efforts, but stop congregating in groups ignoring social distancing like what was witnessed on London bridge last night. Your just going to make things worse for the overworked NHS staff when you contract the virus celebrating their work. How F****** stupid can people get.

So today's happier note is about Sunderland pensioner ninety year old Margaret Payne, who has vowed to climb the stairs in her home two hundred and eighty two times for NHS charities which will be the equivalent height of the Highland's mountain, Suilven after getting inspiration from watching Captain Moore. The war time generation is showing the following generations up and how things should be done. Good luck to Margaret.

Rant you tomorrow!